Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
I'll be honest here. The majority of these arguments for subs, I just can't help but imagine them in the most nasally voice possible. Especially the ones that make it very obvious that the poster hasn't bothered to check out dubs in years. XD
I'll go with both. I like English dubs that are not from Anime Works or damn near all hentai (exception: Sprite).

After looking at a series with the Japanese dubs, I have high standards for English dubs. Sadly, FUNimation and Viz seem to deliver atm, though Sentai will improve over time. To be honest, not every series that comes out needs a dub for R1 releases. I'll gladly take quality subs.
The vast majority of anime I watch are subbed. Just a few exceptions like dbz, just because I grew up watching it on cartoon network and it feels odd otherwise. I do find it funny when I watch something else dubbed and I notice, "Hey! That's Piccolo's voice! What's it doing in FMA?" But I guess that's pretty common, what with the shortage of english-speakers with a voice and all.
exciter33 wrote...
I usually do subs, just because I've heard more bad dubs than good ones, and I like to see how much Japanese I can pick up on.
But I don't mind dubs on Cowboy Bebop, I've never done subs on Studio Ghibli films. Yeah, Studio Ghibli. Even Kiki's Delivery Service. Problem?

I agree, I've heard more bad dubs then good one. Btw Cowboy Bebop's dub is awesome.
Subs are of course are in original Japanese like they were made, but not all dubs are bad. Most of them are actually very well cast as far as the English voice actors go.
Just like the others... sub an dbz dub :)
I go for subs... I really prefer hearing my favorite Japanese voice actors/actresses. Even in pokemon... I was drawn to the subs. There are exceptions like Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X.
subs unless its a straight out comedy hentai or anime, then, sometimes dubs, because som dubs are so bad that it adds to the humor
I don't really like subs in particular because i'm focusing on the animations. I only watch subs when the dubbed versions voice actors are too annoying(which is like all the time lol).
Subs, better quality voice actors and the fact that you don't even notice the same voice actor from the animes you watch :D Example: TTGL Simon is Natsu, did not notice it until I listened and thought about it... also he plays as Jin Kisaragi in BlazBlue who f'in knew, I sure didn't expect that...
I have to go with both. Dubs are typically fine with me. But sometimes dubs plain suck, or the voices are terrible, in which case I go with subbed. Plus, my favorite anime genre will probably never see the light of dubbing so I have to watch subs. And to top it all off, my favorite series are all subbed.
Mostly subs because I got really comfortable with it,heck I even learned understanding Japanese a little while listening to Jap Dubs with subs.
Subs until I die. Dubs just don't sound right... and when they do sound right the english language murders the rightness of the voice... T_T

On a side note DBZ is much better as an abridged series... especially TeamFourStar's abridged series XD
without question subbed....... a dubbed work pisses me off more than rage quitters on black ops
If I have a choice I'll watch the sub but I'll watch the dub if its on the TV.
Seems like to me that those who are more into anime, manga, and the whole japanese culture thing are usually the hardcore sub fans. I personally prefer subs for the most part, for two main reasons: 1. sometimes it's just more authentic and sounds better in japanese (even though you don't understand what they're saying, it's just cooler in another language!), and 2: many times, subs come out with funny to hilarious translations. Basically literal translations, but you know it would have been worded differently had it been a dub. Priceless moments..

At times I do prefer dubs though, because subs sometimes ruin the experience. Dragon Ball Z Kai was a perfect example of this. I loved the funny translations that would come out in subs, but I thought the voice casting was ridiculous (Goku sounded like a little 10 year old girl) in the subs.
greggrey wrote...
in hentai i for one cant stand dubs i mean damn do we ever suck at voice overs leave it to the professionals and let it be spoken the way it was ment to be

but anime i kinda flip flop from time to time like DBZ is way better in english cuz of that epic KA MAY HA MAY HA just sounds so beast but then you get some shit like naruto where they just ruin it and you go back to jap

I feel the same way. Though, in general, I tend to prefer subs over dubs. Most of the time, when I watch dubbed, it's because I grew up with the anime in English so watching it in Japanese just doesn't feel right. But for a lot of them that I am just now watching, I first watch them in Japanese and continue watching them that way.
99% of the time, I watch subs. But there are some shows that you just enjoy more dubbed. Detective Conan (Case closed or what ever you call it) is a good example. I can't stand watching that show subbed. It annoys the hell out of me.
But then there are other shows that are the exact opposite. (Naruto)
It really depends on the series. If it's primary focus is action like Needless, Bleach, or FMA I would have to say dubs. If it's more about comedy or drama like Haruhi, K-ON, or Monster then subs are better.
For me, it's usually based on availability. If I have a choice, I usually go dub. If there are words on the screen, I tend to focus solely on them instead of, you know, watching the anime.

Still, if a dub is just TOO unbearable, I'll go running back to subs.

Simply put, Dub > Sub for the most part.
Monster Girl
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