Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Do you read/watch hentai for the art or for the plot?

Total Votes : 5,089
Darqside wrote...
Since when did Hentai ever HAVE a good plot? :) Hence the term "Hentai Logic".

You'd be surprised...
For both. Hentai with good art AND plot = best hentai.
some hentai have an amazing plot...... like that one which i don't know the name of but there's this guy who can see the number of times someone has climaxed in the form of a number above their head.... yeah, but art really does matter, the girl being fucked has to be cute..... or else it's not worth fapping to
oh, can someone plz tell me if they know the name of that hentai manga?
Art. I accept that most porn plots are going to be cliche as hell, so I don't mind. But if the art isn't to my taste I'm going to read or watch something else.
i prefer the "plot".there are mangas that ae good in illustrations,however.if the story is not that interesting.*same 'ol same type.then the manga itself would be a turn-off,especially for first time readers.
[font=Verdana]In all seriousness, there are only a few hentai which has a decent plot. I can tolerate reading or watching a hentai material with a bad plot, but with a very good(erotic) art. NTR hentai manga for example. Most of the users here rage whenever they see the netorare tag due to whatever reason that is, but in my case, I only read it for the hentai scenes, so the art really matters for me. Though, I still prefer a hentai which has both a good art and decent plot.[/font]
It's the art that interests me, AT THE FIRST IMPRESSION
but then the story comes
great art + great plot make a great hentai
but great art with no plot make a good hentai :D
Art opens the door but story keeps me reading.
Hentai is a form of pornography which is ,to my understanding, supposed to cause sexual arousal by being visually stimulating.

I understand that plot plays a huge role in stories but this is hentai we're talking about. There are some hentais out there which actually have a decent balance of plot and art but nowadays I doubt the producers/artists want to spend time developing the plot when most people often just skip to the sex scenes.

I'm not saying plot isn't important and I admit that it does add to the overall enjoyment of watching/reading hentai instead of just mindless sex but if it doesn't look good, chances are it won't sell.

Honestly, who would get off to bad looking porn? Are there really people that sexually frustrated that even pixels/blurs can get them going?
Bad plot or art can both ruin things, but I think that when art is really terrible you can't enjoy even the most compelling story, for example in a few cases the art was so confused you wouldn't even understand what's happening.
I would have to agree with Nikon. The manga where they just all started fucking are no good for me. Give me some context, because no one just starts fucking without some pretense.
dang it took me a good five minutes to decide but i had to go with plot most of my favorites have good art but have great plot, i need a story behind what im reading so i can get into it.
My best line for getting out of trouble when somebody finds my hentai's eg: Mom, GF, bestfriends and sister's friend is "Its for the ART". Oh! Yeah!! Back in H-S Mom find my porno's inside my folder on the shelf of our library -_-; I got sermon!! That's when I found myself a M...
I would say both but I lean more toward the art (kinda hard to take a drama seriously if char make funny/uncanny faces). I do enjoy a good plot so I welcome them just as much as I do with the art.
Its really a balance, they both can be meaningless when the other spoils them. I like reading erotic literature and like looking at porn pictures. I feel the best written erotic story can beat the best art when it comes to all aspects of the both mediums. But when it just comes down to spanking the monkey, Good art wins.
Most men are visual. IRL if we see an attractive lady it normally gets our attention.

The same goes with hentai. Good art first gets our attention to get us to read the story. Think back to when most hentai was written in Japanese and not translated. You could still imagine what the story was or create your own story to fit the art. Therefore I vote Art.

Where plot is really needed is in a series as one-shots can be popular with good art and little plot while a series generally needs a good plot to keep the readers coming back.
plot .... but ( tony stark) is it to much to ask for Both
We all know that the art is important when we talk about hentai, but no matter how good the art is, it wont get me reading/watching if the story isnt good enough. Ive actually started reading hentai and stopped half-way through because the story was just too boring.
there should be another option for "Both"
hentai manga for plot
hentai anime for art
Well, I have to say that ART is what gets me interested, but then if it turns to be boring as hell, I stop watching/reading it. It has to have a little of both to be appealing to me.