Do you watch anime weekly or all at once?

Do you watch anime weekly or all at once?

Total Votes : 3,523
Speaking of Attack on Titan...
ahhh i do both. so i have a constant supply of anime and new anime
All at once, because it's a lot easier for me to sit here and watch it all than it is to remember to look out for the new episode each week.
I have to catch the latest Ore No Imouto ga Kanna ni kawaii wake ga nai every saturday at 12:30. Crunchyroll simulcast is amazing.
All at once. Only a very few Animes have I watched as they were released, and most of those were just ones that I edited or the group I was in at the time had released.
i watch it all in One Run when i'm bored...
I watch anime weekly. I always have and always well.
Naruto or One Piece weekly but others when i can in one go.
Very often , unless i find the story intriguing i'll just download them and watch them all in a single seating.
I hate when you add additional opinions to the poll questions. Ex: Just because I prefer to watch anime all at once doesn't mean I hate waiting for weekly episodes. So now I can't check either answer because each has an opinion I don't agree with. You shouldn't just assume how people feel about things. How about you just keep things simple. Just Weekly or All at Once. Stop adding that stupid shit to the end of each choice, it prevents me from participating in the pole. Oh and just because I curse doesn't mean I'm being hostile, I can already see people assuming this and giving me bad rep.
Ehh usually depends most of the time i watch them weekly but on some cases i'm like this is going to be one ill stop and come back to watch when its done.
I watch it weekly, There's this suspense going when you wake up in every morning that you know today is another day where another episode of you favorite anime just got released.
Weekly, that way I can discuss it with others and not have any spoilers about it. Even if I have to wait to watch it weekly, there are multiple animes to watch to keep you occupied.
Neither. I watch my japanese weeb cartoon when I got some time to spare.
See, I do wait on most of the animes I watch because I hate hitting episode walls, BUT Attack on Titan had full grip on my attention when I first started so I dont wanna wait until its over now so I watch this weekly. Same with Oreimo Season 2. But I do usually wait for animes that just came up to pile on episodes or finish before I start. I just watch other animes on my list while I wait.
Neither. I watch my anime daily. 3 anime 1 ep on average a day. I hate rushing my anime, but I hate being limited to once a week.
Weekly since I have nothing to do all day long ;_;
Well I guess that's what I get for being a NEET and Hikikomori
Unless it's something that I'm really excited about, I usually just wait until the whole thing is over.
I usually watch weekly but sometimes I don't watch a new anime until around 4 to 5 episodes are out so I can then judge whether I want to continue or not.
I just do whatever I feel.
That usually ends up with about a quarter of the anime shows being put on hold until the episodes are all out, another quarter being watched weekly and the next quarter being put on hold every few weeks then I watch them in three-four episode bursts, then the last quarter is stuff I either drop or don't watch.