glasses, who wears them?

Do you wear glasses?

Total Votes : 142
Damoz ~Not A User~
I am supposed to but i hate them with a passion. plus my movement perception is absurdly good to i do fine enough. only wear them when i am driving though.
Yeah I wear glasses all the time, mostly because my right eye is blinder than my left. Been wearing them since I was 2.
Don't wear the glasses. It's just...great...
At all times

this includes when i sleep
Djsem@D2Jsp wrote...
At all times

this includes when i sleep

It was implied that you take them off for things like sleep, showers, rough sex and fights. Not only those, but you get the idea... Dick... Although you were the first to point that out so kudos for noticing.
Hanasaku i should just die
I wear glasses all the time. I like my glasses.

I think glasses give a person more personality.
or more personification.
Yukito-kun wrote...
Djsem@D2Jsp wrote...
At all times

this includes when i sleep

It was implied that you take them off for things like sleep, showers, rough sex and fights. Not only those, but you get the idea... Dick... Although you were the first to point that out so kudos for noticing.

no im serious

i wear them when i sleep because i always fall asleep with them

i dont shower with them though ^^
I don't like to wear my glasses when I'm on pc, my head will get dizzy.
I have to wear glasses all the time and I can tell my eyesight is getting worse I want to get surgery for it eventually.
The world is a whole new terrible place without my glasses, so I wear them all the time.
Gotta have my specs on my at all times. I've had them for so long, I can't imagine myself without them, but I doubt I'd be able to see myself anyway if I didn't have them on.
I wear glasses all the time. I need them for my eye sight, without them, I can't see out of my Left eye. I am legally blind in one eye without them. ^^;; I have two sets of glasses, one for reading, comp etc. and the other for sport and any movement activities.

Plus I don't mind the look of them, I mean when your glasses have the words "Fakku!" and "Hentai" on them I don't think I would care, even thou they are word inscriptions on the side I paid for; I love the glasses, also the company who made my glasses is called "Fcuk" also known as French connections, a company that used to make cologne.
I used to but i don´t need them anymore =D
I wear glasses all the time. My eyesight isn't the best.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I have worn glasses for so long that I actually have indentions on the sides of my head
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Yukito-kun wrote...
Is it odd that I wear glasses and have a megane fetish? Any other bespectacled megane fans?

No, it's not odd, because I'm the same.
I wear mine all the time. Kinda natural after so long. I have indents on my head, and I'm a megane fan. To speak of those above me.
I wear glasses as a fashion statement.
I wear my glasses all the time since I can't really anything clearly pass my out stretched hand. But I think my glasses make me look cute and I feel weird and blind without them.
I wear glasses full time. I can still manage playing sports without glasses, but just barely. I've been wearing them full time for decades now. I hate them though and they still annoy me to this day. I plan on eventually getting laser eye surgery so I won't need glasses any longer.

Funny thing is though, I love women who wear glasses. Even though they annoy me to hell and back on myself, I find them so cute on women. I even think a mediocre looking woman can look incredibly sexy with the right pair of glasses.
Monster Girl
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