glasses, who wears them?

Do you wear glasses?

Total Votes : 142
I don't but i think i might need them. I remember a couple of months ago i tried on my friends glasses and i saw everything much better. My eye sight is good but those glasses made everything so much better. I saw everything much sharper and bigger.
Used to wear them, my left eye is horribly lazy and has since been pretty much shut down by my brain... I don't wear glasses, stopped wearing them in grade 4 due to getting bullied from it. Hated them, grew up with having my left eye only for peripheral vision.

So again, used to.. don't any more. I get the feeling I will be needing them once again, as i feel my right eye is becoming lazy/ sun damaged... I have trouble reading text on the screen late at night.. could just be from overuse >.>
All the time.
Glasses all the time.

Both IRL and in 2D. XD
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I don't. But my family who are directly blood related have a history of wearing them. I must be one of the only ones who don't.
I never needed glasses until I made it to grade 10. I got told by the optometrist that I must wear them when I am reading, writing, playing video games, driving, and watching tv.

I wear them 60-70% of the time.
littleRED wrote...
L: -3.25
R: -3.5

Constant and got even better since I was 16 and started wearing contacts. Still enjoy wearing glasses, so you can see me far more often wearing glasses than not.

They have gotten better? I've never heard of that, just that they get worse with time. Mine get a little worse every year I go in for my check-up.
Aki-chan wrote...
littleRED wrote...
L: -3.25
R: -3.5

Constant and got even better since I was 16 and started wearing contacts. Still enjoy wearing glasses, so you can see me far more often wearing glasses than not.

They have gotten better? I've never heard of that, just that they get worse with time. Mine get a little worse every year I go in for my check-up.

Yepp, I had -3.5 on the left and -3.7 on the right. I started wearing contacts and first the growth stopped. Then the sight got slightly better and finally stopped at my current stats 8 years ago.
I didn't have to change my last glasses for 7 years and changed them only a year ago, because they broke. LOL.
I wear it only when I need to see far distance :D, something like -1 on both eyes and cylinder on left eye

I used to have a perfect eye sight during my highschool time, then I took an arrow.............. oh waitt
I don't wear them. I remember when I was younger I really wanted to have to wear them even though I didn't need them. Not sure why.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Aki-chan wrote...
littleRED wrote...
L: -3.25
R: -3.5

Constant and got even better since I was 16 and started wearing contacts. Still enjoy wearing glasses, so you can see me far more often wearing glasses than not.

They have gotten better? I've never heard of that, just that they get worse with time. Mine get a little worse every year I go in for my check-up.

Technically, they CAN. At least, that's what happened to me, supposedly. I just make sure I wear my glasses almost all the time, don't stress my eyes too much, and get lots of vitamin A. =w=
I have glasses. Had them since first grade or so.
I'm pretty blind haha.
I wear them sometimes, but they aren't prescription. I use them for fashion purposes, though honestly I kind of do need actual glasses. ^^; I've needed them for awhile, but I've been lazy about it and keep putting it off.
I have been wearing them ever since freshman year of High School.
I have horrible, terrible vision... so thus, I always wear my glasses. Not a fan of contacts at all.
Terrible eyes. I wear glasses when I wake up and before I go to bed, contacts the rest of the time. Although my glasses are a good 11 years old or so, so they don't help much as they could now since my eyes have gotten worse.
I wear glasses for 13 years, I ve HORRIBLE eyesight,if I d go somewhere without glasses (even when I ve to go to the bathroom, which is right next to my room) (。♂‹à¸º†¸♂‹à¸ºï½¡) I d be watching Fakku from heavens
I wear contacts normally, but I wear my glasses when Im too lazy to put on my contacts or my eyes are feeling a tad sensitive...

I dont like to go out with my glasses in public though. I have ugly glasses (Im too poor to afford better, and glasses are expensive) D:
Higufuuindo The Enlightened
Yes, I wear them all the time.

R: -1.75
L: -2.25

I could use contacts, but I think I look good with my Hugo Boss glasses. And they hide my eye circles.
While I have been using eyeglasses for around 18 years now, I haven't gone in for a check up in awhile.I do remember however that the strength of my glasses's magnification being around 550.Sadly enough that's actually a gigantic decrease from what it used to be.
Monster Girl
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