If you had a million dollars...

Pay off my debits. Then move to Belize.
buy me new naruto game, always well done, well done.
can buy a new house, naw i don see my house out there =P
proistiut buying all the time, free pussies for the licker~ mmm~
I can't make my Caligula dream house with only 1 million
Assuming the $1m is post-taxes... (Note: $1m isn't enough to retire on, I'd still need to work.)

Debt free = 40k
Purchase house = ~200k; includes no-shit-for-real-cash-on-the-barrelhead discount
House renovations = ~60k
Pay off selected debts for family and selected friends = ~100k
BankDirect account = funded to 50k; earns 60k American Airlines miles/year

Recreate fighting robot workshop with *much* better tools & machines = ~50k
Stocking parts & supplies for fighting robot workshop = 10-15k

Trip to Antarctica = 50-60k

Recruit & transport team to major convention to cosplay all the named, recurring characters from Space Battleship Yamato = ~50k
Costuming for SBY team = ~30k

Establish continuing fund for scanlation of wrongfully overlooked manga/hentai = 10k/annually

Remainder in assorted CDs and other instruments.
Archon1995 wrote...

Establish continuing fund for scanlation of wrongfully overlooked manga/hentai

May that also include various loli-con stories that were unfortunately banned by Fakku's ad providers? Including the missing chapter of Pipiruma, whcih was extremely loli.
Oh and by the way, I enjoy loli for the story. Not really for the sex.
SneeakyAsian wrote...
May that also include various loli-con stories that were unfortunately banned by Fakku's ad providers?

Not on my dime. But it might free up others to support it on their own.
Go to japan, build a old day elite japanese house with a sakura tree, large field and pond like Chitanda Eru's house, a car, a bike, invest on a unbeatable food chain on japan, buy lots of VN, Manga, stalk on manga artist, many more. That was I thought when I was young. Now I am comfortable sleeping under the manga table and unable to go out when deadline is on highwire and I am unable to play marathon VN now... :( Still testing beta.. JP server going down today.
I'd buy the best electronics there is. All the video games I want, miscellaneous personal stuff and put the rest to my education. Oh and a nice car of course.
Archon1995 wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
May that also include various loli-con stories that were unfortunately banned by Fakku's ad providers?

Not on my dime. But it might free up others to support it on their own.

Thats good for me
Forum Image: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makguvDV5K1qbvovho1_500.gif#anime%2520%2520thumbs%2520up%2520%2520gif%2520500x382
If I had a million dollars... I wouldn't have to eat kraft dinner... but I would eat kraft dinner, I'd just eat more.

Reference>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXdFTh1yX2c
Mmmm!! if its realistically speaking then

- Stock investment for (500K)

- Charity Donation of my Choosing (50k divided amongst them if I choose more than 1)

- Start a small business (100k)

- Put (350k) to Bank and lead a normal life.

Additional Note

As long as I have my computer, my games, a small house in which I can pay my bills easily and items that isn't expensive but still very useful to me then I don't even need a million dollars/pounds.
-First I'd buy a shit load of stupid crap that I've always wanted
-I'd definitely give a huge load of it to my parents
-I'd buy more stupid shit
-I'd buy a nice car
-Move out, and get a nice place
-A lot of dogs
-A lot of cats
-So much food, man. I will gain like 251436 pounds
-buy nice exercise shit so I lose 251436 pounds

HAH Yeah I'll keep dreaming
- If i had that kind of money, i rather use it to save peoples lives~
- Food
- Screw cars, i like bikes~
- Building my own gaming and working pc
- My own restaurant~
Probably get some kind of cosmetic surgery to make it easier to lose weight (or just get liposuction and lap band) Then whatever was left over would probably go to hookers and blow anime figures.
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Forum Image: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/2cb4747b60e658ac93c95d3124cf5018.jpg
Straight up and simple, if you had a million dollars, what would you do? Try to refrain from the "invest in stocks or bonds to get more money" kinds of answers please, though starting companies is fine, but explain what.
Get creative people!

Edit:In the face of many answering with the vague answer of investment like this:
suki888 wrote...
find some investment for my money

Lets actually explain what kind of invesment/business we're dealing with..

I think stocks are good
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I would fund a trip around the world to try as much cuisine as possible. Once I've tried everything or if I run out of money, I'd kill myself.
Aura-Desu Beautiful and Twisted~
I would live the same as I do now, maybe buy a fancy car or something, and find a easier job I barely have to try at, and then splurge on games and live relaxed for many years.

(would also go to school first and get all the knowledge I wanted and maybe visit a few countries, but limit how much I will spend in them)
I'd buy some weed and then a couple of games. And maybe quit my job.
First: Buy a moderately inexpensive sports car
Second: Buy land
Third: Pay builders to build me my dream home
Fourth: Pay to get my books published and hopefully get my writing career to take off
Fifth: Save whatever is left
Apparently Chinese stocks are doing pretty well
Monster Girl
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