If you had a million dollars...

Room101 wrote...
Buy myself the best PC Master race computer. Top of the line, and all that.

I personally think you'd have to have it custom built or build it yourself to do that. A good tower can get PRETTY huge
I'd spend as much of the million dollars as i needed to and take as much time as i needed to make anime real. (a guy can dream cant he)
Believe it or not I was fortunate enough to be given/have access to more than million dollar at birth. To be honest, nothing much there to do. I feel like a million dollar is not enough money to do anything crazy or extraordinary. Going back to the question though, I am just going to donate it to someone who is in a dire need of money.
A million dollars? Eh, to be honest I have no real goals in life so I would just leave it in the bank. Probably buy video games and otaku shit every now and then.
I would buy Japan
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I'd give a million people a dollar because I'm generous. Well, not really when you consider it's only 1 dollar but that isn't the point...
-MC- wrote...
A million dollars? Eh, to be honest I have no real goals in life so I would just leave it in the bank. Probably buy video games and otaku shit every now and then.
Make a suit entirely out of $1 dollar bills. And use quarters as buttons.
either start my own business or but a few houses and rent them out
After i get all my Manga, anime, and figures? INVEST!
Invest, the airline and pharmaceutical/bio habitation markets are going to go up soon. Probably also give a portion to help my parents out, I owe a lot to them.
I'd pay of my car, buy a small place, fill it with all the best electronics and live a hermits life.
Pay off my tax debt and move to Belize.
DatYuriThough wrote...
I'd give a million people a dollar because I'm generous. Well, not really when you consider it's only 1 dollar but that isn't the point...

Your really generous :D
Use a portion to buy of debts and maybe a few new things then use the rest for investment purposes. A million dollars really isn't much money anymore.
I am actually saving up money to start a rollerblading rink in Malaysia, I just need to save another 50K and the loan will take care of the rest. One million $ is more than enough to start one.

A good and well located roller-rink can earn up to RM200 an hour roughly. After I set the rollerblading rink, have roughly a 20-40K salary, 15K in maintenance, electricity, food, water and entertainment. My leftover funds would be around 5-25K. I would probably take around 10 years to settle whatever business and housing loans if all goes well.

I will save whatever I have left in the bank or maybe invest a bit in some properties around my area.
Buy a home in a rural zone. Travel once or twice a year to a foreign country. Think of a business to make some profit.
I'd buy the apartment building i am currently living in. (worth around 100K)
Renovate it and join the apartments together so it becomes a proper house.
Install AC in all apartments... It's Hot today damn it!
And run fiber internet to all the relevant rooms. (Now we've reached 200k)
Get a nice Mk2 jaguar XJ and id probably rebuild the engine and driveline for a bit more oomph. And i'd definately get myself a nice E63 amg wagon as a daily. (350k)
Split the rest and invest half in various companies/stock trading
And have the last 50% in my bank account as spending money.

[size=10]I'd also buy many of the toys at bad dragon[/h]
Would travel around the world like 4 times in a row, spend like a month per country!
Well, I live in the Philippines so if the exchange rate right now is PHP 45.00 per dollar then that 45 million PHP for me to spend. Then I'd do the following:

Buy new house and lot.
Have my folk's house be built again from scratch.
Engage on a business.
Save some of the money in the bank.
Give some money to relatives.
Fix late grandma's house since it's literally falling apart.
Donate remaining money to typhoon Yolanda victims, reapir schools and all the important structures that needs to be fixed.

Oh, and expand my anime collection as a consolation prize.

Monster Girl
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