If you had a million dollars...

Put some into savings.
Would buy a nice house for my family, pay off any debt they have, and whatever else they wanted as long as it isn't too crazy.
Go on a trip somewhere like Japan or Europe with my bf.
Use 1/4 to establish what you need and want, the rest will be save, invested or for business and any fruits from the these projects will be used for future needs and wants. In a nutshell make sure you don't go back to what you were before you had a million dollars lol;
Dee::Arc wrote...
Ninja4Hire wrote...
Off Topic:
Warning, this is longer than my actual post.
Honestly, I can say you are about half right. While they can be cold to foreigners, it's seldom because of a general dislike towards them. On many occasions, this dislike is really an example of their "shyness", or just an attempt to avoid confrontation (i.e. "I can't handle this situation").

I was living in Japan the past year, and just about everything I am about to say is from my experience.

At least in my experience, foreigners are rarely met with open arms in any country. Imagine walking down the street, and having an odd looking man, who does speak the native language, attempt to talk to you. They may be able to string together some words, but they are mainly speaking in a jumbled mess. Apply that thought to the Japanese (in this case), and imagine their reaction.

Now, there are some people who are very much welcoming to gaijin (Quick Lesson- Gaijin = Foreigner; Gaikokujin = Person from a different country... take from that what you will). For them, they may just wish to help/ be friendly/ practice the foreign language. And in other cases, interest in learning their language (speaking, and showing that you have at least a basic understanding), can lead to them talking with you. But certain norms should be observed before you try to start a conversation.

However, there are many occasions when foreigners ARE openly disliked. These instances are often (again, at least in my experience) caused by the foreigner, by way of ignoring social norms. This is what leads to cultural conflict, as you have two separate groups clashing over a simple set of values. The difference is, however, avoidable by acknowledging that you are not in your home country, and are a guest in theirs. As the saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".

Quick note- Foreigners can be treated like second-class citizens because they are NOT citizens. They are foreigners... this is the same everywhere.

I've still heard of a great sum of people who are can speak Japanese fluently, have lived long enough in Japan to be legal citizens (and in doing so, passing various interviews by government workers to prove that they understand the culture), and adopt their cultural values, as well as being aware of and following traditional rules, and even start families there, who are still persistently treated in such an ill manner due to them simply being someone who doesn't look Japanese. People who aren't allowed in various establishments, who aren't even considered for good jobs or promotions, and of them facing harassment due to their race. People who have lived there longer than they've lived in their native country and are still treated like complete invalids.

Again, I'm fully, fully aware that it's likely not universal or as persisting as stories may lead one to believe, and I'm even aware of the reasons a lot of these kind of things happen, but to say that it's due to simply being a tourist is ignoring all of the non-natives who live there and are troubled by this matter.

Considering I presented my prior post a full week ago (and actually forgot about it entirely), and it not staying on the thread topic, I'm just going to drop the subject here; we can only present anecdotal or cherry picked evidence on the matter either way.

OT: Same thing I said before, but more guitars.

You know what, strike that: take out everything and and buy nothing but guitars.

Sorry for responding so late. Funny thing though, I just got back to Japan and moved to a new apartment, which is kinda why I responded late (with moving things in and resetting up the proxy to browse this site…its miserable). But anyways, in the mean time, I did some research so back to the question. Of course, there will be those who are conservative and will reject new things. That happens to all of us. But there also some Japanese that accept foreigners very well. I have a friend, who is British and white as can be, who has told me many stories of people helping him during his time in Japan.

From a cultural standpoint, it makes sense. One of the major aspects of Asian culture is to take pride in what you do, whether it is right or wrong, which is where the whole "honor and pride" system comes from. This essentially leads to stubbornness and being not willing to change. Take this and the historical fact that Japan is an archipelago hasn't until the recent centuries had consistent contact with the outside world and we have basically instilled a xenophobia into the culture on an individual level. I've seen this in my Japanese friends who were for some time raised in America have this idea that people shouldn't interfere with their culture. I, myself, was brought up with the idea that everything has a place and role and one should not try to interfere with others. As the traditional cultures that Asian cultures are, this can belief can be sourced to the feudal systems of Ancient Japan and China.

Because I am Asian, I can't really compare the difficulties of entering the Japanese culture. I mean, I can LITERALLY Blend in with the Crowd (no racial comment intended). As for others, all I can recommend is stay open to their culture, but also try to explain your culture and to open others to it. Hold your ground, but don't be too stubborn. Confucius states that, as one major aspect of his philosophy (by the way, this guy is kinda important for ALL Asian cultures, so look into this guy), to always stay within that "silver lining". Japanese people (at least from those I've asked) have the impression that Americans are unrefined, self-centered individuals (reading the manga Afghanis-tan doesn't really help). So prove that wrong. But especially, be open to close-mindedness. Now though I just listed a handful of paradoxes, that's what Asians are, we forward new technology but can't rid of our traditionalism. On behalf of my race, I apologize for being assholes
SneeakyAsian wrote...
Forum Image: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/2cb4747b60e658ac93c95d3124cf5018.jpg
Straight up and simple, if you had a million dollars, what would you do? Try to refrain from the "invest in stocks or bonds to get more money" kinds of answers please, though starting companies is fine, but explain what.
Get creative people!

Edit:In the face of many answering with the vague answer of investment like this:
suki888 wrote...
find some investment for my money

Lets actually explain what kind of invesment/business we're dealing with..

Edit #2: AWESOME! This post has gone 5 pages!(・。・)
I know(_ _;), it's not that much but I'm still kinda new so....

Anyway, here's a new "money shot"to celebrate
Bad pun...sorry
Forum Image: http://i2.pixiv.net/img36/img/retorillo/mobile/22757129_480mw.jpg

Maybe stocks, biz, etc
Man, if I won a million dollars I'd quit my job tomorrow.

I would tell the owner of the place to shove it, and never look back.

Thats just how I feel...
JimmyThePlayBoy wrote...
Move to japan and marry ZUN

I don't care that he is like 18 years older than me._. I NEED THE TO BE A PART OF TEAM SHANGHAI ARISUUU

You'd have to do some NTR first since he's already married. What theme would you play at the wedding? Knowing you it'd probably be Beloved Tomboyish Daughter.
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
JimmyThePlayBoy wrote...
Move to japan and marry ZUN

I don't care that he is like 18 years older than me._. I NEED THE TO BE A PART OF TEAM SHANGHAI ARISUUU

You'd have to do some NTR first since he's already married. What theme would you play at the wedding? Knowing you it'd probably be Beloved Tomboyish Daughter.

aw so you think i am the best too?
That's so nice of you. But i'd rather play Border of extacy
If only I had a million dollars lol. So many feels right now thinking about it. There's a lot of things in my life that I really need that I just don't have the cash for. It's not even in a selfish way really either, just stuff to get by.

Living paycheck to paycheck sucks big time.
Invest in the solid return market of Bitcoins. Kappa. Seriously I would invest in some low risk thing, travel a bit and pay for college.
If I had a million dollars when I win the lotto,I would by my own dream house,pay of my credit card debts,buy more video games,buy more Anime/Manga,travel anywere in Europe,Asia & Australia & even buy my own 52 inch 3DTV in HD by Sony.
I'd give my mother half, and continue on with eating, fappin, and sleeping.
DensetsuNoOtoko wrote...
I'd give my mother half, and continue on with eating, fappin, and sleeping.

your so Kind
suki888 wrote...

your so Kind

Uhmm.. no I'm not. If i were, i would put all off it into various human rights activists groups, important world saving causes, and different charities around the world.
Already earned it... and I simply rotate the money to improve several sectors of my company.
DensetsuNoOtoko wrote...
suki888 wrote...

your so Kind

Uhmm.. no I'm not. If i were, i would put all off it into various human rights activists groups, important world saving causes, and different charities around the world.

You are, some would just use them for their own benefit
suki888 wrote...
DensetsuNoOtoko wrote...
suki888 wrote...

your so Kind

Uhmm.. no I'm not. If i were, i would put all off it into various human rights activists groups, important world saving causes, and different charities around the world.

You are, some would just use them for their own benefit

This quote pretty much sums up why i would share it...

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need, but not for man's greed."

- Mahatma Ghandi
DensetsuNoOtoko wrote...
suki888 wrote...
DensetsuNoOtoko wrote...
suki888 wrote...

your so Kind

Uhmm.. no I'm not. If i were, i would put all off it into various human rights activists groups, important world saving causes, and different charities around the world.

You are, some would just use them for their own benefit

This quote pretty much sums up why i would share it...

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need, but not for man's greed."

- Mahatma Ghandi

Nice quote there, You have a big heart.
Well... I would 1st finish my last semester and then travel somewhere far away open up a ridiculous small shop (I always wanted to be that super chilled shop keeper who doesn't give a crap if he actually has clients) near the beach and enjoy my life without worries.
I'd not buy expensive cars, mcmansions or WTF. I'd save a little bit for retirement.
I'd be the same person. Just taking a couple of months every year to travel...
And if I got married, prenup before any "I do".
Part of the money left would be donated after I die.

I'm still wondering if I'd dare to do a boobjob. Going to a D looks tempting. =P
Relocate to Silicon Valley
Fund some game projects I wanna work on
House, something that's mine
Car, something that moves
Food, for each day's breakfast, lunch, dinner, after dinner, dessert, midnight snack, 2 am snack, early breakfast... XD
Utilities, electricity, gas, water
Instrument and equipment, along with some lessons

Invest in a small local business to produce income, a bookstore maybe... Love the atmosphere books make by being stored in rooms, maybe the house would be on the second story.

As for the location, maybe I might move too Japan, South Korea, or Canada... If I can find a nice place and a secured job in those places.
Room101 Waifu Collector
Buy myself the best PC Master race computer. Top of the line, and all that.

After that, it's whores and alcohol till sundown.

Still ladies and alcohol. Maybe get myself some quality watch. Go on a trip around Asia, staying at hotels which are actually classy.

Then buy a whole bunch of rare Gundam models.

If I still have some money left, buy shares in Arms companies, diamond mines, and drinkable water sellers.

Guns, because everyone buys guns. Diamonds, because diamonds are always in-vouge. Plus, I refuse to invest on anything that doesn't has a solid good behind it. It has to be resources. No nebulous internet space money. Drinkable water...because you wouldn't believe how rare this stuff is. And if climate goes even a bit south, you can make killing on it.
Monster Girl
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