Japanese Trading Card Games - Do You Collect and/or Play?

Which Japanese Trading Card Game Do You Play and/or Collect?

Total Votes : 2,844
Vanguard, and YGO. Originally YGO only until it became a friggin "OTK-I-wanna-win" game. Vanguard players have the same attitude issue towards the game but Vanguard isn't as broken(yet). Gonna be the next Duel Masters(the series is still ongoing!) in a couple years.
Yugi-Oh. When I was a kid I had a lot of those. Right now Playing yugi-oh games :)
I had lots of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, then... shit got real and I lost ALL OF THEM. I cried till the next day...

Damn, now I don't have any card and now my childhood is empty (?)
Masose Ona Degenerate
Is Lycee an aquaplus card game? It looks like it is. I used to play Pokemon and Yugioh back then but keeping up with cards get pricey. Thats why I rather play the games on whatever console they release on or online.
I used to collect Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I had significantly more Pokemon cards, though.
I still play them when I get the chance, but all of my cards are packed up somewhere.
I used to collect and play both Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh, but sadly there is no longer anyone I know that plays. I still have my decks and cards but they are more or less gathering dust.
Woah, this poll really reminds me of my childhood... I was such an enthusiast for TCG back in days. Well, I remember used to collect Pokémon, but didn't know how to play or find anyone playing it though, so I just collected them. Also collected Duel Master (starting since reading the manga) but also didn't play them - can't find anyone and the text was also in Japanese. But Yu-gi-oh was my first and biggest love. I collected a lot of them and used to play with my friends all the time. Ahhhhhh, makes me remember how I was the awesomest duelist among my friends... I actually made one of my bestest friend through Yu-gi-oh, started from a starter deck...

But stopped all of that now though, you guys all know what time takes from us, heh heh... But still look at them to remember the good old days.
I play Yu-Gi-Oh from time to time with my brother, but we mostly play Dragonball Z. He goes nuts over the ultra rares.
Yu-Gi-Oh competetively
well i do play competitively and collect mostly on WoW tcg full time
most of the playmats and card arts were awesome and japanese version just arrived this year
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/948878-QNBM07N.jpg

and i also played yugioh on a computer game
I play Duel Masters. It's way simpler then Yu-Gi-Oh.
I'am playing and collecting Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon cads but Yu Gi Oh is the one that make my wallet empty :D
i play Weiß Schwarz(persona and little buster deck) and vanguard. Still thinking on expanding my WS deck and maybe starting a chaos deck >.
DBZ. /thread im a weeb
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
I play a lot of Magic the Gathering, but a friend of mine has got me into Cardfight Vanguard.
That shit is HELLA expensive, though... so I don't play competitively. It's already hard enough keeping up with Standard with how much money I spend on other hobbies.
I was the odd kid that never liked the yu-gi-oh tv show but loved the card game and still play it.

Recently though I have picked up Weiss Shwartz cards even though there is nobody to play with here in Seattle
Im 21 so game cards are a little kiddish.
But when i was in highschool i did collect yu-gi-oh and hell even stole some from people.
But i never did the whole dealing thing, i just sold them to the nerds at school!
Easy way to make money. haha
I lo ve YUGiOh!!! I learned math from yugioh
yu-gi-oh!, duel masters and Magic the gathering.
stopped playing all though(the players ran out,probably due to me moving from house to house).
still have all the decks too.