One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

My air conditioner broke.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
13 July
  • Card machines were down so we were cash-only today. Customers kept draining my £1 coins by paying with notes or didn't have cash on them so I had to hold their things while they got money out. One woman had a £70 shop and she came back just as I was about to clock off.

  • Had a stuck up cow who didn't read the "technical difficulties with card payments" sign and got really shitty with me for not mentioning that we couldn't do card payments before I scanned her stuff through, so said she wasn't going to bother and walked out.

  • Another dumb fuck referred to me as a lady to their kid. I may have my hair tied back into a ponytail but I quite clearly have a beard and you heard me talking to the customer in front of you, and I don't exactly sound feminine.

17th July
I finally got a couple of Saturdays off work, since I've been doing 10-6 shifts every Saturday for the past 3 months, only to find out I'm working the next 3 Saturdays again. Possibly more.

It was nice catching up with the charity shop lot while it lasted.
I missed my till buddy especially.

20th July

Gravity cat wrote...
New Supervisor didn't turn up for work. Wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't the one opening the shop.

This happened again. Only this time I was doing the early with him so it was my turn to call around and tell my coworkers what's happened and get a keyholder in to open up. We opened half an hour late and he turned up at half 12 claiming his alarm clock didn't go off.

He has a meeting with our area manager on Friday which didn't look good to begin with because of what happened last time, and this shit happening again has pretty much sealed his fate.
okay, not today, but yesterday.

Getting a random BSOD 10 minutes into the workday that wiped a file that took me about 50% of 2 days of work. After a good 10 minutes of growling and cursing (seriously, I dont think I cursed that heartly in the office before) took me 2 hours to re-do the whole thing.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Nosebleeds. Lots of nosebleeds...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Had a gigantic shit that I genuinely felt was going to rupture me trying to get out. I must've been pretty backed up because now I can't stop farting.

Looks like I need more fiber.

25th July
A kid puked at work. Kept complaining to his mum that he felt like he was going to be sick so she told him to go outside, so he did. But he came back in and did it anyway.
I fucking hate kids.

28th July
2 pallets on the busiest day I've seen since Black Friday, and there was only 2 of us for the first half of the day. Fuck my life.
Also kept farting which gave me buttstank.
waterflame FAKKUDL.NET
Bad news... my headphones are crapping out... when I move they sometimes cutout and I have to tap them to make them work again... (like about today post)
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A coworker has had a bereavement. Poor girl.
The park was too crowded for me to visit the archery range today. Effectively shot down the one actual plan I had for today. That's what I get for planning to go to a park on a Sunday I guess.
I didn't finish my to-do list...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
First day off in 5 days, and so far I've had:
"Can you do this"
"Can you do that"
"Do you wanna go to Canterbury today"
"Would you like to go to ASDA to pick up this one thing we don't actually need"
"Family member wants to talk to you on the phone"

Very relaxing day so far.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Stayed up too long.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Had to restart my laptop twice when I accidentally closed Windows host process.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Insomnia is a bitch.
A girl invited me to a movie but had to refuse because I was in the middle of a League match, still feeling guilty af...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Gravity cat wrote...
First day off in 5 days, and so far I've had:
"Can you do this"
"Can you do that"
"Do you wanna go to Canterbury today"
"Would you like to go to ASDA to pick up this one thing we don't actually need"
"Family member wants to talk to you on the phone"

Very relaxing day so far.

I read your post, remembered my last day off which went this way and got angry ...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
We recently changed internet providers but the Wifi refuses to work. This morning I got woken up to sort it out (I hate getting woken up) by calling their helpline, which I was told was automated. The second they patched me through to someone I panicked, tried to get someone else in the room to take it but they refused, so I panicked even more and instinctively hung up. They had the gall to get pissed at me for hanging up.
Not how I wanted to spend my morning.

Chrome disabled Backspace as a navigation tool and told me to use Alt + < instead. Accidentally backspacing while typing instead of trying to go to the previous page has never been an issue for me, so this was an annoying change. Had to install the BacktoBack extension to restore it.

Also I can't find the source for a picture from a hentai manga.
Been found nao.
Roommate told me my powerline adapters slow down the wifi and unplugged them. I still use the wifi on phone for live HD streams normally, but apparently she can't...
I called a sex line and demanded a refund.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Consistently slow internet as the result of switching internet providers. Ridiculous buffering times, web pages taking 20 minutes to load... last night I got No Man's Sky and my PS4 told me it would've taken from 20 hours to 99+ to download update files. Switched back to old provider which is still active and it took 8 minutes.

And it's my first time opening the shop on my own tomorrow. Kinda nervous but the process is retardedly easy. A coworker let me know where the safe key is (we're having to hide it in various places since the newest guy went AWOL, hasn't gotten in contact with us and still has our door key), so that's one less thing to worry about.
My boss jumped my shit this morning while I was on the phone with a customer.