One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

went too far with procrastination
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Been trying to catch this Goddamn Ho-oh on SoulSilver. I only have 26 Ultra Balls so I'm having to reload when I run out. But this is my sixth attempt at catching it with 1hp and Paralysis (inb4putittosleepfgt). That's 156 individual attempts with Ultra Balls.

My Legendary catching spree on Alpha Sapphire didn't go this badly. Fuck, I caught every Legend on that game with Luxury Balls within 30 attempts.

Edit: I'm now on my seventh attempt. 182 individual attempts at catching this overrated firechicken.
EditEdit: Caught it after 204 individual attempts.
Returning to Fakku after years of absence and being shoved a deeptroat subscription?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
van_hunter wrote...
Returning to Fakku after years of absence and being shoved a deeptroat subscription?

Welcome back. A lot happens in "years", so here's why most of the content is subscription-only.

21st April
I can't sleep because my gut has decided to expel liquid shit from my arsehole every half an hour. It's half 4. I'm so tired, I need sleep.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'm broke even though it's payday.


Still broke despite working overtime.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Usual work-related shit. This time because it was bank holiday weekend. Bank Holiday for some usually means a day off or early close but for us it was business as usual, except it was far busier than usual and our normally useless support network were even more useless as they were off for the day. Also meant buses were on sunday service and mine was late because of the ridiculous amount of traffic going nowhere fast around the outlet.

I just want to rant about our support system real quick:
  • We requested change 3 weeks ago and have less than 40 quid in £1 coins in the entire store. Today I banked 740 quid in £20 notes. One till was left with 40 quid in tenners it has so little change in it. Ideally we shouldn't have any tenners in there at all. We have no bank nearby so getting change is a little tricky without outside help. We've been told by the outlet not to use the change machine as it's only for customers, but fuck them. When we need change I go there for the express purpose of getting £1 coins to keep us afloat. We can't do bank runs because we don't have the staff.

  • A couple of months back we got had a go at for having a sign outisde that wasn't lighting up and they put pressure on us to get it sorted. Until they mentioned it we had no idea was supposed to light up and it apparently wasn't an issue for years until just that moment. They made out like it was incredibly important and priority #1. We got onto the higherups about it but despite chasing them up constantly, they never got back to us. The outlet eventually stopped saying anything about it. All that palava and it amounted to fuck all.

  • We've had multiple instances of electricians fixing something but fucking something else up in the process. One fixed the fire alarm panel because it was constantly beeping at us, but the fucking retard took the panel screws with him leaving it open and without screws. Obviously that's a bit of a concern, and with the outlet breathing down our necks about it we've been onto the higherups multiple times about it but they've just sat on their hands. It's currently taped shut and has been for months. Another fixed the button for the bell to the staff room so we can call for help when it gets busy but they fucked the emergency panel the outlet had install in every store in the process and had to have someone else out to fix that.

  • We've had the lights "fixed" three times since the start of the year because they fix the lights, then they go again.

  • We have damp in the toilet. Had someone out about it, they took pictures and we never heard from them again.

It's like they fucking do it on purpose.
I found out Nyaa is dead forever.
polwath Who cares?
that1dude0092 wrote...
I found out Nyaa is dead forever.

Sad though. Very tragic for all of us.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
6th May
I have work all weekend.

9th May
Got called in to cover a late shift. Was looking forward to a day off.
Kinda sucks being one of 3 keyholders that's fully flexible and fully trained.
Saw someone ask on Facebook why people lose friends when they have kids.

Uh, because kids are annoying?

It's harsh, but the whole "being constantly unavailable due to having priorities" and "having your eardrums pierced by the sound of their screams when they want something but are denied it" thing isn't for everyone.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A girl wants to meet up with me but I'm too chickenshit to tell them I don't like them in the way they like me so I made an excuse to not meet up with them. Feelsbadman.jpg. Maybe I was a bit too polite when they contacted me off Plenty of Fish.

They've made it clear they want to fuck me, and as much as I want to break my 2 year dry spell I'd also feel like I'd be using them if I did. Big girls aren't my type. Having a kid is a deal breaker for me as well.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I watched someone get hit by a car. It made me feel bad.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
20th May

Feels like everything today is trying to fuck me off.

  • Got chewed out for not hoovering the mat on Wednesday. But thing is, when I asked about it before my manager left she said "Don't worry about it", but she was adamant that she told me to do it. What was stopping anyone else doing it the day after? I mean for fuck's sake, I stayed behind on Wednesday so the guys doing our sign could fix it, so even if I was going to hoover the mat I wasn't able to. And two people were closing the day after so what was stopping them doing it?

  • Was also left the task of clearing the stock room. We still have a lot of it. On a Sunday. With 2 people in at any given one time.

  • Customers stayed 10 minutes after closing, one for an exchange and another for fairy doors. I told them 3 times we were now closed and basically to hurry the fuck up but they took their sweet fucking time. One yapped my ear off before she finally left, and I missed my bus. Apparently buses after half 8 at night do whatever the fuck they like, because I waited 40 minutes for one bus that never came, and the one that did come terminated in the Town Centre and I would've had to wait a further 20 minutes on top of the 40 minute journey, so I thought "fuck it" and walked home from the town. It took me 2 hours to get home, while carrying a bag full of shopping.

Furious is an understatement.

22nd May
Because of what happened on the 20th (which was Saturday) I was in a shite mood on Sunday and apparently I did a bad job of hiding it, because a co-worker told my manager and she seemed concerned. Asked if I was okay and whether I was unhappy doing weekend shifts. Was actually a little taken aback, didn't realise my mood was bad enough to be questioned about my wellbeing. I explained it was just a bad few days, that I had adequate sleep and I felt much better today. It sounds like a cop-out excuse and it was to an extent, I was just a little too embarrassed to tell her I worked myself up into a foul mood because of the two hour journey home, while also holding a grudge against the customers who stayed after closing for putting me into that position. I kept replaying those negative feelings in my head as I was walking home, making me more pissed off the more I thought about it. But I wasn't lying about feeling better, because I did. Not 100%, but better.

Also there was an incident in Manchester. Some sort of bombing incident. It's tragic but it's all I've been hearing about since it happened so I'm keeping off social media for the time being.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
My uncle is being wishy washy in regards to us either staying in my Grandma's old house or finding an apartment. I already gave him my share of the rent in advance, but everytime we get together to make plans, he goes around in circles. This whole ordeal has made me realize that he is very irresponsible. I may have second thoughts about moving in with him.
A bird flew into the top-right corner of my windshield while I was driving. The thump noise was kind of unsettling.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
It was far too hot.

I also had a difficult customer. She had an "I want to speak to your manager" voice.

>She wanted £20 art sets we didn't have and claimed that the website told her we had some.
>We didn't. She wasn't impressed. (Later found out the website doesn't tell people we have some. Why she would lie about it, I don't know.)
>She then asked what other art bits we normally do. I couldn't respond because I didn't know what it was exactly she wanted, so asked her what exactly she wanted and she said she didn't know.
>ಠ_ಠ Right.
>Then she got me to phone town and ask them if they had any £20 art sets
>They didn't.
>She asked if I asked them if they had any art gift boxes.
>What the fuck you cunt, you didn't ask me to ask them that.
>Had to ring back and ask them again.
>They didn't.
>She dropped the "I want to speak to your manager" voice and chirped up.
>She finally told me she wanted Acrylic paints but didn't want our selection as they weren't on offer.
>She wanted a Portfolio and said she would come back to pay for it later.
>She never came back.

Wanted to fucking throttle her.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger

also my long term girlfriend left me today, so my life kinda sucks right now. I also started smoking again....
Uncle borrowed $1000 from me, I am not sure if he will pay me back or even remember. He usually doesn't return it but I'll put my faith in him as family though.
AshellSeasucker Æ Ø Å
Mostly boring work today while i was tired
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Bought a new headset but the mic doesn't work on it. Have to take it back.