Sick + video games = healthy?

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Is the mother crazy or is she right? Playing videogames means your healthy?

Total Votes : 75
I was just recently talking with my lil brother and he told me something quite funny in my opinion. Last week he caught the flu and stayed home. Our mother (Thank god I moved out) decided that if he is well enough to play videogames he's well enough to go to school. So they argued a bit and then she took the router and disconnected the internet.

In order to get his internet back he went to school the next day, but was sent home by the school nurse after the first class. even after that she would not allow him to play videogames and watch tv.

So, what's your opinion.

P.S. He had a 101 temp.
Leave all racial bias out and just think along the lines of regular parents who try hard to raise their kid right.
Playing console games is pretty easy when you're sick. You can still be laying down and move very little. When I was a kid and sick, I'd have rather slept.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
A classic reaction, I guess, but it is entirely possible to be well enough to play some games at home, but not enough to leave the house.
they can take the internet but they can't take our freedom!
Well.... It would be right to force the child to not stay in front a screen for a long time (or at least his/her usual amount of tome.) when his/shies sick. because that would make him/her have bad headache and easily become dizzy. But to say that if he/she was able to play video games while his/shies sick.... now that is weird.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Arinaz wrote...
they can take the internet but they can't take our freedom!
When I was sick I was never really aloud to play video games because my they thought it meant I was healthy because it's what i'd do any way when I was home.

but some times I wish I didn't play video games because if I was very sick when I was better I wouldn't want to go near the game I played because all I could think about was how much pain I was in.
when I'm sick I can't handle any type of screen. It gives me a major headache after 5 minutes or so. nothing epileptic, luckily.

All the times I was sick was spend sleeping or reading book.
Well when i am sick i can play just fine to a certain degree. sometimes when i am not feeling too well in the stomach, i just stop and lay down for a bit. Though my mom never take my games, internet away when i am sick.
I would need the internet back, while view anime and manga i can ignore illnesses and even hunger for a few days
When I was sick with what I imagine to be the flu, I was deadbeat exhausted and lay on the couch watching OVAs the whole day. Aside from the feeling like I was in hell part (I had like a 102.8 F fever), it was a good day because of that.

My parents would let me watch television or play games if I were sick, but would really prefer that I rested. And to be honest, I'd much rather rest than play video games if I was sick any how.

However, I'd like to point out that playing video games could cause him to become stressed out about the game and could result in him getting worse, especially if he gets really into his games.
When I'm sick enough to miss a day at school, my mom usually cares more about what I eat than if I'm playing video games. Usually I eat soup and try to stay hydrated. I'm usually so out of it that I leave my tv on, close my eyes and just listen to it like a radio.
@Quitz: Ya, I understand your point. Though knowing my bro he's pretty lax when it comes to games. And knowing him, he would rather play games and watch tv when sick rather than reading or laying in bed doing absolutely nothing.
Obviously hes sick but that doesnt mean he lacks the cognitive ability to game.

Something I thought was weird was that when I had a cold recently when I started gaming I felt alot better, although I attribute this to something to keep my head busy from thinking about my headache.
Unless he was playing one of those active Wii games, there's no way your brother was doing anything other than resting while playing those games.

That said, she's a mother. And mothers are not known for their logic and reason, especially with regards to illness.
@ryuu: He doesn't even own a wii and he hates exercise.

@brok3n: I usually put my head in either warm or cold water (or both). I find reading and videogames difficult with a headache.
Wow my name is really lon wrote...
Asian parents?

Actually, not too far from the mark. But There's a difference between playing games and going to school.
If your sick your sick. Thats just a parents way of motivating there child to get better HOPEFULLY. Thats how I see it anyway. Unless she was really for realz with all that shit an let him mope in bed ill without having his ps3 or w/e to kill some time. :/
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