

Total Votes : 5,955
lol wow, I never noticed the water marks before...
Regnier wrote...
Am i the only one who didnt realise the water marks til right now?

nope. there are others.... oh, but not me. after all, it's because of watermarks that i heard of fakku... yeah, someone stole their work and made it their own. i saw the watermrk and i ended up here
you guys take the time to do this for us so i say keep them. take credit for all your hard work
Regnier wrote...
Am i the only one who didnt realise the water marks til right now?

i didnt either.... now it bugs me.
lol. you can explore fakku you know. there are a lot of stuff in fakku.

ahmm! when will this poll end anyway? the votes are clear and obvious.
I'm not even going to get into this bullshit.
Remove them. Vote casted. I'm out of here.
you guys are awesome!!

keep them
Ohh, A little transparent image in the corner never bothered me.
It's not dominating....so what the hell.
Even if you guys did not earn anything from it, I think you deserve some credit for translate them...but if you think tha it violates TM then you should add a page where you tell the readers to support the drawers or the artists purchasing real manga when available in their zone.
This still going on? I thought that they already agreed that they were gonna put back up the watermarks? Or were they just saying that they were happy to see all of us showing so much appreciation for their hardwork?
Long post imminent:

Well their newest release has some watermarks here and there, so I believe they went with the poll results. I'm curious as to why the translation team decided to take them off in the first place - the team members were generally against it. Were there some vocal complaints somewhere?

Anyway I say keep them, for a few reasons: First, they help identify the translation group. It's useful to trace a translation back to the source - I might notice a doujin page somewhere, google the watermark, thereby reaching the translators' site where I can download the whole doujin. Second, they bring traffic to Fakku, which means ad clicks, which means more funds for maintenance costs. In the long run, this also helps to cement Fakku's status as the best, free, web 2.0 hentai site online, killing off the many paysites out there. Third, it's harder (but not impossible) to remove a watermark than to delete a credits page, thus preventing aforementioned paysites to profit from our translators' selfless work.

As for the criticisms against watermarks: I've always considered Fakku's watermarks to be relatively non-obtrusive, as compared to other translators. Also, regarding the argument that the translator has no claim to the artists' work, it's kind of a moot point because distributing the files digitally is by far the greater crime, and if you have something against that, why are you even on this site? (That's not to say I believe that we should rip off the hentai industry; if you have the means to, support it with purchases)
It's a good idea
There was no option for "make it not obtrusive." So long as it's out of the way, I'm fine with them there. I voted "take them off" though, since there was no other option and I figured those who voted for that needed the help. :)
Watermarks tell me were to go for doujins. It's better to get stuff first/second hand like this.
Regnier wrote...
Am i the only one who didnt realise the water marks til right now?

im right with you lol
and i say keep them
Its not in the way or anything but I say remove them. Its kind of disrespect full to the artist. I used to draw comic strip and they would put they in 3 languages but I would have been pissed off if every time they translate it they put their names at the bottom of my artwork. I would find it irritating. You should have credit pages for that sort of thing.
Remove it or make it smaller. I never really cared until now, but that seriously has been distracting to me since I began coming here. I guess the watermark is good for people discovering Fakku, but I'm a critic. Whatev.
Akanova wrote...
Long post imminent:

Well their newest release has some watermarks here and there, so I believe they went with the poll results. I'm curious as to why the translation team decided to take them off in the first place - the team members were generally against it. Were there some vocal complaints somewhere?

Well it was more so that some person would just edit there watermark out or something and take credit for all their hardwork. So I guess they'd rather just stop wasting time adding watermarks on all the doujin pages if they were just gonna get ridden of anyways by some jackass.