What are your deepest Fears?

i was wondering about different types of fears and phobias people have and wondering what is your deepest fears or phobias? Mine would have to be clowns and squids. [u]Clowns[/u]- this fear started when in when I was 8 and I watched the movie IT. I never actually seen a clown IRL but i've fear them on T.V and pictures. [u]Squds[/u]- When I was 12 I went to the Aquarium and saw a squid. When I tapped the glass it just smacked the glass, scaring me to death.
-Being paralyzed -Losing all will-power -Being tortured Generally things that make me useless in any given situation. I'm not really overly frightened of physical things/beings like animals etc...
To die and find out that Heaven and Hell really existed.
Cockroaches, Wasp, and I'm also afraid of heights
looking down the barrel of a gun (wondering if I'd see the spark when it's fired) getting my ear sawed off getting my skin ripped off getting my eyes pulled out having my wiener cut off with a dull knife limbs cut off with a rotary saw set on fire or being boiled alive etc.
I had a phobia of other poeples laughter when I was young. Whenever I heard someone laughing, i'd panic, loose breath and vision, and scream. I got past that in a few years, It just... Stopped one day. As of today, not alot of fears, but I don't really like the idea of loosing my sanity.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Getting my eye poked out *Shudder!*
-Afraid of Height -Afraid of depth and wide surfaces -Afraid of Snakes
1. Going nowhere, in terms of my life goals. My mum had a desk job. I have a fire of purpose in my being, and it's something I've wanted with my whole heart for my whole life.. not achieving it would be devastating. 2. Being alone. Not 'single', but.. legitimately alone. I was neglected a lot. >_<; 3. The human race is completely obliterated during first contact. It's silly, but sometimes I wonder if we'd pull our heads out of our ass in our time of need and join together, or will we screw the pooch and be too busy fighting for supremacy that we're overrun? This fear is mostly just my dismay at all the cynicism in the world.
pretty much just Being alone for the rest of my life and not going anywhere or doing anything big with my life. thats really about it...
-Something horrible happening to my sister. She's the most important person to me, and I'd do anything to protect her. -My eyes getting stabbed/cut. Can't even wear contacts because I'm worried about my eyes being damaged... -A parasite growing and eatting me from the inside. -Finding out no one cares about me. Probably because I'm not the kind to talk about feelings, so at times I feel like I don't know how others feel about me.
Height,bugs,being torturted i will add more if i rember them
disappointing those who really depend on me
Drowning and not being able to breathe just that anxiety and worry…
Nasty and atrocious beings.
My deepest fear is spending my life alone and making it to Heaven only to realize that some of my friends and family didn't make it.
1st fear: Cockroach! ewww the black thing that has antennae its so scary when it's started to fly... 2nd fear: Aerophobia ~dayo!! Strolling at the mall is always at center to avoid the balcony... 3rd fear: PedoBear... Always imagining he doing "Come here" with his hand waving back and forth like a death god... @_@ Too see Batman, Superman and Hulk got tentacled rape...
My personal fear? I'd rather not release that kind of information, however I will tell you what my personal hell would be. Being crammed in a box, devoid of sight, sound, hearing, touch, taste and thought. Almost like a stasis. Utter nothingness. If there is no afterlife then that pretty much awaits me but by that time I'm sure I'll come to grips and realize that my real fear is not doing enough with my life. We shall see I suppose.
... ... ... ... I guess being paralysed...? I actually can't think of a true fear I have
Not being able to do things on my own when I have no one else to lean on.