What's that carbonated beverage sold in vending machines?

What's that carbonated beverage sold in vending machines called?

Total Votes : 3,523
Dr.Pepper for the Win!
A refresco un México
Here in West Prussia the older people call it "Pepsi", the younger "Kola", and the youngest are fucked up, so I'm not sure. (Nothing can get you more depressed about the state of the society than volountary work at a highschool).
We generally call it Coke here, but I've heard people say soda before.
Fizzy drink would be our umbrella term, but otherwise, you use the specific brand name. For Coca Cola, that would be Coke.
[color=red]My father from louisiana calles all soft drinks coke. i say pop im from arkansas usa.[/color][font=Times New Roman][/font]
Soda where I live but I sometimes refer to it as pop. Depends on who I'm talking to.
In my place, whenever they see a black beverage, they instantly call it "coke", even if it's pepsi or any other brand =p You'll just have to correct them.

In general, we call those soft drinks.
yoshihiro669 goes Fapping mode!
POP in Victoria CA.... But what the hell I'm in California so it's Soda... =)
It's always been soda in my house.
objecterror wrote...
I don't know if this is specifically regional to a particular part of the coast, but, folks in california call it "pop". Same with northerners (PA, NY)

In my experience, only rural PA calls it "pop". I live in Pennsylvania, and almost everyone I know calls it soda.
Yawn. Soda
Here I thought only Michigan & Northern Ohio, Indiana called it "pop."
So you can learn something new everyday, even on Fakku!
In the northeast around Boston MA we often call it Tonic as in tonic bubbly water. My father, who is so Bostonian he has never uttered a "R" in his life hates when people call it anything else.
I don't necessarily call it the same thing all of the time. I generally either refer to it as "pop" or "soda" unless I'm buying an iced tea or orange juice from the vending machine..heh.
I can only speak for where I live (San Francisco), but most people here call it "soda."
well i call it soda, but my sister and mom call it pop. they think im weird because i call it soda.
"Crack Monkey Juice"
yeah I pretty much call it soda as well
Carbonated beverage from a vending machine. Why would I call it anything else?