Whats the craziest thing you've ever done?

I geez, what's the only crazy thing I HAVEN'T done!?
Maybe the craziest was... well it involved finding strangers, really bad dancing, and I think hugging.
1. Walmart hide and seek; great way to get kicked out
2. Shouted out of moving car at random people; ex: Lick my blue waffle old lady or do you want a black lolipop to random child (with my buds lol'd so hard)
3. Age 5, I got a blow job at day care in the rocket playhouse and a little white kid poked in and we told him to screw off but he wouldn't so he watched for a bit til we left
4. watched as friends got high in car and park patrol went right by; luckily I warned them cuz they were out of it
5. Sat with my best chick friend and her boyfriend giving her advice on how to give a better blow job; he was a homophobic so me being there was weird but he greatly appreciated my advice
6. broke up a fight with 2 huge guys by tossing them apart; the winning one was a bit angry so I gave him a hug and it actually calmed him down
7. Ding dong flash :D
Started a fire inside an empty classroom, wasn't aware the vice-principal was patrolling the school.
Jumped off the high school building yep yep good times
Loner the People's Senpai
um..... I wet-willied some random person at the mall one day
One word, crack.
I Chased my classmates who hacked my game account with a sledgehammer.then i reported them for smoking weed at class breaks, Directly to the principal along with all the smokers in class i know including my friends , that's what i do when im angry i didn't care if everyone was angry at me cuz i was soooo PISSED at that time.
I had a prank war with my brother. And I lost. Horribly. (violent shivers)
I went outside. It was a terrible place.
Forum Image: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn242/Stenta56/DSCF3524.jpg
^ I freaking love your profile picture. Just saying.
Stenta wrote...
I went outside. It was a terrible place.
Forum Image: http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn242/Stenta56/DSCF3524.jpg

lol.nice room.
I almost shot a camp consoler with a bow and arrow when I was young.
i_h3art_s3x wrote...
ummmmmmmm oh i know having sex with my older sister it was really freaky..

Damn it, why do other people get all the good stuff?
Your mother was the craziest thing I've ever done. HIGH FIVE!!! anyone...?
Woke up one day tired as hell and accidentally pissed on the bathroom floor, thinking i was near the toilet.
I'm sure I'll have more to contribute with time, as I think of them.
Buuuut I recently went with a friend to an abandoned factory in DT Detroit. He's an urban explorer so he knows where to go and when. He sure to take me to safe places that he is familiar with.
I was really nervous, because I'm paranoid as fuck.
But it was actually really cool.
The building was decaying and falling part...its huge.

Forum Image: http://statter911.com/files/2010/06/MI-Detroit-Packard-factory.jpg

This whole building is the building we went to, but we only explored a small portion.
I was worried about running into hobos or something, but we were safe and got to the roof and wandered around the huge craters where the floor had fallen through. It was a beautiful view of the City.
I want to explore it more sometime.
Moshing at a Winds of Plague show with dudes 3 times my size (I'm 6'3" and like, 190 lbs)
Beat up a whole grade of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders with my brother. It was so fun I wanted to get into more fights with people.
well anyway one time i was in a circle in my religous ed class (my mom made me go to them) and we were passing around something and we had to read a passage we memorized while the teacher (a really old crochity nun) sat at the like northern outer ring of the circle and watched us to see if we got it right. well it was my turn and while i was reading i messed up a line and really loudly said "God dammit!". she then proceeded to give me the look of "im going to brutally murder you" and just when she was about to follow through with it the bell rang and i hauled it out of there before she could catch me. XD ya other than that i snuck into a water treatment plant with my friend and messed with random stuff (dont worry nothing actually happned)
One time I retreated to my Meth Lab in the backwoods and found a corpse in it
Appearantly someone else had been using my safehouse, so me and cousin dragged it out to the wood pile, and lit that bitch on fire.

Never figured out who that was...didn't care.
Monster Girl
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