Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920
I can´t choose between the two because i love both.
I prefer manga. Although anime has advantages like sound, color, and animation, it is usually much shorter than the manga version. The manga version's storyline is normally longer and so there is more time for plot and character development. So my vote goes to manga :D
manga for the storyline, character development and imagination...
and anime when ur done readin' manga...
plus, u get to compare which is better...
for me, i go through the manga first, then the anime...
Manga, a hundred times. I think most of the anime lose in art quality if compared to the manga. Although there a lot of anime series that have a great art. It's hard to tell, really. =s
Manga, hands down. don't get me wrong I like anime, but I can't stand it when some anime go off into some lame ass plot and don't follow the manga (Rosario + Vampire and To Love-ru for example). And lets not forget the fillers, NERD RAGE!!!
just my two cents...
Anime for me. I like seeing things animated and in color, plus it's interesting to see who is voicing all the characters. Another thing you don't get with manga is OPs and EDs, which can be quite enjoyable.

I still love manga, though I don't read it as often. I like it for the story and the art, which is often better than the anime counterparts. I absolutely hate waiting for new chapters though, which is why I tend to wait for a manga to finish before I start reading it. It's also part of the reason why I prefer to watch anime.
I go for manga because its cheaper, and I can finish the series faster with it.
Im more of a manga Kinda guy,dont get me wrong anime kicks ass But I just prefer to read the manga and see how the anime keeps up with it
Manga, cause anime sometime waste most of its time with scenery or still character..
My introduction into the world of anime and manga started with the anime for Inuyasha and Gundam, which was years before my friend made me aware of manga. As much as I love reading, I have to say I would prefer the anime, because that is generally where i draw the inspriation for my fanfics from. I think the anime is better because it brings the series to life, metaphorically speaking.
Its a tough call. I like watching anime more than reading manga but manga is faster and animes usually mess up the story line, unless they are originals of course.
I love both :3 i like watching the anime more i suppose but the manga is usually set up better.
Me personally I like anime because of it's fight scenes because if you read anime fight scenes it seem like their appearing to jump all over the place at random...Just my opinion!
I'd like to say both, but really, I have a huge stack of manga books sitting in a corner unread
because I always turn to anime when deciding what to to. (what a waste of money >.<)
But damn the anime is just too good.
Anime... my gateway drug to hentai!
I usually stick with Manga for one sole reason: more often than not...

I voted for Manga, Mainly cause I grew up with it and for me just better ^^
Manga. as a child it was more anime, but I made the change when my slow Windows XP couldn't play anime episodes right. Straight to the point, less censored than anime, i can easily control where im viewing. Now days I do mostly reading and some few anime series.
manga because you don't have to deal with filler episodes and sometimes they really mess up the anime example rosario and vampire season 2 that stuff made me cry myself to sleep
I like both but i voted for anime..
Monster Girl
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