Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920
Do you prefer watching an anime or reading a manga? And if a series has both, which do you think is usually better?

For me I like to read the manga before the anime, but most of the time I end up watching the anime first.
I was fascinated by anime at an early age so I've always been more fond of it.
I like both to be honest, but I like anime more. I get to see how the manga gets played out in animated form and see the emotion as well.
The only bad thing about animes sometimes is that it can get censored like HOTD =/
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I tend to prefer anime, but there are always exceptions.
Aaaah..this one's tough for me...I think if it's non-h then I prefer the anime over the manga but if it's hentai then I prefer the manga or game over the anime. I don't think I can actually make a decision in this poll.
I like both, but this is what you get with anime. Anime wins for me.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/216638-ZHC6N2P.gif
Manga. Always.
Hard choice.
Even though I love to read manga I'm gonna have to give it to anime.
Anime is definitely good and it really is hard to compare the two. Personally I like manga more but I sometimes feel more emotional with the anime compared to the manga. :S
Well each have there up's and down's. What I like about Anime is, for me at least, it's "live action" story telling. The down side is all those damn filler's! Manga goes right to the action, no filler's, and is further ahead than the Anime. Though they take forever to come out with the next book. I like both equally but, I'm leaning more toward Anime.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Ah, I voted before reading the complete post.
I prefer anime more, because sometimes I just enjoy anime series more, but I do think when I do get to read the manga, the manga is always better.

So it's split. I prefer anime, but I think manga ends up being better - weird, huh?

The person above me also makes a valid point. I absolutely hate reading a manga while it's still being released. Most manga is set up on a cliffhanger at the end so you'll want to buy the next manga. It grinds my nerves when I'm really into a manga and have to wait for the next issue.

At least with anime if it's ongoing and the ending it's pretty intense, I only have to wait a week before another one comes out - and a day of translating/subbing.

Translating and editing a manga can take a while =\
Manga. I like flipping pages.
Where's the "BOTH!!!" choice?

anyway... I've been reading mangas a lot more often, since I don't have enough time to watch anime

If its from a Anime/Manga series, I generally I tend to watch the Anime first, if I like it, then go to the Manga.
i voted for anime, i like it because of the seiyuu's voices, and its colored!
i like mangas too but i dont like flipping pages that much, pretty lazy huh? :D
I have watched Anime, only readed few mangas others r H xD
Manga. It updates faster.
i prefer manga.
the anime ver can't beat the originality of the manga ver.
I would say I like anime more, but it depends...
Sometimes, they make such changes when they animate the manga, which could be both terrifying or for the better...
reading is the same, so anime is my favorite