Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

Total Votes : 2,920
I like anime more when it comes to non-h manga vs. anime but I like reading ero manga better then regular manga because I find that its less um.....cluttered, its kinda trying to add too much text imo
I prefer manga you really get a feel of the emotion put forth by the mangaka. However sometimes it is good to see your favorite manga come to life.

P.S. in my personal opinion subbed beats dubbed 98% of the time.
Manga!! Most of the kickass anime probably wouldn't be the same had the manga not existed. Sometimes when anime is based off a really good manga , but the anime kind of sucks(maybe cuz a original twist they put into the anime ect) its annoying. I used to only watch anime, but now rarely watch it , cuz i'm reading manga. And then there is FILLERS.....

plus the anime of my fav manga(Kure nai) sucked big.
I prefer the manga since it's easier to download. Plus it's faster to read so I can do 3 eromanga at a time.

The colors are amusing.
Dammit, I can't vote. I can't decide on one over the other. There are times when I want to be lazy and not strain my eyes that I watch anime, and then other times when I'd rather have peace and quiet that I'll read manga.

Also, yay 100th post.
I favor reading a manga over watching an anime especially if a series has both. Mainly because of time though. Why waste 24 minutes of your life watching something if you cant just read it in about 5? Some anime have to be watched along with the manga though, because you won't always get the whole story through them individually.
While I love reading manga, I'm a fast reader, so I find that I don't absorb the information as much as while watching anime.
It all depends on which anime/manga series we are talking about but generally I like manga more since it takes less time and anime needs 20-30 mins per episode.
As I almost exclusively peruse hentai and heavy ecchi, anime is the natural choice for me.
Manga ... You don't have to worry about Shitty Filler ...
Also there is a Reason Most Anime is Based off Manga ... Manga is better
Anime all the way.

If I wanted to read, I'd read something important.
I find anime to be more convenient but if I have the time (and more so the motivation) I'll read the manga...... or if the manga is significantly better than the anime then its manga all the way (example Rosario + Vampire)
Anime or Manga?
If it's hentai I'll fap to both! ^-^
Manga fav, why?
Damn the artist break it but to ink it or draw it on a comp board
They put there heart and soul, and the art is EPIC!!

Anime sometimes messed up and they get tired of doing it and make it less graphic!!
BUY MANGA dont Download Japanese break there back doing it!!! Cooperate !!!
chaoshead09 wrote...
i voted for anime, i like it because of the seiyuu's voices, and its colored!
i like mangas too but i dont like flipping pages that much, pretty lazy huh? :D

Just a bit lazy, but aren't we all?
I like manga better. I'll only watch anime adaptations of light novels, visual novels, or manga I've read before and favorited.
I like both. But I chose anime 'cause I'm a lazy couch potato and I don't really like clicking.
Anime over manga though there are cases with the exception of storylines that only exist in manga format.. as i own both fate/stay night in both manga and dvd format the anime does far more justice just due to the fights being a bit more action packed
Monster Girl
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