E3 2013

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Well, its that time of year again. This one should be good since there will be coverage on the next generation consoles. I'm excited about the PS4, but I'm also curious to see if Microsoft can make a comeback after their embarrassing press conference about the Xbox one. Nintendo probably has nothing to worry about and will be one of the favorites to look out for this year. They already have a head start in the game so we'll see what else they have cooked up for us.

Cheers to a new era of gaming!

Conference dates:

-Conference starts Monday, June 10th 9:00am
-Microsoft Press conference 9:30am
-Microsoft post show 11:00am
-EA pre-show 12:30pm
-EA press conference 1:00pm
-EA post-show 2:00pm
-Ubisoft pre-show 2:30pm
-Ubisoft press conference 3:00pm
-Ubisoft post-show 4:00pm
-Sony pre-show 5:30pm
-Sony press conference 6:00pm
-Sony post-show 7:00pm
-Nintendo direct reactions Tuesday, June 11th 8:00am
-Xbox one showcase 12:00pm-12:40pm
-Secret E3 game 1:00pm
-Nintendo game 1:40pm
-PS4 showcase 2:00pm-2:40pm
-Destiny 3:00pm
-Call of duty: Ghosts 3:20pm
-Secret E3 Game 4:20pm
-Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag 4:40pm
-Secret E3 Game 5:00pm
-Thief 5:20pm
-Dark Souls II 5:40pm
-PS4 Showcase 6:00pm
-Batman: Arkham Origins 6:20pm
-Secret E3 Game 6:40pm
-More games Wendsday starting at 11:00am
-Live game demos and people's choice award Thursday 11:00am

These times and dates aren't set in stone, and if I'm wrong on anything it'd be a big help to correct me, thanks. Info taken from IGN.
Been a while since an E3 has been this exciting for me. Bring it, Square Enix.
FinalBoss wrote...
-Microsoft Press conference 9:30am
-Sony press conference 6:00pm
-PS4 showcase 2:00pm-2:40pm
-Thief 5:20pm
-Dark Souls II 5:40pm
-Batman: Arkham Origins 6:20pm

The only times that matter. All Nintendo has to do is remind people that they're not microsoft and present games worth playing on the wii u.

Microsoft Cancels Xbox One Executive Interviews At E3. Keep crying bitch nigga.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
It's weird that the console conf are all on the same day...
Hentanize wrote...
Bring it, Square Enix.
I heard Square is announcing the next part of Final Fantasy 13 as their "Big" surprise. God please no, I'd actually like something playable from Square this time around.

Also, I heard Capcom has big surprises too, supposedly nothing fighting game oriented. Can't say I'm not disheartened by that fact. Keiji Inafune please come back... Megaman Legends wasn't done yet....
Hoping for a Fallout mention.
Cyndas wrote...
I heard Square is announcing the next part of Final Fantasy 13 as their "Big" surprise. God please no, I'd actually like something playable from Square this time around....

If you're talking about lightning returns, then it isn't a surprise as they mentioned it in their lineup of games to present. What they did say is talking about the future of final fantasy and the possible announcement of ff15 which many believe it to be versus 13. I'd personally love it if it wasnt versus but an entirely new game that doesnt take 13 as a reference. A FF that is "going back to the roots" would be perfect.
Hentanize wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
I heard Square is announcing the next part of Final Fantasy 13 as their "Big" surprise. God please no, I'd actually like something playable from Square this time around....

If you're talking about lightning returns, then it isn't a surprise as they mentioned it in their lineup of games to present. What they did say is talking about the future of final fantasy and the possible announcement of ff15 which many believe it to be versus 13. I'd personally love it if it wasnt versus but an entirely new game that doesnt take 13 as a reference. A FF that is "going back to the roots" would be perfect.

That's what Square Enix needs more than anything right now. A clean slate game, I wasn't impressed by the first 4 hours of FFXIII, I sure as hell won't be with the next two expansions. Literally the last game by them I probably played was Sleeping Dogs, and the only reason I played it was because it was free on PSN Plus, but then I realized the MC is kind of a badass so I played it all the way through.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I can't wait to see the new Assassin's Creed and Thief.
Sneakyone wrote...
Hoping for a Fallout mention.

Nintendo mentioned that they were going to show off the new Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS.
Me want moar smash
I really want a new Fallout, some great games for the Wii U would be awesome, very happy to hear a new Smash Bros will at least be coming out. I would like a new Legend of Zelda more though! :D
I'm also excited for the PS4.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Looking forward to tomorrow, just hope Sony doesn't fuck up.
Hentanize wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
I heard Square is announcing the next part of Final Fantasy 13 as their "Big" surprise. God please no, I'd actually like something playable from Square this time around....

If you're talking about lightning returns, then it isn't a surprise as they mentioned it in their lineup of games to present. What they did say is talking about the future of final fantasy and the possible announcement of ff15 which many believe it to be versus 13. I'd personally love it if it wasnt versus but an entirely new game that doesnt take 13 as a reference. A FF that is "going back to the roots" would be perfect.

I don't feel that Square is capable of going back to it's roots, those people are long gone (with exception to their music composers/performers (idk for sure about them)). They can "clean slate", but since 11, everything they've released felt like a "clean slate" to me.

I would prefer if they back tracked, worked with small budgets and focused on smaller titles. Take a break from the Final Fantasy name and try to work on multiple titles with numerous individual teams till they find some guys who know what their doing, from there invest in those guys.

Squares logic seems to be, "Tons of action and breath taking graphics is what sells games" and "Final Fantasy is a surefire source of money so we should invest everything in it by making numerous games with the name". To them "decent and immersive story" is inconsequential, either their executives/investors never had decent taste and didn't realize how great their writers/directors were or have lowered their standards since.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I'm setting up my e3 fort later tonight since the conference starts at 7am for me.

Microsoft Damage control comes first, Oh joy.
cruz737 wrote...
I'm setting up my e3 fort later tonight since the conference starts at 7am for me.

Microsoft Damage control comes first, Oh joy.

Personally, I'm looking forward to it, watching Microsoft entertains me for some sick sadistically reason. Now if only I had the money to go, this is the first E3 I've wanted to go to since 06-07, but back then I was underage and lacked the funds.
All the stuff I want to hear from (some) companies.

-Sony. Show me the console. say it's priced somewhere below 600 dollars. Then move on to some exclusive launch titles for it.

-Microsoft. Do you remember all the crap about the Xbox one the internet hates? tone it down or get rid of it entirely. Also I want to see at least a few of these announced "new" games for the console be something other than sequels from past titles.

-Square. Some one please tell Eidos Montreal that deus ex does not belong on ios. I've only ever played FF3 on DS (Japanese FF3, not the American version which I think is FF6) so I can't comment on the state of the current Final Fantasy series.

-Valve. If they show up at all, I want to hear about half life 3, half life 2: episode 3, maybe even portal 3; however, I would be happy to hear that some one at valve learned to count to three.

That's everything off the top of my head. I might post more if I think of anything.
SCIENCE!!! wrote...
All the stuff I want to hear from (some) companies.

-Sony. Show me the console. say it's priced somewhere below 600 dollars. Then move on to some exclusive launch titles for it.

-Microsoft. Do you remember all the crap about the Xbox one the internet hates? tone it down or get rid of it entirely. Also I want to see at least a few of these announced "new" games for the console be something other than sequels from past titles.

-Square. Some one please tell Eidos Montreal that deus ex does not belong on ios.

-Valve. If they show up at all, I want to hear about half life 3, half life 2: episode 3, maybe even portal 3; however, I would be happy to hear that some one at valve learned to count to three.

That's everything off the top of my head. I might post more if I think of anything.

Lol, I was looking up ds games to look into and I happen to cross by this article, I was about to post it but saw your comment so... My sadistic tendencies are showing.
I'm looking forward to watching Sony's E3 press conference, it's going to be a long night. 11 hours 33 minutes. It'll be 2:00am here.

Will watch the Xbox One conference as well, 3 hours away.
Monster Girl
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