Fate/Extra Western Release! Also: Sequel Planned!

Will You Buy It?

Total Votes : 189
Cool, then i can play it out in the open.
Started playing again, almost time to fight the Berserker.
Satsugai wrote...
Started playing again, almost time to fight the Berserker.

rin or rani route?
lordsparda09 wrote...
Satsugai wrote...
Started playing again, almost time to fight the Berserker.

rin or rani route?

I picked Rani.
Well, I can rest assured that I'll be able to make it in time for pre-ordering session.

Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
tooge3 wrote...
Well, I can rest assured that I'll be able to make it in time for pre-ordering session.


I've still got my virgin white edition preordered since the American release probably won't come with the figure and buying the figure separate would cost almost the same.

But I will still preorder the American one as well since its right around income tax time anyway.
Game promo:

figma review:

4 minute message from Nero:
somesome wrote...
4 minute message from Nero:

I was just about to post these, too! Nice job, mate!

Also, at 2:57 in the four minute vid Saber has a massive tsundere-gasm. Wish I knew what she was saying.

That figure looks so friggin' good! If only I had more cash...!

Sabers Praetor wrote...

So, Praetor, you think she got so outraged over Gilgamesh's personality, or about his gold armor. I'm thinking she's pissed he's all in gold and looks like he's stealing the spotlight.

Good job on getting the White Box, man. Seriously. That is a great figure.

Oh, and: http://www.fate-extra.jp/kiki1/index.html
Pretty funny promotional minigame
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
I watched those while on break and was going to post them when I got home but it appears I also was too late.

and the chat with Nero video made my shitty day at work much better...and the fact that my now ex shattered my PSP when I broke up with her, proving my point that she was an unreasonable bitch, fortunately my game and memory stick are fine but I have to got get a new PSP next pay day thus these vids gave me my Nero fix.

The game trailer showed that true to their word they gave the game a massive overhaul. the environments look completely redone from what I can tell and in addition the other characters seem to be wearing the student outfit now as well.

And from what I could gather Nero was saying something along the lines of:

Not only does Praetor have the option of choosing between Archer and Caster but now this *insert snide remarks about Gil*.
From there I believe it was something along the lines of telling Praetor they better pick her over the others. Of course this is just pure speculation since I don't know Japanese aside from a few words here and there.

That mini game you linked doesn't seem to want to work for me I just get a black screen.
nevermind my flash player was disabled
Finally a look at the gameplay, the atmosphere totally changed can't wait to play King of Heroes and Better!Saber.
Fate EXTRA CCC News Update!!
-I think this game might really be a direct sequel to Extra:
"A fatal computer error brings the "Extra’s World" back and this time players will get to know Sakura. The key to the Fate series is in the hands of the protagonist. The stage is set to rewrite the computer world."

Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
MegaTenLove wrote...
Fate EXTRA CCC News Update!!
-I think this game might really be a direct sequel to Extra:
"A fatal computer error brings the "Extra’s World" back and this time players will get to know Sakura. The key to the Fate series is in the hands of the protagonist. The stage is set to rewrite the computer world."


Just saw that article a bit ago but because of the wording it can be understood multiple ways, but I would have to lean towards it being a sequel.

Honestly I am overly hyped about the game since it focuses on Sakura and I get to have more Nero time....its win - win for me.
Cool Info!!

And i just found these:

Playable Servants Noble Phantasm

Saber's English Noble Phantasm Quotes:
Verse 1
Behold my splendor....
Hear the thunderous applause...and admire Aestus Domus Aurea!!

Verse 2
Kingdom of Heaven and Hell...
My heaven, reconstructed! This is where the limelight shines!

Verse 3
Behold my glory... Hear the thunderous applause...
Sit down and praise... My Golden Theater!

Archer's English Noble Phantasm Quotes:
I am the bone of my sword,
Steel is my body and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to death, nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.

Caster's English Noble Phantasm Quotes:
There are gods in Izumo.
Sure on aesthetic, breath the soul.
Sky shines on mountain, rivers, water and sky.
Approve freely, prove it as ablutions.
It is called Tamamo Sizuishi.
Mirror of Uka/Inari's Godly Artifact.
Hows that? *star* or Just Kidding! *star*

Enemy Servants Noble Phantasm

Rider's English Noble Phantasm Quotes:
Remember my name by the death from my passing! Temeroso el Draque!
I am the woman who set the sun!
You rascals, it's time! The king of storms, a swarm of ghosts, this is the beginning of the Wild Hunt!

(Note: in the first line she actually says "temeroso el draque" in Spanish, which translates to "the fearsome dragon", so translate that how you will. In the third line "you rascals" is just her addressing her crew as a superior officer speaking to scalliwags, but I fail at pirate jargon. Also "Wild Hunt" is said in English, of course, in reference to the actual folk myth)

Archer: "Yew Bow"

"A blessing of the forest... Which becomes a poison to tyrannical regimes"
"This arrow from my grave..."

(referencing the arrow he shot into the yew tree to mark where he should be buried)

Caster: Queen's Glass Game

"Beyond beyond the rainbow plains,
black and white squares, the King of Games
Run, run, the maze of mirrors,
farewell, oh pitiable rabbit~~"

(I got it to half rhyme! :-])

Lancer (Rin route): Kazikli Bey

"Wife, witness this blood spilt in sacrifice, so that it may appease thy thirst!
Fortress of Impalement, Kazikli Bey!!"

Berserker (Rani route): Blut die Schwester (pulled the name off the wiki. I think it's German for "sister of blood"? I don't know German...)

Gatou: "My God, the beauty of the Moon! Embodiment of golden hell, let yourself run freeeeeeeeee!!"
Berserker: "Uaaaaaaaaaa~~~!"

(this is a little fancy, and I may have gotten it wrong)

Gatou: "Oh, woman of origin! Thou hast a broad beauty!"
Berserker: "Uaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

(This is a second variation he'll say. Gatou is basically saying she's so beautiful that he can't narrow it down to specifics)

Assassin: No Second Strike

"With my ba ji two strikes are not needed! Anger~~! Mastery~~~!
Seven wounds of gushing blood.... A purified death!!

(he says "ba ji" from "ba ji quan", which is the name of his martial art. In Chinese "ba ji quan" means "eight extremity fist". The last line is wonky as he refers to the practice of sprinkling things like salt to purify the ground where someone died, only in this case using their blood instead).

Berserker (Rin route): God Force

Rani: "The fusion of all creation, the purity of the soul which descends beyond the horizon of qualia.
Tincture Trismegistus...., primary form.... SHOOT!!"

(I hate Rani because she uses Latin phiosophy words. For the meaning of "Qualia" look it up on wikipedia. "Primary form" can probably be better termed, as she's just referring to God Force's main attack form, which in this case is the bow. "Tincture Trismegistus" refers to Hermes Trismegistus, an Egyptian author of divine texts preceeding and referenced by philosophers such as Plato, and from other game context the term refers more or less to the "philosopher's stone". Damn you Rani for making me do research. ;-/)

Lancer (Rani route): Gae Bolg

"Your heart.... is mine!!
Let's go! Immediate direct attack!!

(he actually says he'll "get" your heart rather than claim it, but that sounds kind of inappropriately flirty to me so I used "is mine" instead...)

Saber: Excalibur Galatine

"The blade of this sword is a copy of the sun itself... Holy sword of the stars swing once again!
Transcendent sword of victory Excalibur Galatine!!"

(I have no idea how to best translate "tenrin", so I went with transcendant. Aksys uses "resurrected", which is how it appears in the game's Matrix. Transmigratory might be more literal, but it looks goofy).

Saver: Transmigration Into One

"The wheel of transmigration proclaims the time. All living things, all troubles return to us.
Under the great enlightenment, human individuality becomes one."

I kept the three different translation from the Saber topic due to them better somewhat accurate to what she's saying or best describes her personality.

I added the last piece in Caster's NP as someone mention she could've said "Just kidding" in the last part.

I know that Archer's Noble Phantasm is already in English, but I'm adding it here for consistency.

I let to thank LegoTechnic, opfer_gv, Three_Leaf_Ivy, and lord_phr0zen for providing the translations for these.
MegaTenLove wrote...
Fate EXTRA CCC News Update!!
-I think this game might really be a direct sequel to Extra:
"A fatal computer error brings the "Extra’s World" back and this time players will get to know Sakura. The key to the Fate series is in the hands of the protagonist. The stage is set to rewrite the computer world."


I feel that it'd be an alternate universe. Remember, the first virtual Holy Grail War (VHGW), once you defeated the master, the defeated master died in the virtual world and died in real life. Somehow, linking that fact alone with re-coming defeated characters from the 1st VHGW to the 2nd VHGW is really difficult to connect.

However, totally fine with it being a sequel, but I'd see it how into the Rani route sequel than the Rin route sequel Major spoilers:
unless she somehow fail to find the real body. If so, I'd understand that she'd be stuck in the same virtual world except not a hacker like she was before.
She somehow escaped the fate of death. How? Got no clue.

Oh, how I love to think of the many possibilities of sequels.
tooge3 wrote...
MegaTenLove wrote...
Fate EXTRA CCC News Update!!
-I think this game might really be a direct sequel to Extra:
"A fatal computer error brings the "Extra’s World" back and this time players will get to know Sakura. The key to the Fate series is in the hands of the protagonist. The stage is set to rewrite the computer world."


I feel that it'd be an alternate universe. Remember, the first virtual Holy Grail War (VHGW), once you defeated the master, the defeated master died in the virtual world and died in real life. Somehow, linking that fact alone with re-coming defeated characters from the 1st VHGW to the 2nd VHGW is really difficult to connect.

However, totally fine with it being a sequel, but I'd see it how into the Rani route sequel than the Rin route sequel Major spoilers:
unless she somehow fail to find the real body. If so, I'd understand that she'd be stuck in the same virtual world except not a hacker like she was before.
She somehow escaped the fate of death. How? Got no clue.

Oh, how I love to think of the many possibilities of sequels.

Lol i was about to say those, i mean if its a sequel why would Rin/Rani be back in that world is she is searching for the protagonist's body..?
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
well like I stated awhile back there are too many things that wouldn't make sense if it were a sequel its more viable that it will be an alternate route.

I have claimed Nero as my waifu....all is right in the world.
Keep the Thread Alive!!!


I'm Guessing the main difference between the Original Grail Servants and MoonCell servants are :Seraph servants prioritize the safety of Mooncell and that i think they retain their memories from previous Grail wars since both Archer and Caster remembers their past grail wars, What i intend to say is What if Gil also remembers?
lol, i wanna see his reaction when he see's his old partner as an Npc , and what would his reaction be when he see that spineless wimp of a master he had in UBW(Shinji).
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
ALL servants in the virtual and real grail war retain memories of past wars there are some instances where they have forgotten like Archer in Fate/ Stay Night but in general they are able to recall. Prioritizing the Se.Ra.Ph is something unique to Extra but as its shown it is not completely binding should your servant wish to go against it.
It was on sale on PSN for $15! My patience paid off, I literally had $25 sitting in my PSN wallet and I constantly told myself, the price has to go down sometime!

Not finished the game, and I just entered Rin's Route with Archer.

(Being a huge fan of Fate I found this to be the best combination in my mind)

To be honest, I truly enjoy this game. *Spoiler about Shinji*
I also enjoyed watching this fuck-stick roll around in his misery, I can't say the same for Ms. Francis Drake, some of the other Masters with sad stories.

I really wish this game wasn't based on this Rock-Paper-Scissors type of combat. Yes, I'm aware that some monsters prefer using certain attacks over and over, but that doesn't eliminate the slight chance of them using the unlikely. This game is literally played based off a person's luck, and I don't enjoy that.

This game is really bloody hard. I can't imagine anyone playing this without building straight up strength, or else boss fights would last like 20 minutes, and use like a billion healing items.

Also if anyone has gotten this far-- When it's the scene with Lancer V Lancer
Is it absolutely mandatory to use TWO command seals? One I know is mandatory to enter the arena, but do you need to use another seal to survive the fight? I've redone this scene like 17 times, and have always failed, because Rani's Lancer kills me within 2 moves.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
Cyndas wrote...
It was on sale on PSN for $15! My patience paid off, I literally had $25 sitting in my PSN wallet and I constantly told myself, the price has to go down sometime!

Not finished the game, and I just entered Rin's Route with Archer.

(Being a huge fan of Fate I found this to be the best combination in my mind)

To be honest, I truly enjoy this game. *Spoiler about Shinji*
I also enjoyed watching this fuck-stick roll around in his misery, I can't say the same for Ms. Francis Drake, some of the other Masters with sad stories.

I really wish this game wasn't based on this Rock-Paper-Scissors type of combat. Yes, I'm aware that some monsters prefer using certain attacks over and over, but that doesn't eliminate the slight chance of them using the unlikely. This game is literally played based off a person's luck, and I don't enjoy that.

This game is really bloody hard. I can't imagine anyone playing this without building straight up strength, or else boss fights would last like 20 minutes, and use like a billion healing items.

Also if anyone has gotten this far-- When it's the scene with Lancer V Lancer
Is it absolutely mandatory to use TWO command seals? One I know is mandatory to enter the arena, but do you need to use another seal to survive the fight? I've redone this scene like 17 times, and have always failed, because Rani's Lancer kills me within 2 moves.

To clear up a few points the game is NOT based on luck enemies tend to follow a set pattern you just have to figure out that pattern. Its not Lancer vs Lancer its Lancer vs Berserker. Also you can manage the fight without using a command seal but it really doesn't matter whether you do or not since there is no benefit for not using it. The combat system is actually quite well done in my opinion its easy to just pick up and start playing while the skill system helps to add complexity. If you are still finding the game too hard play on easy with Nero since the difficulty doesn't affect any game elements like spawn rates or item drops.
Monster Girl
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