Post your favorite Final Fantasy game

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FFX, Tidus and Yuna's night kiss in the Spring made my heart go all mushy.

Tsujoi Social Media Manager

8 was the first one I played...yeah yeah, I got in on the fun way late.

Final Fantasy IX ftw.
final fantasy 6 for the win.It has Kefka,best villain ever.
Final Fantasy VI followed very closely by IX. The three FMV's from the disc below.

Thinking about it, probably Tactics. I loved VI, really liked what I played of IV, and had a great time with X but I probably spent the most time overall on Tactics. Even for an FF game it had a great story. It also reminded me a lot of Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber and that game was absolutely fucking amazing.
Probably because the people who made Ogre Battle made Tactics.

EDIT: You can watch the Final Fantasy Retrospective from GameTrailers here: It basically goes over the entire franchise (including spin-offs) all the way up to present. Great for people who want to know more about how it all started, and for those who want some nostalgia of the older games.
#7, though I haven't played 6 yet. Of course, the Compilation of FF7 can burn in hell!
Final Fantasy 7


It's the only game tat has ever caused me to break down and cry

Every time I watch that clip I cry.
Kaimax Best Master-San
7, the first ever Final Fantasy that I played, and a lot of weight in the plot story, from all the compilation I only have not played "FF7 Before Crisis."
Final Fantasy X, because it is the only one I played for quite some time, nearing completion. My patience for RPG does not hold for long.
for me it would be FFV, and the re-release for gba with the extra dungeon was pretty sweet
The first FF I ever played was 3 which was re-releaseed as FFVI.At that time I'm only twelve and I must say it's not the best but at that time really moved me,so FF3,haha and I remember I like it so much that I didn't want it to end,so I decided not to finish it,until even now :D
Those i like are always the epic ones that topic i always see people around talking which is FF7,FF8, and FF10 and FF10-2
I think FFVI is my favorite, but obviously VII is a close second.
No particular favourite here.

I think every single game of the series is unique and can't be compared with another one.

Though I must admit, part IX and XII's endings got me a little more emotional than usual.
As far as story and stuff like that IX. As for system...X-2. The reason would be because before that V was my favorite system wise and X-2 is pretty much just an improvement on that.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I couldn't enjoy IX for some reason....The only characters I liked from that game were Vivi and Beatrix.
nacho wrote...
No particular favourite here.

I think every single game of the series is unique and can't be compared with another one.

Though I must admit, part IX and XII's endings got me a little more emotional than usual.

FFIX's ending was amazing. It's my favorite cut scene of all games.
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