Post your favorite Final Fantasy game

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FF IX's my favorite.
Only one I really got into.
FFIX is my favorite. And from the looks of XIII and vs. XIII those two might be my new favorites :]

Although I have to say, Crisis Core probably had the best music with FFIX coming second.
FFVII series but mostly because Zack Fair is awesome ^^ I absolutly loved Crisis Core haha
*Gasp! could it be...!? a FFVII remake!?

No... no it's not, but still FFVII is the best by far. Although the other FF games were awesome as well, even the ones people say they didn't like. They were more just "disappointed" me thinks, but FF is awesome.
razama wrote...
Although the other FF games were awesome as well, even the ones people say they didn't like. They were more just "disappointed" me thinks, but FF is awesome.

No. It's perfectly possible for a Final Fantasy to completely suck.
Yeah I know, but I am just saying for the most part.
I would have to say my fav is FF7 it was the first one I played and it just seems to have stuck with me for all these years it always someting I can fall back on when theres nothing else to play or do because its a classic to me.
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