Post your favorite Final Fantasy game

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Only played the first 6 and I have no favorite as they made me hate random encounters so much I cannot play most RGPs anymore.
Ahhh... I've played Tactics, FF4, FF7, FF8, FF9, FFX (and X-2!), FFXII... actually, I gave up on FFXII. I'll start playing it again sometime...

Ohhh! And I'm playing Tactics Advance right now.

But out of those, the one I loved most was... *drumrolls*...

Not that the other ones weren't good... I just loved this one the most! :D
My all-time favorite FFIX AMV:

Along with this one:
I'd honestly have to toss it up between Ten and Tactics. Ten gave me, from an RPG, everything I wanted as a wee lad. I remember popping the disc in, watching the opening AMV, and thinking that this was the future. No other RPG has done that for me. Even the previews for thirteen hold up to that standard.

As for Tactics, the play through itself is a bit fuzzy for me, mainly due to the 200 or so hours i put in to it. Though when I look back on it, even though the system took a bit of getting used to, it was the easiest to get hooked on, in my personal opinion. All those fights that I didn't think I could win at first glance, now seem like child's play. All the strategy I put in to my short term and long term goals for the game, that gave me a sense of accomplishment that very little games can rival. However, Mimes were just a waste of my time.
It would have to be ff7 cause it my first, but I have a thing for ff8
definitely FFX,i love Yuna,:mrgreen:
FFX & FFX2... Yuna and Tidus. To me, that was a hella of a romance, a bittersweet one too.
FF12 or FFXII right? I guess that's my favorite cause that's really the only one I played, I also played FFVII but I can't remember that really...
Here's a AMV celebrating the love/romance in FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX/X-2:
I´d say that FF 12 is a major failure of Square-Soft .. it´s worse than FF8!

Yes they did it I also fail to see why people love FF7 so much ? I mean .... most of people say that it has the saddest scene in the gaming history...i say where ?!.....Death of Aeris ..pfft...

FF IX is the best ^^
Most of the saddest scenes in Final Fantasy happened for me in FFVI. The opera's story, Cid, Terra, etc. The whole game overall was a very emotional one for me. Fitting, since the game was supposed to be like an opera (or so I read... I don't have the source of that.).
I so got to try that one ^^
(A couple month) BUMP

Downloaded FF: Dissidia for my psp. Got to say...I didn't understand a word of it, but god damn it is the SHIT!!! One on one battle with
Sephiroth, Garland, Ultimicia. With any characters you want. The storyline was hard to follow obviously because I don't speak japanese...but son of a whore the graphics and fighting are good.

As an Ex-Soldier I give it a 9/10 for final fantasy games.
I spent over 200 hours playing FFX...
FFX was nice, I actually made it to the ending (I don't finish a lot of things). FFVIII would have to be my favorite, though. It's what got me into FF, and RPG's in general. I only every made it to the second disc, and my ps1 died before I was able to find a replacement. I've been dreaming of finishing it since then... I liked the cut scenes of VIII a lot more than what was in X, along with the story in general. At least I think I did, it's been close to 10 years since my ps1 died.
I personally love FFV the most because of the story and the job systems.
i like FFVII the most since it was the first one i played :lol:
Sadly enough, I have yet to finish a mainstream FF game. So... I guess my fave would have to go to FF Tactics
Tactics Advanced...and I have yet to see myself playing any other game.
#8 for me nothing can beat the cool personality of Squall.....
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