red dead redemption !!!!!!!!

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shinji_ikari wrote...
ill only accept this as a legit wild west game if i get to rape indians in it..nuff said

I wouldnt be suprised, I mean this is Rockstar we are talking about here
Seems like a game I'd only enjoy with one playthrough. A lot of people on my list would have to have it for me to even think about getting it.
Game Informer gave Red Dead Redemption 9.75 out of 10, and it won game of the month, so when I pick this up Monday night its going to be pretty kickass
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
pre-ordered this after watching the multiplayer trailer.
Im looking forward to the multiplayer, I like the Idea of forming a posse to go kill opponents, and I liike the title system they implemented too
I wasn't looking forward to this game until a month ago, and I was just going to get it to play with friends. But after watching the 6 part gameplay video series, I gotta have it and I plan on playing the crap out of it. That video series could sell just about anyone on the game. I went from "Mildly looking forward to it..." to "Gotta have it now!".

I imagine I'll be jumping like a giddy schoolgirl when I pick it up tomorrow night.

I heard someone say they were going to watch The Man with No Name Trilogy in preparation for the game. I think I'll do the same.
I played about 15 minutes of it last night (Friend works at Family Video and got it early) and it looks alright. A ton of story. Its basically what you would expect living in the west would be like with a lot of Clint Eastwood influence. My problem with it was that I'm treating it like a GTA and as soon as I kill someone the game stopped and displayed Game Over. Maybe once you get through the initial story that will change and you'll have more freedom to do whatever. Switching weapons takes some getting used to and fist fighting is pretty awkward. The game makes extensive use of using cover so you'll end up sliding up next a box or any other waist-high object at a push of a button.
Can't seem to decide between this and LP2.

Hows the solo? Multiplayer looks fun as hell.
Almost beat it.
God i love pirates for their "leaked" releases with week or two before official release.
Stupid exams need to come already. I really want to play this game now.

Just 2 more weeks. At least that gives me some time to platinum GTAIV once and for all.
I've been playing it for a few days now and i think its pretty kool!
We should all go to multiplayer and fuck around.
I'm definitely picking this up next week, and because it actually looks very good, not just because I'm a huge sucker for Western settings.

I played Gun to total 100% completion for God's sake.
This game is a lot of fun online and offline to play, I spent a whole day just running around in Free roam
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
got the game today.

add me if you haven't already.

psn: tsujoi

edit: Has anyone accidently killed their horse? Riding my horse, decided to try and dismount aand full stop at the same time. I flew off the horse and it just collapsed dead, lol.
Excellent game! The scenery is amazing, great voice acting, same great dynamic and smooth animations from GTA IV, and my favorite game this year. There are so many things to do that you shouldn't ever be bored when you want to take a break from the story.

Free roam is a blast. It seems kind of slow and boring, but with some friends it's the most fun I've had for a long time.

I hate writing ending spoilers this early because no one goes back to read them when they finish, but I really gotta get this off my chest.

Ending spoils
Who knew that your farm was in the Great Plains the whole time? Any other game would have made it a cutscene, but here we get to ride back to John's home and see his family. Just a beautiful moment, I loved this part. Then you get a few more missions and get your farm back up and running.

The game should have ended there, in my opinion. I hate when the main character dies especially one who I really like, like John Marston. Getting revenge as his son was nice, but it just won't be the same.

I'll get over it, doesn't change my opinion of how great this game is.
best game this year
Game's great so far. Just getting used to the controls kinda takes a bit of work, but once you do, it's a blast!
Doing the free roam master hunter challenges currently. Can't find Khan the Jaguar.
I love how seem less everything is. This game is a serious contender for game of the ear and the sheer amount of crap to do is astounding. Just riding a fucking horse is fun!

I'm also really happy at the throw backs to the original and how it matches the same tone set by that under appreciated gem.
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