red dead redemption !!!!!!!!

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beat it the on ps3 yesterday
just like many people, much hype, so i got it. My PS3 seem to be making lots of noise after like 30-45 minutes, the fan working like crazy. After like 10+ minutes, it comes back to somewhat normal.

anyway, the little i played so far, its awesome.
I really enjoyed it, not like GTA4, I actually want to come bock and play this again
online free roam would be better if you could get your dude smashed at the bar...I can see a ton of drunk indians in sombreros fightin in the bar
Sigh. GTA meets Wild West. Not too much difference... Ah well. Fun but not worth paying full price for it
yeah the fun kinda wears out before you actually finish the game. just like gta4 to me. starts off a little slow, after a few hours it opens up to tons of fun, but then it overstays its welcome and becomes too repetitive before you actually finish the campaign. not to mention SOOOO MANY BUGS OMG. and not the squishy kind either.
Just like GTA you guys say?

Off to the store I go.
You have to get over some of the bugs if you play multiplayer, I became invisible once when I was riding my horse
I bought it and spent most of my time hunting game and collecting bounty lmao.

I didn't even do the main missions yet. Fun game, I'd say more fun for me than GTA IV. Spent 10 hours on it so far.
What a sad ending! *spoiler alert* This game can be pretty short if you decide to do the game in a linear way and just do the main missions. But if you decide to kill mexicans first like I did it can take days if not weeks. Now that I'm done with it I'm not interested in quest hunting anymore because the damn strangers are spread out randomly in the map if not already eaten by grizzly bears.
Playing on my friends 360, I must say this is awesome
Still waiting for the PC version, so I can start modding
Just got the game on my home way from class. Now the hard part is not playing it until I finish my exam tomorrow.
iast wrote...
I bought it and spent most of my time hunting game and collecting bounty lmao.

I didn't even do the main missions yet. Fun game, I'd say more fun for me than GTA IV. Spent 10 hours on it so far.

i did that at first. but as fun as all the random stuff is for a while, it gets very repetetive eventually. now im just trying to finish up the story and be done with it so i can send it back to gamefly and rent something else.
I'm having a blast with the cheats you unlock with the "rockstar Social Club Challenges"

the current challenge unlocks a cheat where your bullets put your enemies on fire (Single player only and Achivements/Trophies become locked and you're unable to save anymore)

you have to link your account with your "Social Club" account though.

anyone know how to unlock the avatar awards? (Xbox)
I currenly have 3 of the 5
Free DLC now available. Nice surprise considering I didn't even know it was gonna be free. I tend to stray away from video games news when I'm in a middle of a game.

It's actually pretty fun. I spent some time today playing with some randoms a mission where you're rescuing a girl from kidnappers. It's too bad all the people I played with today sucked.
The DLC is fun really.

I played it with Shawn and 2 other American friends.
We kicked ass and won gold every single time. except when Shawn left of the rafting level. Then we got Silver :(

Haven't tried the Advanced missions yet
Dejitaru Ryuu wrote...
The DLC is fun really.

I played it with Shawn and 2 other American friends.
We kicked ass and won gold every single time. except when Shawn left of the rafting level. Then we got Silver :(

Haven't tried the Advanced missions yet

Can't even remember me. And to think I added you on my friends list.
Longevity wrote...
Dejitaru Ryuu wrote...
The DLC is fun really.

I played it with Shawn and 2 other American friends.
We kicked ass and won gold every single time. except when Shawn left of the rafting level. Then we got Silver :(

Haven't tried the Advanced missions yet

Can't even remember me. And to think I added you on my friends list.

you weren't on-line the moment we where playing it :p
Longevity wrote...
Dejitaru Ryuu wrote...
The DLC is fun really.

I played it with Shawn and 2 other American friends.
We kicked ass and won gold every single time. except when Shawn left of the rafting level. Then we got Silver :(

Haven't tried the Advanced missions yet

Can't even remember me. And to think I added you on my friends list.

Send me an invite sometime and ill play it
I also love the new DLC. I like the fact that it has loud out selections to chose from. I only got the game 3 days before the DLC was released and most of my friends got it on release date, so i wasnt left behind with crappier weapons than theirs.

Also on the rainy village mission were you assault the cannon's up top. There's a slope to the left of the obvious attack point that you can use to flank the cannons.
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