The "Last Game You Beat" Thread

Fate Extra/ CCC For the PSP.


My god that game was so much easier compared to Fate Extra. Moreover, Gilgamesh is broken in pretty much every possible way.

Currently Playing Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Village. It's amazing how much epicness can be condensed into possibly one of the lowest-memory cost games of all time. '-'
Metro 2033: Last Light

I love this series a lot.If you like atmospheric games, you should try it out!
Sleeping Dogs. Pretty fun all things considered.
Finally beat fallout NV and all its dlc's.
Pokemon White - imo one of the better Pokemon games
(Pokemon Silver and the remake are still #1 for me)
The Darkness 2 and Spec Ops: The line were in a bundled sale at GMG for 10$ so I bought it.

Darkness 2 - The gameplay improved from the original though I wish they got rid of the "cartoony" engine that gearbox used for the borderlands series.

If you're a fan of the original game then you should play it. 7/10

Spec Ops: The line - This game has bland game mechanics and nothing really original about it.
Though the story makes up for it ten fold.

If you ever pick up Spec Ops: The line make sure to keep in mind that you're playing it for the story. 7/10
The walking dead~
Bioshock Infinite
Assassins Creed
The walking dead shall be soon......
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for the N64. Yes, I'm on a Zelda fix right now so I played that game first and got 100% in it. Now I'm onto Skyward Sword.
The original Bioshock, majorly atmospheric. Interesting gameplay, although the lack of defensive abilities disappointed me.

A lot of people claimed this to be their best Game of all time or even just for this console generation but I enjoyed quite a few other games more. That being said I was very immersed in it the entire time I was playing. I played my first go round on Hard and never once harvested a little sister, which I assume I come out on top anyway since I get 200 Adam for every two I rescue.

I died quite a bit but I quickly grew used to that since everybody had insane damage resistance and damage output, especially Leadhead Splicers. Overall though it was a good game with a damn fine twist and some great game mechanics included that kept it from growing stale so quickly.
Metro: Last Light, I surprisingly really enjoyed since I didn't play Metro 2033. I would give it a 8/10.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo 3DS)

I enjoyed it. The puzzles were creative, the bosses were fun, and the atmosphere was comedic.

It was definitely worth the twelve year wait.

monpekokero wrote...
The original Bioshock, majorly atmospheric. Interesting gameplay, although the lack of defensive abilities disappointed me.

A lot of people claimed this to be their best Game of all time or even just for this console generation but I enjoyed quite a few other games more. That being said I was very immersed in it the entire time I was playing. I played my first go round on Hard and never once harvested a little sister, which I assume I come out on top anyway since I get 200 Adam for every two I rescue.

I died quite a bit but I quickly grew used to that since everybody had insane damage resistance and damage output, especially Leadhead Splicers. Overall though it was a good game with a damn fine twist and some great game mechanics included that kept it from growing stale so quickly.

I just finished BioShock too and BioShock Infinite. I dropped the 2nd because Infinite looks too damn amazing and IT IS AMAZING.

Overall i like Infinite more. The twist was more grand and gave me a deeper impact than would you kindly play bioshock.

Still wonderstruck after playing Infinite. Damn. Humanity can think of a story like that.

Loved it only wish their was a new game plus option.
Remember Me. pretty good game, I liked it. I'm working on Resident Evil Revelations now.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Fire emblem awakening.It was one of the best game i have play in a long time.
Uncharted 3, not as good as the second in the series but of course the high level of quality was still present. Played it on Hard my first go round (I usually do with shooters) and will step into a Crushing difficulty next. Would love to see another game from the Uncharted series albeit a different character.
Gears of War: Judgement


It was more Gears of War, but it played like Horde mode from 3 the whole way through, you are only able to hold 2 weapons so it was a bit different from thr other Gears games, and healing grenades are actually a good idea. There is also an extra bit of campaign that covers where Baird and Cole were at the end of 3 when the others were trying to get into the Island the queen was on. All in all a good game, but not worth 60 dollars, if you are a gears fan you should play it.
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

Forgot to finish the single-player campaign after having it for 2 or 3 years lol
The first Mass Effect.

Paragon Adept-Knight Shepard to the rescue!!!
Monster Girl
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