The "Last Game You Dropped" Thread

doswillrule wrote...

That's fair enough; I assumed a dropped game was one people gave up on finishing, technically you've like 120%'d it.

Very pretty and sharply rendered brown and grey with PC mods, I might add. :)

Well, for me, only when absolutely everything is taken care of is a game complete. I'm a completionist, but a rather lazy one. Although this was due to the previously stated reasons.

By the way, if anyone here does get Fallout 3, finish Blood Ties. It's awesome.
"Bored"erlands 2. Everything the first game should have been. I'm just burnt out.

As for every other game - back log'd

Edit: should I buy diablo 3?? Especially. When the price is still $50+
Replying on my own thread

BattleField: Bad Company 2
I just couldn't do it. It's almost as bad as Final Hallway, the game has a straight path and won't allow you to stray from it.
Also, I was trying to play a game, not watch a f'ing movie!
Mario Kart Wii

I just realized that I don't play Mario Kart anymore even when I hold a wiimote.
I believe that it made me quit because the game itself is loaded. Not to mention its ridiculous AI's.
Dropped at 100cc with all golds.

Final fantasy 13 was dropped when I reached the 15 hour mark. Battles and Dialog, nothing else.
About to drop FF13-2 cause I cant find any more damn wild artifacts
fgd49 wrote...
About to drop FF13-2 cause I cant find any more damn wild artifacts

Do you need help on finding them?
Zeriam wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
About to drop FF13-2 cause I cant find any more damn wild artifacts

Do you need help on finding them?

Why yes I do
fgd49 wrote...
Zeriam wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
About to drop FF13-2 cause I cant find any more damn wild artifacts

Do you need help on finding them?

Why yes I do

Alright. Pm me the ones you need help on.
The last games I recall dropping are Two Worlds II (never get it; it's the only game I will never play again), Darksiders (sold my Xbox 360 before I beat it; it was fantastic though), Dead Rising (horrible game), and Fable III (why was it ever made?).
Dragon Age Origins - I was dissapointed in the lack of meaningful choices. It felt like a roller coaster RPG or something.

Final Fantasy XII - lackluster

Final Fantasy VII on my cell (yes I'm that guy who played VIII first and didn't bother getting into VII) - felt too immature, a game for emo kids if I ever saw one (inb4 hate)

Colin McRae Rally (1) also on my cell - I couldn't proceed due to a glitch with the terrain on the snow stages. Never got past Sweden. But I've played it through before so I don't know if it counts.

Also I'm probably gonna drop VF5: The Final Showdown because I've realised I'm total shit when it comes to fighting games

Edit: It should be noted that I have a severe case of gamer ADD, and I also don't consider anything which isn't above avereage standard to be worth my time.
Woof, I actually have a list of these....
Fallout: New Vegas- I just sort of stopped playing it. Other games I wanted to play more came out and I never got the urge to finish it. Also, it kept making my PS3 crash if I played for more than a few hours.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (The remake)- I've never been a huge fan of racing games, but Hot pursuit was always kind of fun for me. Another case of just stopped playing because I moved on to batter games.
Assassin's Creed 3- Yet ANOTHER case of just stopped playing. I think I got past the part where you find out
That the guy you play as for the first hour of the game is actually a Templar.
and sort of just stopped playing.
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim- I actually like this game a lot, but most of my gaming is on the computer these days, and I have Skyrim for the PS3. I don't buy it for PC because I already have it.
Armored Core V- Just..... Yeah.... It was terrible and I regret buying it. I actually went and played AC: For Answer for a few answers to get the bad taste out of my mouth and rediscovered how much I loved it.
COD: Black Ops 2- I only bought this so my brother and I can play Zombies together. I haven't played the campaign and only a little bit of the multiplayer.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.
Skyrimjob nice game but content is shallow as hell compared to oblivion (at least they tried.

Fallout New vegas: Cant find time to play it thats all.

Saints row 2 for PC unoptimized and buggy as hell
League of Legends (retards): it was kinda fun getting to level 30??? But the community is pure cancer reminds me of the cod and dota 1 community. I only spent $10 on it but stopped playing since it wasnt all that FUN in the first place. Plus it can get fucking boring, i feel every game get dragged out everytime....
PS: no doubt the evils of the community will shift back to dota 2 when its officially released
sandrock62 wrote...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.

You must finish that game! It's one of my all time favourite PC games, and the endings are some of the most interesting I have seen in any game.

If it the gameplay feels too sluggish for you then you should use a remastering mod.
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.

You must finish that game! It's one of my all time favourite PC games, and the endings are some of the most interesting I have seen in any game.

If it the gameplay feels too sluggish for you then you should use a remastering mod.

Hahaha, I actually put the re-mastering mod on before I even started the game. The reason I stopped playing was because I found other games that I wanted to play more.
sandrock62 wrote...
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.

You must finish that game! It's one of my all time favourite PC games, and the endings are some of the most interesting I have seen in any game.

If it the gameplay feels too sluggish for you then you should use a remastering mod.

Hahaha, I actually put the re-mastering mod on before I even started the game. The reason I stopped playing was because I found other games that I wanted to play more.

I see, well it's a shame. I do admit however that the game is not for everyone; one has to find the general atmosphere in it to be interesting I believe.
Alteir Rorona: Quit after 15min. After this, Cross Edge, Last Rebellion, Trinity Universe, and a couple others, I'm never buying another NIS title outside of Disgaea and Vanillaware stuff again. NOT my style.

BlazeBlue: I've come to terms that I'll always be just okay at 2D fighters because I'm too clunky with my inputs.

MvC: (same reason as above).

Neir: Tired of item farming. And also because the artbook, which apparently contains alot of the story (wtf), is JPN only.

Muramasa Demon Blade: I actually just bought this a little while ago, only to find out that there's gonna be a remake for the Vita with alot more stuff, so imma drop it and play that (CAN'T WAIT).

Dokuro: Not a bad game if you like puzzles i guess. It just got a little too repetitive for me.
This was a year ago but nevermind, it's the only game I dropped.
I dropped 'Criminal Girls' for 'Photo Kano'
I do hope I can return to finish the game though.
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.

You must finish that game! It's one of my all time favourite PC games, and the endings are some of the most interesting I have seen in any game.

If it the gameplay feels too sluggish for you then you should use a remastering mod.

Hahaha, I actually put the re-mastering mod on before I even started the game. The reason I stopped playing was because I found other games that I wanted to play more.

I see, well it's a shame. I do admit however that the game is not for everyone; one has to find the general atmosphere in it to be interesting I believe.

I want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R; never got around to it. One of my favorite games that I've heard is quite like S.T.A.L.K.E.R is Metro 2033; so excited for Last Light coming out this month.
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...
Ippon wrote...
sandrock62 wrote...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl- Another case of I just stopped playing.

You must finish that game! It's one of my all time favourite PC games, and the endings are some of the most interesting I have seen in any game.

If it the gameplay feels too sluggish for you then you should use a remastering mod.

Hahaha, I actually put the re-mastering mod on before I even started the game. The reason I stopped playing was because I found other games that I wanted to play more.

I see, well it's a shame. I do admit however that the game is not for everyone; one has to find the general atmosphere in it to be interesting I believe.

I want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R; never got around to it. One of my favorite games that I've heard is quite like S.T.A.L.K.E.R is Metro 2033; so excited for Last Light coming out this month.

Speaking of Metro 2033, I may or may not have dropped it recently. (´●ω●ï½€)