What VN are you playing? What do you think about it?

Kaimax Best Master-San
amorim wrote...
Now, some other stuff regarding If My Heart Had Wings.

Kudos to Aareu and other people trying to fix this debacle
Reminiscence first impression.

Before I talk about this, I must first talk about Akatsuki no Goei. The original game was shit. The story ended halfway and made literally no sense at all, and the characters were as stereotype as you can imagine. Granted it wasn't exactly new, but it was a huge disappointment and I didn't even bother looking at the sequel.

Now, reading Reminiscence, which has the same setting (to be precise, 150 years after Akatsuki's sequel). To put it bluntly, I am impressed. The opening immediately drew me in because it addressed feelings that I myself felt exactly the same, and from that point onwards there was nothing that could disappoint me. From that shit brick of a game to this almost certainly going-to-be-fantastic... What happened in between, exactly?

So I need to know. What happened during Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~? Maybe that's not the right expression, what I want to know is whether Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ is GOOD. If it is (amorim or Kaimax or any other VN veterans), tell me and I'll play that game too. After all, if indeed that story could match this game's quality then it should be one helluva ride that could keep me interested for weeks at least. And I'll need them if I want to endure long enough until RWBY's pilot episode comes out. >_>
I just finished G-Senjou no Maou, literally (like, ten minutes ago), got all the endings and the epilogue, and I'll be honest here: it's been ages since the last time I felt so happy after playing an eroge (probably the last time was after finishing Muv-Luv Alternative for the first time).

I have to be honest though, the beginning was a bit boring, and sometimes certain scenes or dialogues felt a bit annoying and unnecessary, but hey, nothing's perfect. Nevertheless, the story was amazing, I should've picked up this game much earlier.

Overall, I give the game a solid 9/10, and can say for sure that it conquered a place in my top five best VNs.
Zolnir wrote...
what I want to know is whether Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ is GOOD.

Seems like its good enough to give it a read. I didn't manage to find reviews after a little search but some users on VNDB that actually have taste give it about a 8/10. For example, moogy that has some pretty high standards gave it a 7.5/10.

Meanwhile, I already read Kazuha's and Sora's routes (the currently translated ones) from Yosuga no Sora.

Regarding the common route, I didn't find anything special about it. It was pretty average. But when we get to the routes themselves it does get more interesting. Seeing from the routes I read, it'll be worth reading the others when their translation comes out.

Having seen the anime long ago I couldn't help but make comparisons between the two. Already to be expected, the difference between the anime and VN is considerable (of course, the VN is way better), however, after watching again the Sora arc (I just watched again Sora's arc from the Yosuga no Sora anime. Kazuha's arc didn't interest me much) it's obvious that some events were drastically different. Not that this was bad since the anime has good scenes like
Sora and Haru kissing when they were younger at least two times. I thought these were some well inserted scenes to help us understand further why Haru didn't saw Sora as a sister.
Of course, the anime also has other good scenes.

Sometimes, the VN show us a perspective from other characters. I found the use of different perspectives pretty good to show us the feelings they held. This was specially good on Sora's route.

The pace of the story is reasonably good. The build up of the relationship between the protagonist and heroines is good and when the first signs of drama start to show it doesn't feel forced. It seems more like it was a natural thing to happen given what we learned on both common and heroine routes.

I liked a lot the art of the game. Regarding the soundtrack, I was disappointed since the anime had some great tracks and they weren't used. And here I thought the anime used the VN OST. I guess that I was wrong.

I give a 7.5/10 to Yosuga no Sora.
Yume Miru Kusuri. I haven't played it that much, I believe I'm still on the common route.

I've got to say though, I love this VN's soundtrack- "Taking hand in hand" being my favorite. I'll play this more in the weekend. [size=3]Aeka best girl. Yes. Already.[/h]
... Ah, how stupid am I. I've totally forgotten who I'm dealing with here. Akatsuki no Goei, right, the epic fucking VN that terminates halfway incomplete whether to budget cuts or time constraints or whatever bullshit reason they have... God I'm so depressed right now. Sure, this was slightly more subtle and less terrible than the original game, but HAAAAAHHHH... Another one. They've pulled another god fucking similar BULLSHIT on my face. Again.

HAAAAHHHHH... Well I'm still going to play 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~, and I guess the story would end pretty epic and stuff, given the sheer number of characters in the VN... but HAAAAAAAHHHH... don't get your hopes high, Zolnir, you know who you're dealing with here. Most likely they're going to kick you over the cliff when you least expect it, so.... HAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

EDIT: Alicesoft gets out a rather interesting VN. I like the new dragon design very much, and the new UI (no save system, but replaced with a event map where you can just click and instant return to a particular scene) is quite interesting. It's great to see them pull out innovative stuff like that.
Kaimax Best Master-San
So many VNs and eroges that came out that I would like to play..>_> God damn, why isn't there 2 or more of me...

On the list
-Dorapeko (installed, Still at the start of chapter 3)
-Gimai Dakara Dekiru Koto, Imouto Janai to Dame na Koto. (Finished it, a pretty dark eroge released by MINK EGO, wished it was a bit longer and had more endings..a MILF ending)
-DominancE (Downloaded, haven't played it yet)
-Hitomi no Rakuin 3 (Downloaded, an eroge with a a hynopsis system)
-Denshanai de Now(installed, only finished 1 for now, it's about a "gentle Chikan")
-Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi (Downloaded, Nitroplus + yandere)

Will download
-Futagoza no Paradox
-Prestar ~Precious Star's Festival~
-Class Zenin Maji de Yuri?! ~Watashi-tachi no Rezu Oppai wa Anata no Mono Joshi Zenin Shiofuki Keikaku~ (Lol MBS Truth made a Yuri eroge)
Kaimax wrote...
So many VNs and eroges that came out that I would like to play..>_> God damn, why isn't there 2 or more of me...

On the list
-Dorapeko (installed, Still at the start of chapter 3)
-Gimai Dakara Dekiru Koto, Imouto Janai to Dame na Koto. (Finished it, a pretty dark eroge released by MINK EGO, wished it was a bit longer and had more endings..a MILF ending)
-DominancE (Downloaded, haven't played it yet)
-Hitomi no Rakuin 3 (Downloaded, an eroge with a a hynopsis system)
-Denshanai de Now(installed, only finished 1 for now, it's about a "gentle Chikan")
-Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi (Downloaded, Nitroplus + yandere)

Will download
-Futagoza no Paradox
-Prestar ~Precious Star's Festival~
-Class Zenin Maji de Yuri?! ~Watashi-tachi no Rezu Oppai wa Anata no Mono Joshi Zenin Shiofuki Keikaku~ (Lol MBS Truth made a Yuri eroge)

I feel you man. Most of what you've stated I already downloaded but haven't finished (Reminiscence left me incredibly depressed to the point I actually skipped one day work >_>), and now I'm going through Drapeko.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Zolnir wrote...
I feel you man. Most of what you've stated I already downloaded but haven't finished (

add "Sensui-bu!" by Es:cude. It has the usual escude gameplay....

Too many VNs~~~~~~ T_T
Zolnir wrote...
(Reminiscence left me incredibly depressed to the point I actually skipped one day work >_>)

You just reminded me how I was after finishing Muv Luv Alternative. I was pretty depressed for a while to the point of people worrying about me. I never skipped work because of it but I sure wanted to.

I'm currently going through Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou. The game is actually pretty fun. I have a question about it because of the endings. I already have a heroine love at 100% and all the events so I know I can manage to see her ending. Now, if I want to see the other heroines endings do I need to start over and go for 100% love and all events? Or can I do it even if I already have a heroine with full love and events and then I'll get a choice to choose which ending I want?
No, you can get as many 100% as possible (there's a limit - about 6 to 7? - on how many heroines you can get 100% though, so you need at least 1 more playthrough to get the ones you don't get).

Reminiscence Review:

It’s been a while since I’ve written a review. Some of the reasons would be that I’m busy with my own writing project, a friend’s Visual Novel project, a writing competition, watching LoL livestreams and finally work. Most of you should be familiar with this, but not sleeping enough is not exactly the best motivator ever in the galaxy.

But that’s off-topic. Now, I did post a short first impression of the game in another forum, and it basically translates to this: †˜dayum, this shit is GOOD!’, and that’s because the VN’s quality for the majority of the game is top notch and impressive. The opening struck me especially hard because it mentioned some of my most heartfelt feelings, and after that that positive emotion persisted for a very long time.

One of the game’s absolute best traits was the diplomacy. It was absolutely entertaining to watch the protagonist scheme and plot his way towards victory, and the fact that he doesn’t always win despite the early streak was pretty realistic. Each and every case that was presented were well detailed, well explained, and solved in a reasonably satisfying manner, which is both amazing and deserved a mention. I especially want to praise this VN for the fact that it does not neglect its sub heroines as most other VNs did with theirs, and in fact I find myself enjoying Nozomi and Rin’s route the best out of all the stories. You could truly see the writer’s effort, dedication and passion here.

But that does not mean I can forgive the game for pulling another mother fucking Akatsuki no Goei on me, even though comparing its offense to its predecessor was like a mouse to an elephant.

For those who did not know, the original game Akatsuki no Goei was a bland, run-of-the-mill VN that was especially bad because most of the heroines have their story was literally cut off halfway due to budget or time constraints. It was like a Batman movie where you see the hero making its glorious entrance for the first time, takes out few goons and that was it. The End. That is basically Reika’s story. The only worse thing I could imagine was to add a priced DLC option that gives the viewers the choice whether to watch its continuation, but that is one helluva dark future that I do not want to think of ever so let’s stop.

And Reminiscence latter parts – especially the supposedly †˜True’ end (Kizuno) – stinks of the same bullshit. But before her, let’s talk about the sister. She was supposedly the second best heroine in the game – I believe you have to finish Nozomi and Rin’s route first before you can unlock her route – but to put it bluntly, even though I really like it up to the part where the protagonist saves her and the enmity between them was finally resolved, everything just go downhill from there onwards. Even before that I already disliked the poor truth behind everything that caused them to hate each other with killing intent (
The protagonist’s so-called self-sacrifice was absolutely pitiful and painful to watch. I was like WTF ARE YOU SERIOUS??
). It was both predictable and pathetic, and those who have read it would understand what I mean.

Let’s talk about the protagonist’s sister. By all means, the best way to handle this girl was to send her to a psychiatrist and keep her there, because that was exactly what she needed but for some reason the protagonist never thought of it. From childhood she had hated herself because
she believed that she had cursed her real mother to death, and that her new parents later burned in flames didn’t make things any better. Her background definitely deserved sympathy and I could understand why she later tried committing suicide as a way to relieve herself from the guilt.
Everything up to that point (though I still cannot stomach the protagonist’s stupid method) was pretty okay.

Afterwards though, she was portrayed as an obsessive bro-con. You would think that she would feel horrendously guilty after torturing her brother for such a long time (in a way, I guess she did), but the way she turned out after the resolution was less than satisfactory. Her attitude was already somewhat bad from the beginning (but justifiable) but after the budding of romance began, it turned out to be completely insufferable. Basically you sum up her character when the romance began in three words: Obsessive, maniac, and yandere. The yandere part was never really shown, but it was obviously there where she threatened literally every single woman – even her friends, albeit in a slightly more amiable manner – for simply breathing the air around her nii-san. Somehow the writer decides to turn the character with the most depth into someone that’s absolutely unlikeable and scary.

The decision here was just as astounding as to not giving a proper resolution to her attitude problems. This is where the signs of Akatsuki no Goei black spot began to creep in, because it was obviously they rushed the ending for whatever reason. Instead of continuing developing her obsessive behavior to the point where it caused another tragedy and go on from there – predictable, but quite appropriate – the writer chose the easy way out (I’m not even sure if it’s his decision, because if it was me, after all that effort I’ve put into the story, I would never in my life tolerate the easy out and make a sub part ending like this) and timeskipped. Basically,
her sickness suddenly took a turn for the worse after having sex a couple of times, both of them gets into cold sleep, and 65 years later they woke up with the sister cured and all of her rivals dead or too old to give a fight!

Which brings us to Kizuno’s route. There’s already mention in another thread, but basically her character is bland, bland, bland, bland, god, bland. Yes, she is incredibly strong-willed. Yes, she in incredibly mature despite her young appearance. And... that’s all. Nothing else. The end.

… Wait, what? Okay, perhaps it’s precisely because she was so strong and independent that her story doesn’t need the usual dress-up. Okay, I accept that. But Kizuno’s route was supposed to be the true route of the story. Before the romance, there were many build-ups (The Queen and Maria etc) that hinted at massive plottings, schemes, and even more epic tragedies in the near-future, but they all translated to absolutely NOTHING in the end with a stupid ending that tries to be the above but failed miserably. The supposedly shocking twists that
some of the case are undercover cyborgs
only served to bring more disappointment as they were all destroyed in the most unlikeable way possible. Having
Kaido or Yuki
doing the work does NOT make the scene any better or even cool, since they handled the battle scenes so lousily. They didn’t even get the final CG right (show me the WORLD, you idiotic fool, not the mother fucking people who’re standing and gawking at the amazing sight we CAN’T SEE).

In fact Kizuno had more character development in the sister route than her own. At least there was some sort of confrontation there, and btw the
cyborg kidnap Kizuno part was so boring and just, bland that I cannot translate that feeling into words
. I honestly believe that they should’ve just combined the both Kizuno and the sister’s route together so that the protagonist’s family issue was properly resolved (at first I thought that those scenes were part of the common route because they were pretty authentic), then branch off afterwards, and with that at least Kizuno would have some sort of important development, but they did not. Likely because the effort would require at least double the length on what they have currently, and triple the effort on Kizuno because hers is the true route. I’m telling you, this stinks of that same old Akatsuki no Goei where they mash up a bunch of shitty endings and just toss it there because of whatever reason. Honestly, if you’re going to blasphemy your work like that you might as well make it shit from the beginning.

And about that title, Reminiscence? Bullshit. I’m not going to spoiler too much stuff here, but basically it references to
the previous protagonist who survived into this time but without memories and part of his brain. His extra episode showcases from when he woke up in confinement right up till the point he beats the last cyborg and obtains an important necklace.
However, this all happened in present time, which, you know, defeats the purpose of naming the game Reminiscence in the first place? In fact the protagonist’s story has almost NOTHING to do with the theme reminiscence. Maybe you’ll like to point out that the sister story does relate to it, and I agree, though in that case I could put the same bullshit title to every single VN – even those horrendous nukiges – ever in existence. Also, remember: the family issue was NOT resolved in Kizuno’s route. Maybe it’s to reminiscence about the old world 150 years ago, but heck, they handled the latter parts of the VN so poorly – I don’t even get to see the old world dammit, that STUPID FINAL CG IS SO STUPID – that whatever thoughts they’re trying to transmit here has completely failed.

Now, for the more objective part of the review. Art wise, very good. All of the female heroines were astoundingly cute (except Kizuno because, you know, she looks half my age ffs and I’m just 22). Music wise, normal. System? You can’t quit the game right away if you’re in the Save/Load confirmation (yes/no) screen, so that’s a minus.

Honestly, this looks like a setup for an epic-as-shit-blow-your-pants-off sequel like 暁の護衛~罪深き終末論~. Unfortunately I haven’t even read that VN yet because the original was so bad
. This is both incredibly disappointing and depressing, if only because Reminiscence had looked so promising at the beginning. 6.5 out of 10, and that I fear, is already too much.
Zolnir wrote...
No, you can get as many 100% as possible (there's a limit - about 6 to 7? - on how many heroines you can get 100% though, so you need at least 1 more playthrough to get the ones you don't get).

Finished Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou. Regarding how many heroines I was able to have 100% of everything check the pic in spoiler =P
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1722853-G9AAD94.jpg

I was actually able to have 100% love and all events with all heroines with the exception of the girl from the idols school because I messed up the order before going to the final boss. It didn't seem that there were any kind of events with her. I should just get her pregnant and wait for her to give birth to have 100% (this also applies to the robo girl and the blond girl which name I forgot but those gave birth so I had 100% with them). I managed to impregnate her but there wasn't enough time for her to give birth. I don't feel like doing again the final boss battle so I guess I won't see her child =P Besides, the endings are pretty weak and short so I don't feel like I'm losing experience.

Now, for my thoughts in general. This game is actually pretty fun. It doesn't take itself seriously (you could see that right on the first few minutes) and it manages to keep always light hearted until the end. Although the final boss was a failed attempt of tension it's once again obvious that it wasn't to be taken seriously. The romance elements in this VN are cute.

I liked the comedy and absolutely loved those comic faces all characters made. It was the first time I saw something like that on a VN. Given how much they help on the comedy, I would say that those expressions are a strong point of this VN.

The gameplay is fun. The objective is simple and the gameplay is also simple. I didn't felt bored. Oh, and Zolnir, you said
Zolnir wrote...
and I suffered nearly an hour just to not slip the fuck off the fucking ice.
I only failed once so I got over that level on 5 minutes most. I used the arrow keys on the keyboard so it was pretty simple. I guess you were in some serious bad luck? lol
The gameplay is another strong point of this VN.

Seriously, is there any girl besides your daughters that you don't fuck? o_O I don't seem to remember any. Regardless, I found all girls likeable and the art just helped on that aspect. I liked the art quite a lot.
The voices are good and the soundtrack average. It manages to keep a good atmosphere during the events.

Given how fun and light hearted this VN managed to be I give it a 6.5/10.
I must've messed up the order somehow then, because there were 4 or so girls that I couldn't get any events on. The robot girl was one example.

And well, I was using mouse to slide the ice. Braking is harsh to say the least -.-. Also I don't actually remember that you could use keyboard for it... Did I screw up something somewhere somehow...? >_>
School days lately and i'm too scared to further the story anymore.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Sakitoshiro-nii wrote...
School days lately and i'm too scared to further the story anymore.

School Days "creepy level" is mild compared to the things I see untranslated. Try playing "Dark Blue" without getting creeped out lol

Currently playing Es:cude's Sensuibu.
the gameplay mechanic is like "super robot wars + Akatoki's damage screens with swimsuits". So, it plays on a grid tile map, turn based, with diving and surfacing as quirks to make things a bit more complicated.

there are 2 types of attack corresponding to 2 types of life gauges, 1 is the normal water attack (varieties with higher levels), a unit is removed from play when that gauge reaches zero, and the SP bullet attack, which is a gooey slimy attack, that decreases the defense? of that unit significantly.

Diving includes another layer of gameplay, in which diving units are stealthy and cannot be attacked with regular means. Dived units can also ambush another unit, but they cannot attack after each move.

Each of your character has 4 types of classes, unique to each character. This also ties with the H-scene, so replaying the thing multiple times cannot be avoided. Unless your brave and smart enough to think out a new strategy on the go. One of the character base class is the Defender class, leveled it up to become a Knight and then a Guardian, which is obvious what it does. But her 2nd class is a Diver Class, haven't tried that yet but it's also obvious.

The difficulty curve isn't that steep, but proper placement and utilizing skills and the terrain is key. (currently I like to "turtling", but looks like I have to change it sooner or later)

Currently playing story wise, it's the regular competitive love VN, there's no magic stuff, no evil cults or living figures in this one.

Finished 1 route, but I don't think you can get all the Unit Class H-scenes in one go. I've finished one Class with an expert while 3 other are barely touched. God damn replayability, God bless "New Game +".

Well, in new Game plus only your skills and current level of Classes retain, only your stats that got a reset, the growth of the stat is influenced by the classes.
Zolnir wrote...
I must've messed up the order somehow then, because there were 4 or so girls that I couldn't get any events on. The robot girl was one example.

And well, I was using mouse to slide the ice. Braking is harsh to say the least -.-. Also I don't actually remember that you could use keyboard for it... Did I screw up something somewhere somehow...? >_>

The robot girl doesn't have any events. You just need to impregnate her and after she gives birth you'll have her love at 100%. This also applies to at least with two other girls (the girl from the idols school and a blond one).

On the config menu you need to choose to use the gamepad. If you're not using a gamepad and selected that choice then the game will allow the use of the arrow keys.
It's exactly as I mean; I can't select anything with robot girl, not even having sex. There's a number of girls that I could not do because of that.
I just finished DEARDROPS, deciding to skip out on Yayoi's route since she didn't suit my tastes. It was good, not commendable for it's lack of depth or pacing in some routes but still enough to make me happy. Needless to say though I'll be keeping my headphones close just for "Melody of Happiness"..also since I blew $40 on the special edition to get a soundtrack that I already have ingame...damn you Jacob and your sexy marketing face. Kira☆Kira might be next since I want to see what's going on with D2B v Deardrops: Cross the future and hey it can't be that bad..

fuwaruu wrote...

If you are speaking common as in the most popular then yeah Aeka's route is just that. In my opinion the Kirimiya route is the best one, one of the main reasons being it contains "Girls are made Cake Frosting" bgm, the airiness just fits her so well.

Zolnir wrote...
And I'll need them if I want to endure long enough until RWBY's pilot episode comes out. >_>

Roosterteeth already did their RWBY pilot at RTX but the public viewing takes place 7 days from now, I don't really expect RWBY episodes to be that long probably going to be like RvB where it runs for a good ten minutes then wait about a month for the next one. Then again that's ten minutes of gorgeous art and fight sequences...ahh I'm getting excited.
I know that lol -_-".

Also, they said that they're going to release one episode per week. So.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Sensuibu update sort..
Diver's are AWESOME. Destroying people from underwater with their special attack. And they literally can stay underwater for a very very long time.