World Of Warcraft

I clicked back a few pages, but couldn't find an actual thread to the topic. Do you play WoW or have played it? I play a Lvl 70 Alliance Warlock on the server Drak'thul. Does anyone else on here play this addiction almost more than 5 hours a day? lol
used to play it. i quit when burning cruasde was announced.

first onyxia/ragna/nefarian kills were good times, other than that i have no good memories about that game... that kinda says it all.
i used to have this addiction you have. I broke it though when i went back to euorpe and tried to play it but it just wasnt the same. i had a Lvl 70 T5 rouge and a lvl 70 t4 ret pally. those 2 would rock fools alll day but i have broken the addiction and wont go back. hope you can break that addiction soon... WoW eats your soul
i dont play it cuz too many people get too easily addicted to it.
I played quite a bit on my kid brother's account from January to about August or so with about 6 different characters spread out over several servers, mostly Bonechewer... then the account got hacked. I got out of the habit of playing and never went back, but I might start playing again when Wrath of the Lich King comes out.
I only started playing WoW when Burning Crusade came out, before that I always thought it was...childish in a way.

I play a Level 70 Draenei Priest on Jaedenar ( dunno how to spell it )
Stopped playing like 2 months ago, don't really find it addicting; got bored real fast. ;p Might start playing when Wrath of the Lich King comes out though. ^^
I started to play this summer, created an Ally lvl 70 lock on Crushridge in 3 months, then I left the game after The Wrath Of The Litch was announced, discovering that MMORPGs are not my kind of game (don't like to thing that the days spent to drop my final equip will vanish after the expantion release)

Now I'm playing on fps, playing CoD4 and waiting for UT3
i used to play a lvl 70 paladin Lamalord started playing right before naxx opened. but i sold my account in the interest of other things. O and just so you guys know if any of you need an tips in raiding gimme a holler i got exp up to killing leo in SSC as a healer and tank.
I had a lvl 70 human lock but quit 2 months ago when my guild broke up, since i was to lazy to find a new one and climb the ranks again.
Addiction? I wouldn't say that, really. I just log on to raid then pop back off and do other things. I'll post my armory later
I love this game
I still play this game, but honestly I only play it when I'm really bored because there's not much else to play. The game was actually enjoyable pre-BC, but after BC was released it went downhill fast. Flying mounts and spread out instances/farming areas completely eliminates World PvP. Arena is completely reliant on gear/class composition and pillar hugging rather than any real skill. Balance is a thing of the past, considering a friend's Druid alt and my Warlock alt can reach 2k+ rating with Vet gear and 2 pieces of S1. PvE is pretty lame with everything getting constantly nerfed for all the bad players. And even then having my guild constantly wipe on Archimonde because apparently clicking the Tear is somehow too difficult for some people. Either way, I'd switch to any half decent game if one ever came out.

Nothing special. Still working on Lady Vashj ourselves :(
i just bought it
its pretty addicting
Deox wrote...

Nothing special. Still working on Lady Vashj ourselves :(

That's not too bad. At least you're hit capped, which is better than a lot of people. Crit is a little low for Destro spec though, guess it depends on your raid make-up though. Vashj is an alright fight...though she's been nerfed a lot. Have fun with Kael though...stupid people can make that fight a living Hell.
0 gravity FTL
I play WoW at the moment on Eonar, I get bored with it more then anything, especially once you get to the higher levels, nothing but raids, which i can't stand, buying gamecards, makes it easier to take a break from it for a few months every so often
You see, I really want to play, but I'd like to know if it's really cool. You know, if the Graphics are ok, "playability", if you know what I mean, etc..
I have played for three years

-Troll Warrior Lvl 70
-Undead Warlock Lvl 70
-Troll Rogue Lvl 60

But now I think the game begin to sucks. I loved the savage pvp on raid with too many people destroying the alliance (sorry :p). And i was like 56th in the pvp rank of my server in the beginning with 1.000.000honor (1st rank in week) but alway play 24/7 was to difficult and because I stopped the game to many time I never be more than 10th grade. I turned on PVE, but it was annoying (little guild, poor stuff, bad strategy) it was fun because I played with friend, but I never see the real big boss^^.

With my warlock, I had do a 8k shadow bolt damage without buff, i think it's good, it was on savage pvp, if u do best show your screen (badly, i erased the mine when I uninstall the game ^^) I don't remind the version of game when I do that, it was maybe in July of this year, something like that.

Of course, I just say what I do, can't prove anything.

Deadmarye, Warlock 70 on Throk'Feroth (French Server)
Damn, It'd be cool if I found some players from Hydraxis relm, I have a lvl 70 Draenei Hunter, MM, lvl 35 rogue and a level 32 lock. Working on differen classed for my alts right now, since the groups are hard to find annd ally can't win BG's since it's a horde controlled sever.
Monster Girl
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