World Of Warcraft

Yushi wrote...

Fuckin epic :lol:
Played it off and on since it first came out to retail. Just came back to experience the new expansion. I feel like I'm camping NMs in FFXI when I'm fighting for mobs against hundreds of other Death Knights XD
Had a 70 pally and warrior, made Duelist two seasons in a row on BG 9 on both chars -.-
Used to play, Level 70 Troll Mage on Hyjal (US).
I was never great in arenas, stayed around the 1600s-1700s before quitting.
I was very much anticipating WoW before its release in 2004. I did not want to join the beta as I felt that would be spoiling the release. So I waited until release day and purchased the collector's edition. I still remember the joy of exploring Teldrassil, Darnassus, Elwynn Forest, and Stormwind around the beginning of the 2004 holiday season. Fairly good times, even though it was virtual. I played for a while, quit for a while, played for a while, and quit for good just before the release of TBC. I have inquired about it from time to time. I partly think it would be fun to go back if I could manage to keep myself to playing ~2 hours a day, maybe 4-5 on weekends. Seems possible to get casual enjoyment out of it that way. I've never had interest in raiding. I don't care for the vast majority of online gaming communities. But even then, that leaves little time for real life or even just other games (like console games that can actually be completed). Plus, I consider myself to have gotten pretty addicted when I did play. Nothing life-threatening, but it wasn't healthy at any rate. I may not be able to temper myself for just 2 hours any given day. But, honestly, I don't think I'll ever go back. If anything, I might try Aion when it comes. But I think MMORPGs in general are a little dangerous for my life. I wasted much of my high school life on EQ. Plus, I've heard the old world has been more or less abandoned. I guess that's natural, but it's a sad thought. If I were to play again, I would want to experience the old world again more than anything, for nostalgia at least. That's where all my memories of the game are, so I wouldn't want to be confined to the expansion worlds. Oh, well, like I said, I don't really think I will ever play it again. I came pretty close a few months ago, but my heart was never truly in it to go back again. It still isn't.
/facepalm i bought wotlk i had to check out the new changes.

lvl 73, i'm impressed at how they're telling the story now at last.

instead of some silly quests that was usually done during raids like before.. Oh, and if you guys has played the wc3 , wotlk kinda picks up where wc3 left off O_o i'm surprised by that.
Holy fuckin shit!

Did anyone here who plays WotLK see that in-game cutscene when the Horde & Alliance makes their full-frontal assault on the Wrath Gate leading into Ice Crown?
Goddamn, that was fuckin epic, and since it's the first tme in WoW they use an in-game cutscene i totally didn't see it comming either :o

Felt even more epic getting it after doing all those long chain-quests leading up to that moment, ultimate climax.

I won't spoil what happends though :P
KLoWn wrote...
Holy fuckin shit!

Did anyone here who plays WotLK see that in-game cutscene when the Horde & Alliance makes their full-frontal assault on the Wrath Gate leading into Ice Crown?
Goddamn, that was fuckin epic, and since it's the first tme in WoW they use an in-game cutscene i totally didn't see it comming either :o

Felt even more epic getting it after doing all those long chain-quests leading up to that moment, ultimate climax.

I won't spoil what happends though :P

And here I thought the battle at Light's Hope Chapel for DK chain quests was epic. Lol
Yeah, that Wrath Gate cinematic was pretty damn awesome. I wish they'd add it to the cinematic menu on the login screen so you could watch it again and again. My first level 80 was a Death knight ironically, just sorta fell in love and now I'm kicking ass and taking loot like everyone else. :D
UrufuMaiku wrote...
I wish they'd add it to the cinematic menu on the login screen so you could watch it again and again.

If you talk to the queen of dragons that is sitting outside the wrath-gate she'll give you the option to watch it again.
Wotlk has too easy instances.. All done.. PvP here I come.
Paska wrote...
Wotlk has too easy instances.. All done.. PvP here I come.

Yeah, month worth of playing then log out.. Gotta wait for more instances to come.
Began playing back in August, but stopped a week after WotLK came out because of school, although I'm not planning to return to it anytime soon either. I played it quite aggressively until getting to lvl 60 (8-12 hours a day, was still during summer vacations), so I went from 1-60 in about a week and a half. 3x XP is a thing of the Gods. Took me over a month to hit level 70, and for the most part, before 3.0 hit, I PVPed the crap out of it. It was fun. I was a warlock, after all.

After 3.0 came along and I began getting pwned by level 67 paladins and shittly-geared shadow priests, I decided to pick up raiding, which I did. I had fun, it was all so new to me. But even after the nerf, I failed to get groups good enough to beat Hyjal and Black Temple, which sucks. Me and a rogue friend o' mine slipped into the Sunwell once, and he tried stealthing through the mechanical guards. It was funny as hell seeing him sprint the shit out of it and trying to run away, but getting one-shotted right before the exit.

My bros have two characters, both 65 pally/warrior, which will be converted to holy/prot by the time they hit 80. (We have a group of 5, with 3 of us being pure DPS classes and those two who can be healer/tank, so we should pick up gear pretty quickly once it comes to that.)

Also, I think that the easier instances are a great addition to the game. It's easier to get gear, but it balances out by forcing you to do a heroic at most once per day. That way, with a good group, you can finish all instances in 2-4 hours, which was around what took a medium-geared group to do a run through Sethekk + Shattered Halls. By reducing the time it takes to complete an instance, players can be much more casual than before, when you had to set at least two good hours to do a single run, taking into consideration wipes and everything else.
My friends keep telling me how awesome WotLK is and are bugging me to start playing again and try to persuade me with XP bonus, powerleveling and all that stuff... and it annoys me that my will to resist is slowly getting weaker. Since I haven't really touched this game since TBC release (Aside from playing friend's characters to help out in raids and arena here and there.) and everything has probably changed again, most of my anti-wow arguments are void, and I keep imagining how awesome this game must be and I can already see me running around with my druid again. I have to resist. -_-

[size=9]Luckily my old server with all those guys is full of fail and aids, else I'd already be playing again. >_>[/h]
WotLK >>> TBC.
Especially if you're interested in the WoW lore.
Yeah all the story stuff in WoTLK is awesome, I can't wait til the final raid in 1 1/2 years Arthas will prob be the most epic mmo fight in history
KLoWn wrote...
WotLK >>> TBC.
Especially if you're interested in the WoW lore.

No shit. The quests, DKs, everything is so darn epic.
I play a level 72 BE Warlock on Uther.

Any other fellow Horde Utherians out there?
KLoWn wrote...
WotLK >>> TBC.
Especially if you're interested in the WoW lore.

definitely in regards to the lore, but in all other respects it fails a fair bit, 4 days 70 - 80 = way to easy imo, and all the end game raids, difficulty wise have nothing on magtheridon or even gruuls at their release.

edit: 80 disc priest dath'remar
ChaoticHeart wrote...
KLoWn wrote...
WotLK >>> TBC.
Especially if you're interested in the WoW lore.

definitely in regards to the lore, but in all other respects it fails a fair bit, 4 days 70 - 80 = way to easy imo, and all the end game raids, difficulty wise have nothing on magtheridon or even gruuls at their release.

Quests = Better
Music = Better
New BG + Wintergrasp = Epic
WotLK-Fun factor >>>> TBC

Going from 70 to 80 in four days just means you play way too much, you must've rushed through the zones reashing 80 that fast.