World Of Warcraft

Glad to hear you guys manage to work something out (though I can't recall what the price was on the complete set). But anyway, just make sure to manage time with the games and your daily life (I did say on one of my post "Had waaaaay too much free time).
I had to reistall WoW, but now BC and WotLK aren't on my comp even though my account is upgraded so I can't play. Is their any way I can get BC and WotLK back on my comp without having to re-buy them? I still have the discs and the registration codes.
WoW....... I play it once in a while, at the most 2 times a week for 3 hours. I just logg to raid, its no longer any fun. Im now addicted to Sengoku Rance.
I am proud to say that I only played WoW for a few days before I scrapped it. Seriously I really don't know what's so addictive about it.
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
I played it for three years and i stopped, there was nothing really interesting anymore to do, and then there was a funny guy who hacked me as well. The expirience i had with the game was worth the money tough, so i dont regret on paying for this.
Midgar wrote...
I had to reistall WoW, but now BC and WotLK aren't on my comp even though my account is upgraded so I can't play. Is their any way I can get BC and WotLK back on my comp without having to re-buy them? I still have the discs and the registration codes.

you can just install the expansions again from the disk. I don't even think you need any CD keys or the like, as they don't care about the copy on the computer so long as the account playing on it bought it some time in the past. If you don't have a copy of both expansions, you can download a copy of each on your account page at the blizzard site. You'll most likely also have to install a ton of patches before you can play... Fresh installs are crazy -_-

Anyways, I've been playing for about 3 years now my self and haven't really slowed down much. I'm not Exactly a hard core player, but a bit higher than casual XP. The biggest change they have made that has really rekindled my enthusiasm to play is the new cross server looking for group tool. I find my self actually enjoying running Heroics now that I don't have to sit in trade for an hour to find a group a run one thing. Now all you do is queue up and after a short wait(times can be longer for DPS), bam, your in a dungeon.
idk about you guys but after i play that game for 1 day i quit immediately... idk why but that game dont seem to attract me as much as other game like sengoku rance, S4 league or even mabinogi (i waste my money for nothing buying WoW and the rest of extension...)
kinsake wrote...
idk about you guys but after i play that game for 1 day i quit immediately... idk why but that game dont seem to attract me as much as other game like sengoku rance, S4 league or even mabinogi (i waste my money for nothing buying WoW and the rest of extension...)

In other words you'd think WoW was super awesome if it only contained anime & manga influenced design and characters.
KLoWn wrote...
kinsake wrote...
idk about you guys but after i play that game for 1 day i quit immediately... idk why but that game dont seem to attract me as much as other game like sengoku rance, S4 league or even mabinogi (i waste my money for nothing buying WoW and the rest of extension...)

In other words you'd think WoW was super awesome if it only contained anime & manga influenced design and characters.

Don't forget that your character must be able to rape every female character in the game.
WoW is dumb and gay. Everytime I press play from the launcher the launcher closes and nothing happens. I've used the suggestions on the blizzard support site and I've reinstalled 4 times.
Midgar wrote...
WoW is dumb and gay. Everytime I press play from the launcher the launcher closes and nothing happens. I've used the suggestions on the blizzard support site and I've reinstalled 4 times.

It isn't WoW's fault. After that many times, I'd say it's your computer. Skip the launcher and use the wow.exe directly. If that don't work, then I'd say it was something on your side if the game installed correctly that many times.

Anyways, happy Winter's Veil all! be sure to remember to go pick up your presents under the trees in each major city (brought to you by Smokeywood Pastures).
KPT wrote...
Midgar wrote...
WoW is dumb and gay. Everytime I press play from the launcher the launcher closes and nothing happens. I've used the suggestions on the blizzard support site and I've reinstalled 4 times.

It isn't WoW's fault. After that many times, I'd say it's your computer. Skip the launcher and use the wow.exe directly. If that don't work, then I'd say it was something on your side if the game installed correctly that many times.

Anyways, happy Winter's Veil all! be sure to remember to go pick up your presents under the trees in each major city (brought to you by Smokeywood Pastures).

So, I skipped the launcher and used wow.exe, and it said that windows can't access the file. I then ran a full registry repair, and still nothing. wtf?
Midgar wrote...
KPT wrote...
Midgar wrote...
WoW is dumb and gay. Everytime I press play from the launcher the launcher closes and nothing happens. I've used the suggestions on the blizzard support site and I've reinstalled 4 times.

It isn't WoW's fault. After that many times, I'd say it's your computer. Skip the launcher and use the wow.exe directly. If that don't work, then I'd say it was something on your side if the game installed correctly that many times.

Anyways, happy Winter's Veil all! be sure to remember to go pick up your presents under the trees in each major city (brought to you by Smokeywood Pastures).

So, I skipped the launcher and used wow.exe, and it said that windows can't access the file. I then ran a full registry repair, and still nothing. wtf?

Might help. Otherwise, if you're running Vista or Windows 7 I'd say run the file as an administrator. Still, it's a pretty weird error you got there.
Used to play it till mid or so of the 1st expansion pack, after that deleted my characters because i just found the game to be completely boring and just another chatroom for myself. I never was into raiding or such in this game and realized that even though you get that "at moment" best gear, Blizzard will just put out another expansion pack that makes you work more for that "best gear".

It just became way too repetitive, the quests and all that.

Bit OT but moved to Eve online and found this game bit more amusing then WoW, especially the training system is nice. Don't need to be online to train a skill.

By all means, WoW isn't really bad... It just gets repetitive very fast for some people, while some might be able to accept the repetitiveness and keep on going with raiding / guilds and all that.
My account expired right after the last love fest holiday thing. i got a new time card, but i been putting it off.

once i got my main to 80, it became more of a chore than a fun game. people were all stuck up about DPS, GS, and achievements to prove you know the fights. as soon as i need to do 'homework' just to play, it becomes a job.

on the plus side, the new cross realm LFG system made it easier to lvl lower toons. down side to new LFG system, depending on your server's BG, latin servers were mixed in. if you don't know spainish, it can be a hassle. i made a spainish/english keyword thread(about 2 or 3x) in the forums, but it kept getting derailed by stooges QQing. i think it should've got stickied, but i don't think it did.

my main is a dwarf hunter, but when i do go back, i think i'll play a horde set. tank and heals were in high demand when i left, so i'll probly make at least one of each(hunter is still my fav class).

any active hordies, if your guild is in need of either a tank or heal, let me know. i don't realy need help lvling, i can get to 80 pretty quick with new LFG sys.
Anyone on here play on skywall alliance?
Where is a good place to buy WoW online for cheap thats trustworthy?
it would probably be safer to download it off Blizzard's actual site. If all else fails...ebay.
ITs been so long since i played WoW and i am glad i got out as soon as i could.
I finally got this game. Hokutocorpse: Grizzly Hills