User Posts

blarutoballz wrote...
3 words post

That is true
Tegumi wrote...
You should feel elated that someone makes worse threads than you. In fact, I should compile a list of the top 10 worst thread creators on Fakku!.

I don't care how bad it is, as long as others have fun. If it's that bad it'll get deleted
Tegumi wrote...
This thread is awful. Almost as bad as braintist's.

Look, leave it alone, it's a thread 8oooh, thread!*

And money makers
Goes all ninja and breaks the glass before it hits me

Throws a random persons bra! :D
StrayDog wrote...
Pink-Rabbit wrote...
And the reason why I love this forum is because there are barely any girls who are on here who speak up and say 'I'm a girl' because they're afraid that guys'll find out they like hentai.

Uh. Really? Most of the "girls" I've seen lately go to great lengths to draw attention to the fact that they're a girl. Usually with shit like, "hai guise im a female and was wondering if there are any other females on this forum or if im the only girl here"

I kind of just shake my head with a sigh and move on to the next thread.

I'm wondering if I've done that yet...

and I phrased it wrong, shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaati! >.<

Nah love this forum, the guys are immense, XD
illumi wrote...
Worst invention ever. Period.
Srsly, wtf. They even have one of those anti-bounce bras. What the hell.

why do you hate them?

Because now breasts can't bpounce?

mine still do >.<

Anyway are they not functional enough or just this barrier?
How many names for breasts can you think up?

This game was introduced to Big Brother as I recall and thios guy had to think up as many names/words for breasts. He used many, including 'd'em things that women 'av'

What can u come up with?

Me first!

Man's Eye Candy
As cute as ya'll want me to be
It's like a extra wrapper before the candy.

They protect the boobs us guys use

fudgin lol'd at these XD

you guys sure do know how to phrase your words lols

but it's true, we have candy boobs :p

Do you men like the invention of 'The Bra' or do you hate it? Some guys suck at taking them off, heck, some girls do, too. Do you like them or hate them?

I like them cos'

1) they're comfy
2) They're PWETTY! ^o^
3) Practical
4) Come in all shapes and sizes, colours and prints. :p


But no, do you like or hate the bras we girls have to wear? Hey, they're also teasing devices... hm, cool ^_^
old enough to be CORRUPTED/Female/Britain, baby!
I've always been open on every forum about my gender, and I'm 100% female. I don't know how to prove it, because sometimes pictures don't work, but I'm a girl, that's fact.

And the reason why I love this forum is because there are barely any girls who are on here who speak up and say 'I'm a girl' because they're afraid that guys'll find out they like hentai. Heck, I love hentai and when I start to date a decent guy he'll find out I like it and I'll probs get him into it. I don't care what a guy thinks, if I like it, I like it and he can't stop me from liking it >:p

Anyway, the guys on Fakku are sweeties.

But I think I flirt on these forums XD dunno, I might be flirting... yay to flirts :)
lol it took 2 reads to get it

some funny shizz there XD and I hate math... XD
Don't fap, Ima girl :P

How long does it take you to hamsterbate, you hamster you >:3
I think quotes are great, here are two;

Time is a great teacher, sadly, it kills all its pupils - someone, I forget >.<

This is a funny quote and it stays with me because time is a great teacher; we learn new things every day, but we die. So yeah, it's a great teacher, but hey, it shot me. POOM! (Pachow, whichever XD)

And the next one is one I personally favour;

Life is like an apple; people will only choose you if you look good on the outside - Myself (no, seriously)

This quote sticks true to me because loads of people will only like you by the way you look, they don't go for personality until later on. So if you look bad on the outside but you're really good on the outside, or maybe you're good looking on the outside, but bad on the inside. There's my philosophy on life. We are APPLES! (HAPPLES!)
No idea

How long does it take you to get angry?
KG989 wrote...
cute bob or very long and straight.

lol yay you know what a bob is! I think cute bobs are even cuter with little twintails :)
Not long, really, it was just a new thing and I thought 'could be an okay thread...'

How long does it take you to think up an answer to the essay you were given by your cruel teacher? (it takes me a while XD)