User Posts

[quote="Haburi-Chan"]There are a lot of perverts on omegle. >.>[/quote

True, but I make half of them run away by just saying konnichiwa or something
Quadratic wrote...
Ahahahaha, nice chat there. o-o

Thank you, and I have more... SHIT FORGOT THE LINK!
I love the picture you found XD!

It's prettyful... :3

I have no idea if this site has been put up on Fakku yet/advertised, but it's AWESOME, you might like it, it's funny, but watch out for the weirdo's on there!

Post your Omegle posts HERE! (I found this site via animeleague, I own nothing!)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Ash?
Stranger: Brock?
You: So it is you
You: I finally found you
You: Ash...
Stranger: I've been waiting for you forever.
Stranger: I need to confess something.
You: I know, me too
You: but it's been so hard...
Stranger: I've been so lonely without you.
You: First Misty gets in the way, then May,t ehn Dawn...
You: I know, but I'm here now
You: Ash
You: I love you
Stranger: Brock, I love you too.
You: This is so... so heartwarming
You: you know that I never really loved any of those wome
You: it was just to hide my true feelings
You: I didn't think that you shared my feelings *TT.TT*
Stranger: I can't-I can't believe this.
Stranger: Don't toy with my heart.
You: I'm not!
Stranger: You broke it once, I can't let you break it again
You: I love you!
You: I will never let you go!
You: You're my one and only!
Stranger: Oh, Brock!
You: Oh, Ash!
Stranger: I want to put my balls in your mouth.
You: Orly?
Stranger: Ya rly.
You: Uh... I have suddenly fallen in love with Nurse Joy all over again
You: Tally ho!
Stranger: YOU BITCH.
You: Right back at ya
Stranger: It's okay. Professor Oak needs servicing.
Stranger: Ciao!
You: Sayonara, succker
Stranger: (I think you are my favourite person in the world right now.)
You: (lol XD really?)
You: (because I played along or because I know what pokemon is?)
Stranger: (a mixture of both. you have restored my faith in humanity...)
You: (thank you... I'm touched) (not literally)
Stranger: (xD)
Connection imploded
Mortality, hm...

I've recently been thinking about death actually, because I fear it a lot, if I've fulfilled my life, will I die with no regrets, if someone will burn my stories before they think of reading them...

I don't mind about death, just so long as I'm happy with whatever life I have before I die.

If I'm miserable, I'd prefer suicide.

Ooooh, I'm freakin' morbid!
Cero_13 wrote...
It's always good to still have Rabbit coming back.

Awww, thanks, bro! I just re-read the comic strips, still the best, and I just noticed that I poked you in the first XD

I have a twig to poke people with lols (crap, I made it sound twisted in my head.... hm, hentai)
I like medium, large breasts kinda scare me, they're... abnormal and just hang there.. sorry, but it's weird... anywhoo, medium breasts = hand sized portions. It's cute when a man can fit his entire hand around a female's breast ^_^
I've been drawing since I can remember! My dad's artistic so he stuck me in front of paints, paper and crayons all the time, and I think I got better when I was about 14, dunno :/
Cuts off the LazyOne's cock, legs and arms then throws him inot a combine harvester whilst saving the cookie. TAKES THE COOKIE away and hugs it.
Yei, nice updates! I love to come back to Fakku to see your comic strips, Cero! XD
never, even though I haven';t been on lately.

Even if my internet has died (which it has, coincidentally) I will not leave this site.

Love it too much.
Due to my upbringing, I accept both Lesbians and Gays, and I don't care who dates who, it's their choice. I'm female, and I don't discriminate against gay men or gay women.

However it is true that men are more likely to exile another guy just because of his sexual preference. Girls, however, can be the same to, but it's less noticed. If they think someone is a lesbian, they'll not talk to them if they are truly against lesbians and gays, but seriously, it's fine. Dating a guy is just like dating a girl; you have feelings for each other and sexual activity, but you obviously don't have the penis/vagina involved (unless you use a dildo for the women)

I remember a time in school when two girls were kissing and it went unnoticed, because people take girls kissing and hugging as a form of friendly contact, when it could actually be sexual stimulation or something, but when these two boys did it, they were excluded from the school, and someone brought up a petition to bring them back because the school was being homophobic and completely out of order.

Also, I think that men dislike gay men because they're either afraid that they are gay or will be hit on by a gay. Girls are a little more confident, and we try to hide something like our feelings, unless we are total freaking gossips.

And boys liking lesbians? Girls like guy on guy action, it's just how we work. We think it's hot to see the opposite sex going at it with their same sex partner. It just turns us on.

I think gay men should be treated fairer, and lesbian women to not be treated like they are sluts, because seriously, they are basically 'porn for men' even if they aren't porn stars
I dunno what heaven'd be like for me... I always imagined Heaven as the fiery pits of Hell, I didn't believe in Heaven...

however my Heaven would be to finally stand beside the Grim Reaper as his assistant.

Or to be in Hentai Heaven, :D
Lol, I read the update onii-chan, and they're funny! Liking the PS3, and you keep getting owned... =.=
Cero_13 wrote...
......I failed so much this week. On Tuesday I finished the last of them and decided on pulling a small prank on you guys. To do so I called up Jessica to come and create an account. I donn't want to say what it was cause I might use it another time. She was at the mall but told me she was going back home in 40 minutes so I waited....and took a nap. I woke up at 9 am and was late for my classes and just wanted to sleep after 12 hours of classes. The next day she woke me up while she was watching a blue-ray moive on my PS3. I took a shower and told her to go to fakku and create an account, but before I finished telling her she said, " Why don't you just make another account yourslef."......Why THE FUCK didn't I make one! I still can't believe I didn't think of that on Tuesday. After a shower I get on my computer and turn it on and the BANG, all the lights in my house go out and I couldn't turn on anything. My whole neighborhood had no power. Something happened. I didn't really ask to deep into that and just waited for it to come back on.

Here's the kicker though. When the lights finally came back on and my computer on I stated uploading the comics when I found out I had 14 new comics, yes 14. So technically I had all ten of the comics last Sunday.....I also missed MGO survival with my clan. I was going to make a comic about this, but no, no, that is too much fail for a comic.










I'm not going to put up the other 4 up though. Just so I don't have to work on anything and just post them on Sunday.

You do know how epic you are, Cero-kun, riiight? LOL I am blind and an idiot, nicely done~

Why don't I say I miss you in there? O.O I do miss you... you're my other onii-chan...
I was at a cosplay meet up with my anime mad friends, cosplaying Alice in Wonderland. Cruddy, right?

Forum Image:
Jeans, T-shirt or a skirt and t-shirt, I don't care... and leggings.
Kind of Important wrote...
Still the 30th. For me anyway. But I'm game, already got a box of candy sitting next to me. (and a six pack. But that's just for me, not cause of Halloween.)

Yaaaay for beer, and yeah, I know it's not Halloween, but knowing my screwed up internet, I probs won't have it tomoz XD

If you have any Halloween pics, post em' hee, guys, when I get my costume, I'll hopefully post mine up, or if no pics, just say Happy Halloween, MWAH!
Granted but it kinda freaking kills you and itself in the process.

I wish for a pretty penny