2 years ago
For anyone saying she's not tall, the nations with the tallest population in the world have women ranging between 168 and 172 cm (5'6-8), whereas the average height in Japan is below 160 cm (5'3). So... 180 is very tall, especially in Japan.
2 years ago
Oh yeah, good catch! Didn't realize that while working on this chapter.
2 years ago
Oh yeah, good catch! Didn't realize that while working on this chapter.
Your post was deleted for talking about piracy. As for the downloads, the x2600 archive uses JPEGs to keep the size down, but the x3200 version is meant to prioritize quality and have PNGs. This is the first I've heard of this issue, and I've reported it internally. I'm told we'll be able to look into it next week.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention and sorry for the inconvenience.
We're still waiting for data for Vol.1, so we'll skip that one for now.
2 years ago
All books follow the same three-week cycle of pre-order, releases, and finally downloads. Specifics are in the description:
>Chapters will become available starting July 1 4pm PST.

Last Modified Tue Jun 29, 2021, 9:58 am

Checked the original and it's correct. Safe to assume Mokoko is simply an online handle.
2 years ago
The doujinshi were published by PUSH!, so they deserve all credit for those releases. Just wanted to clarify that, but regardless, happy to hear you're enjoying the recent influx of LINDA content!
We're currently missing data for #6, and it'll be added at a later date.
3 years ago
Note: We're currently missing data for Vol.20, and it'll be added at a later date.
The wrong chapter was uploaded by accident (#03). The gallery has been updated with the proper pages. sorry for the confusion.
Historical setting. As already mentioned, anything set in the past as opposed to current/future times.
Now imagine reading it in Japanese—a language full of homophone that largely relies on kanji to convey the proper meaning—but everything is written as syllables and the dialog is slurred. Often you have to work out the word based on context and make an educated guess. I see your point, but it's our policy to not alter the original text, so if the Japanese is barely legible, that goes for the English text too.
3 years ago
Don't think there's any deeper meaning to it other than it being a name that incorporates usa = bunny.
3 years ago
Fun tidbit (and SPOILER if you haven't read the chapter yet): The top of the TV on page 2 actually has another news story about a train accident with several casualties, although the virus update is clearly the main headline at the moment. I only know about this because I had to look at the uncropped source image to be able to read it in full, so this piece of foreshadowing is fairly well-hidden in both the original and our translated version!
After translating the next chapter, it seems they were indeed published out of order, and this makes more sense as chapter 8. If you want to read these in the correct order, I suggest waiting until the next part (the real chapter 7) is out. We'll try to have it ready within a week. I've renamed this chapter, and once the previous part is released, I'll bump this to the front page so that they appear in the correct order on the site. Sorry for the confusion!

Last Modified Tue Sep 22, 2020, 11:50 am

This chapter appeared first in Dascomi Vol.8, but there might've been some mix-up between chapter 7 and 8. Hard to tell given the way Dascomi files are structured, and I won't know for sure until the next one is released, but we'll update this chapter at that time if necessary.
3 years ago
We've updated the page order. More specifically, it was originally published as: 8-9, 10-11, 6-7. This mistake was present in the Japanese physical release, which is why it was also there in the data we received. It's not been corrected and I apologize for the confusion.
3 years ago
This work was not published by FAKKU. I suggest reaching out to the publisher listed above and ask them about it. If it's just on one page, it's likely a mistake that can be easily fixed, but either way you have to contact the people responsible for this release.
We've been on a steady bi-weekly release schedule for doujinshi since March, so I'm more hopeful than ever. Assuming we keep getting new data, my goal is to have a new volume out every 2 months or so, and similarly for any other series until we're caught up. Vol.10 is currently being typeset, with a conservative ETA of late September/early October.