This is the girl from Continue, one of my favorite chapters in After School Vanilla!
7 years ago
At least with BEAST it would seem, where the first two chapters were in 2016-08 and 10. I can't find any social accounts, which could indicate that they just started out, but that also makes it hard to check their history.
It's always a possibility, but I don't even think the artist has a book out at the moment.
Unfortunately, magazines are very different from books, which makes it hard to get older content. It's unlikely we can get older issues or individual chapters, so the options come down to releasing these chapters without the previous parts, or not releasing them at all.
The rest of the series unfortunately dates back to before we started releasing magazines, but the finale advertised here isn't far off now!
I set it to show as a spread by default!
7 years ago
That was a promotional chapter that came out the same month as the book, which unfortunately was the month before we started releasing Shitsurakuten. That chapter isn't included in the book (promo material rarely is), but instead there's another book-exclusive bonus chapter that was released earlier today:
You're correct. I've updated the gallery.
Sorry about that. Last page is now available along with the next chapter.
Showed up in the reader but not on this page for some reason. It's been fixed now.
8 years ago
We love you back. Think you'll be happier in a few days when the next pre-order starts.
Spreads are usually stand alone illustrations or work as a bonus to upcoming/older chapters. There's no Toroshio chapter that's part of this, unless that came out over 10 months ago when we started localizing magazines.

Last Modified Mon Feb 22, 2016, 3:04 pm

Typically an artist only have a story every 2-3 issues, but they did sort of an event for this guy with two stories in a row for his debut. That's probably why it took a while to get the third chapter out.
8 years ago
@Korvun, The book is a mix of dark themed and lighthearted stories. There are some more cheerful ones coming up in the middle of the book.

Last Modified Fri Dec 4, 2015, 7:03 pm

Chapter 4 and 5 has some small elements of it, but yes, I'd say the only chapters where NTR is the main theme is 6 and 7.
8 years ago
Wanted to leave it a bit open ended for the joke.
8 years ago
Holiday was released after this book. It was basically a short promotional manga for Love-Ridden.

Last Modified Thu Jun 4, 2015, 11:06 pm

9 years ago
Loli releases are both possible and planned.

Last Modified Tue Mar 31, 2015, 8:05 pm

9 years ago
Chapters from the three new books will be released throughout December, so download links for the full book will be added in early January.
Chapters from the three new books will be released throughout December, so download links for the full book will be added in early January.