
Minecraft backgrounds are awesome, this is the one im using right now

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/440497-4C37OXE.jpg
minecraft updated anyone try out the new mine tracks?

I Love the weather effects they added, its pretty cool,cant wait to see what else they will do with it
Sneakyone wrote...
I Love the weather effects they added, its pretty cool,cant wait to see what else they will do with it

I haven't seen snow or lightning yet which sucks hopefully I will find a snow biome and live there for awhile haha
Minecraft 1.5_01 recently kinda boosted the creeper power. Since there weather system now. If raining+thunder+Creeper > Super Charged Creeper. With 2 times of the explosive.
also when it rains the creatures don't disappear when it's day cause the clouds provide enough dark lol just a helpful hint and I saw snow, seen snow/ice regen and seen lightning hit somewhere it made fire but it went out cause of the rain lol pretty cool
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
I swear, this game is all about trying to outdo yourself. I build a huge mountaintop castle, complete with a bitchin' bridge connected to another tower, with waterfalls coming out the side of that bridge and cascading down onto another bridge (Made completely out of glass, along with a glass ceiling so you can see the waterfalls) that I built over the top of the lake some 250 blocks down.

So I look at that, think I could do better.

Walk over to the sound and start building what's looking to be a skyscraper. I started the base as 38x38 (Not sure why I chose some random number) I'm up to the fourth floor, and have already used over 7200 cobblestone, 3800 wooden planks (gotta make the floors look neat) and some 144 glass. And maybe 400 torches, cause the prick skeletons kept spawning on floors I wasn't working on at the time.

And I'm not nearly done, I intend to take it all the way to where I can't build it any higher.

I think I'd rather do crack than play this game anymore, I'd probably get more sleep.
Hanasaku i should just die

Hatches ftw. Greatest invention.
And, I think lava as fuel won't consume the bucket.
My friend burned my house down, then I was killed by falling sand and gravel. Not a fun twenty seconds. To explain, I was building a brick roof, and had sand and gravel up there so if a wall in my house ever got blown up, sand and gravel would fall and immediately fix the hole. I did not have the entire roof filled, only around borders. Well, my friend filled in the entire roof with it and lit the borders of my house on fire. Not fun, not fun.
I love Minecraft and I can't wait until Notch releases 1.8! I'm highly anticipating it!
Willis wrote...
I love Minecraft and I can't wait until Notch releases 1.8! I'm highly anticipating it!

You and me both, Minecraft is one of my new favorite games of all time, and that pokemon mod looks like a lot of fun, Id like to try it.
Be nice if there was a multiplayer world that is just the same as the normal game play mode.
oh god its going to be awesome. there is a new mob coming in 1.8. The enderman. from what I read, its teh weaping angel of minecraft. this is going to be awesome when simon aka honeydew from yogscast looks at it.

also what I read, is that the enderman is adventure only, not survival. not real sure.
Satsugai wrote...
Oh damn.


I must have this.
Badguy wrote...
Satsugai wrote...
Oh damn.


I must have this.

I think there's a link to it in the vid descrip on YouTube.

EDIT: Link to Pokemon mod

HEAR YE HEAR YE, the pre release of 1.8 can be found here it is completely supported by notch and is safe to play (there are a few bugs thou), I have played a little and it is awesome, you can thank me later.
MrShadowzs wrote...
HEAR YE HEAR YE, the pre release of 1.8 can be found here it is completely supported by notch and is safe to play (there are a few bugs thou), I have played a little and it is awesome, you can thank me later.

or you can wait one more day and get teh offical on teh 12th.

yeah like anyone will wait that long
Aai FAKKU Ass Master
I'm waiting for the release on the 12th.

Going to be badass. Still wondering if anyone will let me join in on their server, would be pretty awesome of them.
NOOOOOOOO!!! Notch cancelled teh release of 1.8 today and has it rescheduled for next week. dam you notch!

Monster Girl
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