How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

How many times have you gone to an anime convention?

Total Votes : 5,244
anime STL will be my 7th going cross country baby...
I wanna go but I never have the money or the means to do so. And I dont know many conventions in KC, MO.
I'm much more comfortable sitting in my own home this year having a conversation about Kara no Kyoukai with a group of close friends than I was sitting in a hotel lobby 6 years ago in costume surrounded by strangers talking about how Inuyasha is the coolest and getting strange looks from the wedding party the venue double-booked the weekend of the con (I'm sure everyone's been there, right?) ;]
i would like to visit but...i don't have much free time...
Been to Otakon 4 times, but ironically, I've never been to Megacon, which is MUCH closer to where I live.
I only seen pictures... I think I'd like to go on one someday ;P
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
mostly cosplay ones... but i guess that counts too?
Vote #1000 xD
Conclusion from the poll: theres too few anime convensions out there :/
Nineteen, if you're willing to count MAGFest as well. Otherwise it's fifteen. I've gotten to the point where I'm well enough connected that I can just choose to staff any con in the Maryland/Virginia area and even a few in Ohio.

Haven't paid to go to a con since 2010 with one exception. Seriously, even if money isn't an issue, everyone should look into giving back to the community at some point.
i drove halfway across Canada to go to my first convention at con-g
Only been to one, Otakon 2010. Though I would love to go to another!
wolxhound Super Mango
Just twice, 1st one was planned the 2nd one was me and my classmates getting sidetracked after buying materials for our electronics project.
Because comic-con may not count, I've never been.
Got no money for travel expenses and I don't know any conventions around Texas.
I went to a comic-con yesterday in Wales (Cardiff) and saw a lot of great anime costumes. Me and my friend didn't have the time or resources make a costume, so we just went as V (V for vendetta). Surprisingly, quite a few people wanted to take a picture with us. (Mistaken for anonymous perhaps)
[color=violet]I've only been to two. I would go more often if I didn't have to drive an hour to get there. My Tobi cosplay needs to see more use.[/color]
i will go and cosplay..... EVENTUALLLYYYYYYY~~~~~.... T-T
Lughost the Lugoat
I'm planning to go to a con later this year with a friend of mine. Neither of us has been to one yet, so this'll be my first. [size=10]His too I guess.[/h]
Planning on taking a trip to Japan on foreign exchange. Will definitely take the chance to visit one!
Why are there so many members that haven't gone to a convention, you guys are missing a lot of fun events, even if we are in different countries.
I've gone 1-2 times a year depends on my free time and schedule, haaa!
It sucks when the conventions are on a work day, I'd miss on some interesting events.
Well that's life for me, hehe!