One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Had to do a 2000 word essay...not what I wanted to spend my night doing since it's one of the rare occasions in the last month-and-a-half that my gf has had off to be with me all day...
Found a dead cat in my backyard. Gotta get me a shovel and bury the poor thing.
The website my college uses is difficult to navigate. Maybe I should email my professor tomorrow morning.
Raining and first week of is going to be busy tonight *sigh*
[color=#993300]Another day...[size=6]without you[/h]
Been stuck with the same boss battle for over an hour only to lose repeatedly.
went to the bathroom, took my time, than saw this. We've all had this awful experience, haven't we?

Forum Image:
Holoofyoistu wrote...
went to the bathroom, took my time, than saw this. We've all had this awful experience, haven't we?

Forum Image:

God dammit you too!? I also ran out of toilet paper today. It's so embarrassing having to yell across the house to ask for more. Thing is though, we ran out of all the toilet paper and not just in the hall bathroom.
Lemon had to give me a couple paper towels instead.
NutritiousGoop wrote...
Holoofyoistu wrote...
went to the bathroom, took my time, than saw this. We've all had this awful experience, haven't we?

Forum Image:

God dammit you too!? I also ran out of toilet paper today. It's so embarrassing having to yell across the house to ask for more. Thing is though, we ran out of all the toilet paper and not just in the hall bathroom.
Lemon had to give me a couple paper towels instead.

i live alone right now, so i had to crab walk across the house and get paper towels from my pantry.
Checked my mid-semester exam result for that one subject that I felt confident getting high marks in. Got 70% instead.
It's my birthday.
Volaverunt wrote...
It's my birthday.

Congratulations!! Happy BDAY!
By some twist of irony, I have become the only male resident in a house of 6. Getting nightmares already thinking about the various precautions I have to take.
Coconutt wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
It's my birthday.

Congratulations!! Happy BDAY!

Thanks, I guess.
[color=#993300]I may be getting sick
Lime got hurt in her good eye. She is blind In one eye because of this thing that happened in her childhood and now the other eye is injured for apparently a simmilar reason. I don't know how bad it is though. Details are currently scarce other than they're at the hospital.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I think I have the Winter Vomiting bug that's beern going round. I woke up feeling a tad off this morning but thought nothing of it and went to my Voluntary place as usual. But when I got there I started having dizzy spells and broke out into a cold sweat. I had to make a hasty exit when I felt like I was going to throw up. To top it all off, I just got home and did the runniest shit ever.

I feel bad for leaving my till buddy on her own and I didn't even get to say bye.

I feel even worse for possibly having to not attend my dad's birthday meal at the pub.

Edit: Yep, I didn't go. Blah. I had a nap and they went without me. Been looking forward to it all week.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
The ram I wanted to buy is only available at this bitchy ass site called Newegg (Not entirely true, its just that its cheaper at this site). I tried placing the order, but they kept cancelling it claiming that the information I put down doesn't match with my debit card provider. I tried updating my information, but they still spout the same bullshit. So I had no choice but to choose a different brand from Amazon. It has a lower speed yet somehow it costs more. I'm gonna be pissed if this isn't compatible with my motherboard. It'll be the third attempt. I don't know why they designed the mobo to be so picky about what ram to use. It shouldn't matter so long as its ddr3. ugh....I hate building computers.
Friend of mine while being drunk as a skunk, tripped over our stairs all they way from 2nd floor to first floor, hit his head and cut it open, bleeding a quite a lot of blood.

Thankfully we (or he) survived it with just a couple of stitches and an embarrassing story to tell and remember.
A lot of people at my work asked me if I'm fine because I looked really tired...
Monster Girl
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