
Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


Congratulations largehotcoffee! I notice this on the twitter bio "Jacob largehotcoffe Front End Web Developer at BioWare" I wish you the best on your new endeavors!
[ Poll ] What kind of web browser are you using ? I myself am using Mozilla Firefox. ^_^ And feel free to post any other type of web browser that i did not mentioned because they are so many that this poll would take two pages. =^_^=
TCF January - Turning over a new leaf It's January! Happy new year to all, and happy anniversary to Top Chef Fakku! Let me just take this moment to thank everyone who joined last year. You guys continue to challenge me to get better at co…
Do you read rage comics? Just wondering if any of my fellow fakkuers (how the hell do you spell that?) read or make rage comics. 'Cause I love 'em.
How do i know if my Photoshop CS5 Extended is activated? So guys, I just got photoshop cs5 extended but im wondering i wonder if its still a trial since i didnt really purchase it... Anyway some say if i see a deactivate button on the help button on the pro…
My spaghetti sauce recipe! ^_^ I'll be sharing my recipe that I use for spaghetti sauce! It's one that I make from scratch. ^.^ I can confidently say that this sauce tastes WAY better than a lot of the ones served in restaurants, w…
The FAKKU adverstisments I was just looking at one of my all-time favorites: Ero Iiha Seigi and I came across a pretty funny ad. It was for Manaworld an…
Hermaphrodite. Yes or no? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] Hermaphrodite. Yes or no? I was wondering how you all felt about hermaphrodites in hentai. I for instance think it's one of the grossest things ever.. Because you're trying to enjoy watching a girl.. but then…
Do you wear cologne/perfume? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] Do you wear cologne/perfume? Since there is a vast amount of options for fragrances you're bound to have at least one. I can easily spend a good amount of time sampling different products at Macy's or whatever department store th…
Pink on guys. Is it gay? See, i like pink. Pink is my favorite color. I would buy pink hats, high-tops, jackets shirts, etc etc. I would wear pink everyday (hell neon pink) if I didnt have this irrational fear of being called…
[ Poll ] Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both? Laggi wrote...Extra Question: To make it a little more interesting, w…
[ Poll ] How many Siblings do you Have? Just curious. I have far too many siblings. (not all of them I lived with) For the main ones, I have a older brother and older sister. Not even going to bother listing all the step and half siblings I…
How much do you dare to express your kinkiness? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] How much do you dare to express your kinkiness? When I saw these swimming trunks, my first thought was that I just had to get a pair. My second was, how perverted they are! third was that therefore I'm pervert. Just how far are yo…
Ereine's Sketch & Color works Thumbnail
Ereine's Sketch & Color works Ereine here, I'm restarting my art thread because the old art thread has gone awry thanks to Photobucket (Never post your NFSW pictures here) I found sadpanda which has became my favorite image hostin…
I know some of you are curious about Q 2 words: affirmative action.
Happy Trails Thumbnail
Happy Trails Do you like them on other people? Do you have one one? If so, do you like having one? Straight-ticket "yes" for me.
Have you ever had braces? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] Have you ever had braces? So a couple of days ago I finally got braces. My teeth are fucked up as hell and apparently I have a huge underbite and some sort of jaw problem, but that's now being corrected. Anyway, I never knew h…
Do you have any favorite podcasts? I spend most of my day with headphones on and probably listen to podcasts more than I listen to music. The two genres I like the most are comedy and technology. Some of my favorite podcast…
[ Poll ] What race are you most attracted to? Hey guys, Hows it going? Hopefully nobody will find this offensive (I dont see why someone would but it happens) but what race are you most attracted to? (If I don't add your option feel free to point…
Boy Trouble I need a bit of light shed on a situation. I have a good friend who I dated for a brief time, and then we broke up. We promised each other we'd still be friends and talk regularly while in coll…