is death really the end?

I honestly don't care too much.

Life is finite in nature, and I'm okay with that. After coming close to death a few dozen times, I've realized that I've achieved all of my major goals in life, and I'm perfectly fine with death on a personal level. It upsets me, however, to think that I'd leave the people I care about behind.

tl;dr: I'd like to die last, but I don't mind dying.
Randumb wrote...
I honestly don't care too much.

Life is finite in nature, and I'm okay with that. After coming close to death a few dozen times, I've realized that I've achieved all of my major goals in life, and I'm perfectly fine with death on a personal level. It upsets me, however, to think that I'd leave the people I care about behind.

tl;dr: I'd like to die last, but I don't mind dying.

a few dozen? so you almost died over 24 times?
YoungSimba wrote...
Randumb wrote...
I honestly don't care too much.

Life is finite in nature, and I'm okay with that. After coming close to death a few dozen times, I've realized that I've achieved all of my major goals in life, and I'm perfectly fine with death on a personal level. It upsets me, however, to think that I'd leave the people I care about behind.

tl;dr: I'd like to die last, but I don't mind dying.

a few dozen? so you almost died over 24 times?

Yes. Yes I have.
Death is not scary it is the thought of death.Try to advance in philosophy and you'll see that there is the possibility you try and get to heaven if not and you need to give more effort you'll be resurrected on earth if you are a bad person you go to hell simple as that.
Death is the end of life. Of course, that does not mean its the end of everything and may perhaps be the beginning of something new.
I honestly have no idea, I Just try to live my life to the fullest and hope that when i die, should there be paradise awaiting me, or should i move on to some other form, that i lived and acted good enough to get in the vip slot so to speak of paradise or afterlife. I will try my best to contact you in the event that i do die and if i am able to, i will give you some answers on the matter.
For me death is a beautiful thing... As a person who claims to feel spirits and such i think death is not the end... I look at it this way... When one dies, one have a choice to remain of move on to a different place, i also think that you may be reincarnated into someone else if you desire it...
It's realy hard to say what is the end.Even tho we read all these books on how death is not the end but a new beginning i find it hard to trust what people say.How can one truly know when it all ends for us... think about it this way the brain is split in half between fiction and non-fiction when you sleep it's what I like to call a temp death and this is where fiction and non-fivtion play a key role to figure out if dying is realy the end when you sleep your brain either off or on when your brain is off you are in non-fiction mode meaning your not dreaming or anything your just there.But when your brain is on your in fiction you can do what ever you want heres the best part lets say you die in your dream your death will cause your brain to shutdown for a few seconds and forse restart your what im saying is death is a mixture of fiction and non-fiction...oh yeah this is a short vers
Personally I have no idea. I would like to think that whatever you want happens when you die. Like if you are Religious then you go to heaven, or hell. Or if you just slip into darkness that's what happens, or if you feel like spending the rest of your life hanging out with friends that might happen. The truth is that death scares me too, but the best thing you can do is just wait and see what happens for yourself.
My answer is NO, because according quantum physics information cannot be destroyed. You can crush information to small pieces turn it to heat or energy but you cant destroy it. So if you die nothing in our universe has power to erase you completely and thus you cannot be forgotten.
No? death is just a cycle. i've read on some random thread that. there is an energy within us that is indestructible.
well, if it's really the end. then everything would have ended on a long time.
Khrizz8 wrote...
For me death is a beautiful thing... As a person who claims to feel spirits and such i think death is not the end... I look at it this way... When one dies, one have a choice to remain of move on to a different place, i also think that you may be reincarnated into someone else if you desire it...

I wish I could meet my mother again and tell her how much I love her but I know it'll never happen.When you die it is finished, even the people who remember you will die someday and in the end you'll become a part of the soil.
People just have to accept it,live a worthy life and die peacefully.
I sure hope death is the end. I wouldn't want to live again. Once is enough for me. I also accomplished all of my personal goals and am glad I did 'cause I'm still alive to bask in my own glory. While I don't reject the possibility of a higher being, an afterlife just isn't appealing to me. I'm tired of it all.
Sad to say, but there is no life after death.
I don't think death is quite the end at all. If we're made up of atoms and energy and stuff, it HAS to go somewhere, right? After it's all said and done you could be a part of a tree or a flower, perhaps even a million years from now you'll be a part of some new creature or something. Just my thought.
In my beliefs in the Church of Mike, we believe death is when all episodes of a tv show is new, a beer is never flat, and a fridge is never empty.
IneededAusername? wrote...
In my beliefs in the Church of Mike, we believe death is when all episodes of a tv show is new, a beer is never flat, and a fridge is never empty.

:P haha where can I sign seriously where???
There really is no way of determining if there is anything after life as we know it. All we can really do is philosophize and live life to the fullest. Personally though, I do not believe in any realm or world after life.
The end or not, worrying about it makes endlessness. haha

- True end
- Not an end, but with no memory
- Not an end, but some reminiscence
- Depend on relativity...
inuyashaboy_92 wrote...
I've been thinking a lot about what happens after death and... it kind of scares the hell out of me. What if its over after death I mean I like the idea of reincarnation and/or heaven but what if when you die you slip into darkness forever what if when you die you just stop and you rot in the ground. Tell me what you think I don't care if you are religious or an atheist just say what you think because I really want to know.

I am a firm believer that, regardless of religion, belief and fear, we all know deep down, that death is an end. In my experience, I have 'died' twice, and was born dead as well., although I can't say what happened then as I don't remember. Personally, when I was out of it, and my heart stopped, nothing happened. It wasn't darkness, so to speak, it was just an end, there was no light, no dark, no thought or emotion, or anything of the kind. It was as if I had never been or would ever be.

Now, from this experience, I have taken to believe that, upon death, there is nothing. Not the concept of nothing, not the empty void, where one walks forever on end, and not the heaven or hell that we are meant to believe, to scare us into being good. There is simply nothing. We fear it now, as we should, it is instinctual. but, in my life, I haven't come across anything that scares me, not in the slightest. I haven't any fears or phobias, that I have found, as of yet(I may have them but haven't found the item pertaining to my type of fear yet)I can be surprised, and my fight or flight mechanism works fine in the required situations, however, I have only found that, in all my experience, small amount of time that it is, I have found to be only afraid of the emptiness I encountered, in my momentary pauses of life. I can't say that I am one hundred percent certain, but of this, I believe it to be true. For out thoughts and feelings are only chemical and electrical. Think of our brain like a battery in a remote. When the battery dies, the remote stops functioning. The concept of a soul is interesting, but no longer holds the allure it did as a child. I no longer see people for being good or bad or anything of the like, I simply see people, of various ethnic backgrounds, that try to live their lives as best they can, with what they have been given.

Now, I am no atheist, nor am I religious by any standard form. It is not as if I believe that I great bearded 'man' decided to create the universe, nor do I believe that the big bang was random. I believe that I do not know, nor will I ever hope to begin to grasp upon the knowledge of our creation, only our functions and uses to our societal consistencies.

Back to the question at hand however, apart from my own beliefs, I also think that there is the potential for recreation of our minds through scientific endeavors. My reason for this belief is because of the vast amount of technology we have created over the past hundred years, as well as the fact that we continue to invent and create at an alarming rate. Eventually we shall stumble upon the 'elixir', as it were, for life. Something that will be able to extend our lives, and possibly bring the dead back to life. Some may think of this concept as disgusting or degrading among thousands of other feelings on the issue, but, seriously, between a lack of being, and being, I would rather choose to be, than to loose all that I am and all that I was. Life is never easy, but it creates who you are, and, regardless of the pain and trauma inflicted upon a person, one should always acknowledge the value of each incident as creating who they were or are, at the time of death. Of course, it only scares me now, if I should die tomorrow, none of this would have mattered, my opinions will have meant nothing, my thoughts beliefs, actions, hopes and dreams will have been for naught, and the vision of myself finding someone to love would have been but a flicker of laughter in the light of endless ages.

I am of the subtle hope, that this foolish attempt at communicating my thoughts on this ridiculously complicated subject, will have been met with either understanding, or at least in some degree, influence the opinion or help someone along with their own thoughts on mortality.
LawAbidingCitizen wrote...

--You think your wife and daughter would feel good about you killing in their name? - My wife and daughter can't feel anything anymore, they're dead. --