
Gamer ID's - Now with Masterlist Multipayer games are fun. From Xbox Live Gamertags to World of Warcraft character names. Any ID related to a game can be posted in here for other people to see and add. If at any time yo…


Far Cry Primal Looks fucking sweet. Far Cry 4 was fun as hell to play with a good story {ending sp…
Still playing KOTOR god these games never age as well but still fucking rock. who else remembers their star wars gaming days.
Super Smash Bros. 4 for the Wii U/3DS Announced! Nintendo has just Announced @ E3 last year or two that Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U & the 3DS is gonna be released on the 3rd or 4th Quarter of this year or next year. I've already got my 3DS &…
This is probably off topic but its about gaming ^-^ I know i this post probably shouldn't be posted but I wanted to give it a try. Hi, im 9017Sasuke and im a youtuber and started getting back into Twitch. Im looking for people who lov…
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax First Trailer PV …
Armored Warfare After World of Tanks and War Thunder, another online multiplayer game focusing on tank combat, this time with more modern vehicles. Starter tanks are junk from the 50s/60s, there are whee…
Why is Rance likable? I tried describing it but all my descriptions painted him as an un-redeemable douche, which is true. So how is he a likable character despite his oft times horrible habits?
Curious about VN's. Hello Fakku & the VN team. I was wondering what your current thoughts on VN releases currently are at the moment. From my current perspective it looks like people who read or have an i…
best games that are LEWD hey I'm copping a gaming computer soon and i just wanna know some games that are lewd and for pc! I'm into RPG's, not good at fps's, and will like mostly any awesome game other wise!! all…
[ZyX]Fortuna Thumbnail
[ZyX]Fortuna -This game is not translated- Getchu …
good gaming experience on my macbook pro retina with lol? I've never played League of Legends and want to start but I have a Macbook Pro 13" retina 15' model. I guess my question is if I will be able to play with no problems lol on it. I know th…
Psychonauts 2 Psychonauts 2 and the Return of the 3.3 Million Dollar Man Before I go on a tangent about how I hate Tim, I'd like to say I loved the…
Save Data Loss Probably one of the worst feelings for a gamer, but have any of you ever lost your save game data? If so, what game, how much hours instantly wasted, and were you upset? I recall playing M…
Monster Hunter Online (Chinese Server) w/ English Patch Article stating English patch is okay in chinese server…
Gravity Rush 2 Kaaaaat is baaaaack &l…
Love Live app game Thumbnail
Love Live app game Game just came out for u.s few days Ago, it's like an rpg rhythm game pretty awesome available for both ios and android <-----!!!! Figure I spread the word of the game
Steam key giveaway | Clergy Splode | Flesh Eaters | Hacker Evolution | Hacker Evolution Untold | Star Chronicles Delta Quadrant | Tinboy …
Playstation gift card giveaway I will be giving away a $20 Playstation gift card sometime during one of my streams next week. It'll either be Monday or Tuesday. It'll be a random draw, so anyone who views (except me) can win. If yo…