Tsujoi wrote...
Rookie girl was annoying.

Yep. I see Tsunayoshi Sawada's image in her. Definitely annoying

Tsujoi wrote...
Also, the gasoline part made no sense, she would of been up in flames as soon as she lit the lighter.

It's one of those times in an anime where burning girls/women after being a victim gets you in a lot of trouble.

Overall, I wasn't expecting a passing grade on its 1st ep. I'll be watching this show for sure
Lurker3173 wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
Rookie girl was annoying.

Yep. I see Tsunayoshi Sawada's image in her. Definitely annoying

Tsujoi wrote...
Also, the gasoline part made no sense, she would of been up in flames as soon as she lit the lighter.

It's one of those times in an anime where burning girls/women after being a victim gets you in a lot of trouble.

Overall, I wasn't expecting a passing grade on its 1st ep. I'll be watching this show for sure

It's Urobutcher-sama's script. How can it be bad?
castor212 wrote...
Lurker3173 wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
Rookie girl was annoying.

Yep. I see Tsunayoshi Sawada's image in her. Definitely annoying

Tsujoi wrote...
Also, the gasoline part made no sense, she would of been up in flames as soon as she lit the lighter.

It's one of those times in an anime where burning girls/women after being a victim gets you in a lot of trouble.

Overall, I wasn't expecting a passing grade on its 1st ep. I'll be watching this show for sure

It's Urobutcher-sama's script. How can it be bad?

It's Urobutcher-sama's script. How can it be badhappy and cheerful filled with unicorns rainbow and shit?
castor212 wrote...

It's Urobutcher-sama's script. How can it be bad?

1.) Never knew it was his script.
2.) Was just curious so I Dled the 1st ep and watched. KHR's art style is applied therefore I really wasn't expecting anything great(see gore and more action) after getting disappointed with the now "farm-void" KHR.

Anywho, now I know who's script this is, it just made my list for the season. I usually DL to see if it's interesting before reading who made what. Don't have much time so I DL while at work then watch when I get home.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Just watched the first episode... pretty good, so far.
Episode 2
This episode is calm compared to the first one. All the futuristic visuals are like eye-candies. I hope more stuffs will happen in the next episode.
Episode 2.
Zzzzz...huh? Oh, right. That was boring as fuck. Rather bad to go from action, to some short haired annoyance whining about her job all episode. And seriously, were we supposed to take them arresting that guy in those costumes seriously? Oy...

Also, the theme song sucks ass.
Episode 2 is character and world development. If you don't like it stop watching.
What the....I hope the clothes is real and not hologram...
castor212 wrote...
What the....I hope the clothes is real and not hologram...

She was clearly able to touch them, so they must be like, solid holograms...or something.
RandomRedneck wrote...
Also, the theme song sucks ass.

It does it really does, I don't mind the ED though.

I can't wait for the new police girl to get completely mentally destroyed by the end of this.
nothing935 wrote...
RandomRedneck wrote...
Also, the theme song sucks ass.

It does it really does, I don't mind the ED though.

I can't wait for the new police girl to get completely mentally destroyed by the end of this.

which theme song?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I thought there wasn't supposed to be any cute moe shit. DROPPED.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Psycho-pass fanboys are the worst of the worst. (more specifically Gen Urobuchi fanboys)

2 episode in, and currently it's still a Ghost in the shell "rip-off."

Just because it's by Gen, it doesn't mean it automatically good....>_>
Instantly claiming that this is going to be remembered for years...>_>
Instantly saying that it's going to be influential in the anime industry...>_>
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Kaimax wrote...
Psycho-pass fanboys are the worst of the worst.

2 episode in, and currently it's still a Ghost in the shell rip-off.
Just because it's by Gen, it doesn't mean it automatically good... .>_>

Psycho-Pass haters are worse. They dismissed the whole thing BECAUSE it's by Urobutcher.

Of course... these opinions are mostly from /a/... >_>
I'm not a hater or a fanboy and this anime isn't bad so far. It's still kind of early to be judging this show too heavily. Let's just see where it goes for now.
castor212 wrote...
nothing935 wrote...
RandomRedneck wrote...
Also, the theme song sucks ass.

It does it really does, I don't mind the ED though.

I can't wait for the new police girl to get completely mentally destroyed by the end of this.

which theme song?

The opening.
ep 2... well i guess it's something to watch for. the blond enforcer took the words out of my mouth when she said her reason for being an inspector. which leads me to think why the **** does she not have a backbone after getting dissed like that? not even a glare ffs.. i guess the future looks soft if someone like her became an officer.
Episode 3.
Well, that's one way to solve a murder. By getting the guy so massively pissed off, he tries offing you the same way. Doesn't seem the safest method, but at least it was awesome. Especially that robot destroying shot thing Kogami used there at the end. Awesome.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
RandomRedneck wrote...
Also, the theme song sucks ass.

Subjective opinion. Don't word it like it's the absolute truth.