[Anime]Shingeki no Kyojin/ Attack on Titan

FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
niell wrote...

Also, manga spoiler
Anyone else think that armored titan is a human using Eren's dad's titan power?

you must've haven't read that far huh?
since it is like Eren along with the Collosus Titan.
if you read far enough,you'll know who they are.

Ah, I just read till the most current chapter, and I see what you mean indeed.
Cyndas wrote...
HorribleSubs started to sub this, begone AutisticCommie! Still downloading it in 1080, hopefully it delivers.

Another great episode. The artwork hasn't faltered one bit at all since it started. The voices are really good too, Kaji is doing a fine job.. They're definitely going all out though with this one. They are sticking really faithful to the manga so that's a plus. Also Armored Titan got more face-time here than it did in the manga, but I like the way it's being done.

Yeah, I never realized there was an Armored Titan in the manga in the first place. It was pretty confusing for me and I had to reread it several times just to find where he was introduced.
RandomRedneck wrote...
The amusement of a little pixellation.
Forum Image: http://i47.tinypic.com/2mg4gll.gif

This part made me LOL'D!!!! XD
The anime is doing a real good job at show more of the story that even the people who didnt read the manga it fell natural to them a the best example is the first half of the second episode was well done even for a filler.
rottencorrupt wrote...
The anime is doing a real good job at show more of the story that even the people who didnt read the manga it fell natural to them a the best example is the first half of the second episode was well done even for a filler.

I don't know. It didn't really have the feel of a filler. It actually seems really natural with it. The manga itself is often a clusterfuck of flashbacks and minor time-skips I actually have a hard time keeping up with it. I mean I know it's two episodes, but at least they didn't jump straight into training.

I liked the minor character development, and how they're showing Eren's almost 'false' bravado, but hardened resolve.
He has to grasp the reality that in his current state he's no use to anyone fighting titans, and that time will develop the skills he needs.

Definitely don't(but should..) have to read the manga to follow along with what's happening.
Cyndas wrote...
rottencorrupt wrote...
The anime is doing a real good job at show more of the story that even the people who didnt read the manga it fell natural to them a the best example is the first half of the second episode was well done even for a filler.

I don't know. It didn't really have the feel of a filler. It actually seems really natural with it. The manga itself is often a clusterfuck of flashbacks and minor time-skips I actually have a hard time keeping up with it. I mean I know it's two episodes, but at least they didn't jump straight into training.

I liked the minor character development, and how they're showing Eren's almost 'false' bravado, but hardened resolve.
He has to grasp the reality that in his current state he's no use to anyone fighting titans, and that time will develop the skills he needs.

Definitely don't(but should..) have to read the manga to follow along with what's happening.
That what i was trying to say that the anime has a very good flow on how things progress it feels like a perfect line unlike the manga that has flashback after every ten or so chapters.
fuwaruu wrote...

tl;dr: stay away from commie, unless you want to watch "The Eotena Onslaught".

That moment when you return from work expecting an episode but Commie is subbing it.... e_e MY LIFE.

Edit: gg subbed it just before I started cooking. I'm like FUCK FOOD. 20 min episode. Dat last 10-15 sec animation just made my day at work totally worth it.
Episode 3.
My god, this show can be moronic.

"I managed to not fall over! I'm so awesome!"

Ugh. Yet another increase in my hatred of Eren. The guy has gone from annoying, shrieking shit, to annoying, "I can do anything" shounen guy. Wonderful. Also, I find it hilarious how he and Armin look exactly the same, but Mikasa suddenly turned into a model.

Starting to wonder if this show is even worth my time...
Is it me or is the gg torrent always slow as fuck? Seed:Peer ratio is 1.1, and it takes 22 freakin hours to download a 400mb file?

Laughed so hard at Sasha eating that potato, and the part where Mikasa thought Eren was still sitting beside her. At least she provides some comic relief. Good to see most of the characters getting intro-ed too.
I just love this scene~

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/11942_535296753180463_1633875888_n.jpg

...Btw, what;s the point of them climbing up that hill?
niell wrote...
Is it me or is the gg torrent always slow as fuck? Seed:Peer ratio is 1.1, and it takes 22 freakin hours to download a 400mb file?

gg was fine with me. Done within 15-25 min.

@castor I'm....not too sure. I thought it was to show them what used to be Reiner's hometown but they then suddenly did a transition the dialogue to "Let's hope you get better at keeping your balance."
tooge3 wrote...

@castor I'm....not too sure. I thought it was to show them what used to be Reiner's hometown but they then suddenly did a transition the dialogue to "Let's hope you get better at keeping your balance."

that was.....pointless.
then again,since i've marathoned the manga already,it does ticks me off when i saw Reiner and Berthold's face.

and Sasha's voiced by Kobayashi yuu?
somewhat a perfect cast since the character does have quite a spunk.but,even though i'm a fan of her works,i think she should tone that overhyped voice of her a little since she's more a troublemaker than a comedic character.

urgh...that image of Mina's getting eaten by the titan from the manga keep appearing in my head.
wonder how will they portrays the image later.
Episode 3

Kind of hard to believe that his equipment was to blame, but it looks like they were using it to show that he is strong after all. Potato girl was pretty funny too.
Episode 3

So as to what happened to Eren's equipment, did that imply someone sabotage it or it was just an accident?
Oh and Christa seems very cute.
Episode 3

Potato girl is awesome.

Edit: Minus repped? Potato girl hater!
Unrelated to anime but still SnK related news.


Dunno if I should have any high expectations for this at all.
I love it. :)