Lamest Jokes and Pick-Up Lines

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My Metapod can't get any harder.
If you were a door I'd be banging you all day

If you were my homework I'd be doing you all over my desk

I'm in a camp camp!

Screw me if I'm wrong, but you want to kiss me don't you?

I like maths. You want to go to my room, add the bed, subtract your clothes, divide your legs and multiply?
Is that a hole in your stocking or a stairway to heaven?

nice shoes, lets fuck!

are you an angel that fell from heaven, cause that might explain what happened to your face!

And I'm not sure how it goes but i love jokes like these:
There once was a man who lived in a golden house. Everything in the house was golden. The curtains, the rugs, the ceiling and everything else imaginable were golden.

One night the man put on his golden pajamas, lied down on his golden bed, covered himself with his golden blanket and went to sleep. But later that night he heard a ring on his golden door bell. So he hoped out of his golden bed, put on his golden slipper, put on his golden rob, when down the golden stairs, turn the golden door knob and opened the golden door. And there stood a man saying that his car broke down and asked to spend the night. Seeing as there was no other houses within miles, He let the man in.

He showed the guess up the golden stairs and to his golden guest room. There he gave a set of golden pajamas and golden slippers. He then went back to his golden room, took off his golden rob, and went back to sleep in his golden bed. About 10mins later he heard another ring on the golden doorbell. He once again hoped out of his golden bed, put on his golden slipper, put on his golden rob, when down the golden stairs and as he open his golden door he found another man whose car had broke down and asked to spent the night too. So he showed him to another golden guest room, gave him a set of golden pajamas and golden slippers. And went back to sleep. This happened with another man one more time.

The next morning the three guest come downstairs the golden dining room and sat down on the goldern chairs next to the goldern dinning table to which the butler in his golden uniform asked them "Cornflakes or Weetbix?"

"I'll have Cornflakes" said the first guest
"I'll have cornflakes too" Said the second
"I'll have Weetbix" said the third guest

Which proves that 2 out of 3 people like to have cornflakes for breakfast.
May I ask of you to take our conversation in the other room to hold a more serious discussion?
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Monster Girl
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