Your approach on the one you like

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How is your approach

Total Votes : 146
Straightforward - I stick it right in her butt.
Straight forward, though my approach is shyly. I first read the mood for the perfect timing.
never told anyone yet
Steady... I have to be sure I have a chance... or try to create it
At first it was the shy but seeing as it didn't work out I went right for the Straightforward after getting to know the girl for a while. I made the mistake recently and tied to do it a bit too late but you learn from it.
I pretend I don't like them but then I act caring towards her occasionally. But ignorant people will always be ignorant and they won't see these things. That's why I should stop liking ignorant girls. Sigh~
It's a mix of steady and straightforward. I'll hang out with them, and flirt a bit, but when I can't take it anymore, I will just go and tell them. XD I am too impatient to wait too long, ahaa. It usually works too, so I guess I do wait long enough! :D Plus, if you get rejected, who cares. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. I am not afraid. xP
Heh... I never approach. Every girl I've met so far is either married, single with boyfriend, single with GIRLFRIEND, or she's not interested. Oh, well... then again I'm an idiot so there's that...
My interest and subsequent approach in someone always predicates itself on a gambit. Either I act like my usual self and someone immediately responds positively or they do something I'm jazzed with and I immediately respond positively towards said jazziness.

Lurking interest transitioning into any style of approach is an auto-loss for me. My shy comes off as indecisive and NOT KAWAII. My direct pokes are awful. Steady requires patience.
Steady... Tried to build a good relationship with patience but ended up rejected. lol
Before I was married, I was so extremely shy.. The only time I wasn't was when I met my husband and I was beyond straight forward, so extremely pushy. I'm amazed I didn't scare him off x.x
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