Most Overrated Anime Series?

Most Overrated Anime?

Total Votes : 333
LunaWard wrote...
I'd say Naruto, Bleach and One Piece, enuff said~

No, not really.

All three HST animes get alot of shit, and no one, except a vocal minority of fanboys, is hyping any of those to be anything other than some series following a classic shounen formula.
In fact, i wouldn't really call any of the animes on that poll overrated.

TTGL is a good example of a anime that's overrated as it's still being hyped as a godly masterpiece by many, had we been talking about manga series then One Piece would be the prime example of overrated.
rowanatkinson23 wrote...
HiroyukiShota wrote...
rowanatkinson23 wrote...

Never disliked K-On...(because i liked their VA cast and the delicious eyebrows of Mugi) but the best anime?? Not acceptable... must be people who judge anime by appearance and shout "moe-moe" like theres no tomorrow...

Story: What story!?
Development: It's as long as the ascend of man.


Most comments i see.

1) "X" IS SO CUTE!!!111!!!
2) MOEMOE-KYUN (Seriously? wtf?)

Yea, it has some songs. What else really? The very genre the anime is trying to promoted is being foreshadowed over how the characters look like, blahblahblah, "OMG SHE LOOKS SO CUTE"

Sue me, really. I cannot/will not/don't want to like this. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you good friend, just stating my very bias view on this "anime".

I'm not hiding the fact that I love to read and watch animes and mangas but if people starts to rate animes by its charas and goes gonzo, there would be the time that others will start to lump us to these people:
Forum Image:

OMG!!!. Don't look in the spoiler, turn your eyes everyone that fucking faggot disgusting as hell.
^Thank you. I can no longer see
Loner the People's Senpai
Anymore I'd say it's Bleach. It started off good but it has really taken a nose dive. I think the fillers are somewhat interesting but they are way too long and a they come in at the most random ass time. Adult Swim is showing the "Zanpakutō Rebellion" filler right now which I'm watching, but just for shits in giggles. I'm gonna guess it'll be something like this

-bad guy first appears

-ichigo gets his ass kicked upon first encounter

-bad guy fucks with ichigos friend (particularly orihime or rukia)

-ichigo gets pissed and surprises bad guy with his "hollow powers"

-bad guy has backup plan to counter

-even after bad guys back up plan, ichigo manages to overcome with the support and strength of friends

-(of course being a filler) ichigo never gets stronger, or never learns any new moves or techniques throughout the arch

-ichigo (and ichigo alone) solves all the problems that the shitty SS captains for some reason can't
^Congratulations. You just described the entire plot of Bleach in one post! And your prize? +1 rep! (Which will be awarded in about 3 hours...)
I'm just going to throw this one out there and don't expect a whole lot of positive replies, but I'd have to say Neon Genesis Evangelion. Some story elements in it were really awesome, like the first episode and beginning of the second, then near the end when
it turns out the EVAs are creatures themselves.
. But it was so raved and hyped about "blowing my mind" that I had no choice but to watch it, and about every 4th episode, I was getting bored, but then one instance would happen that made me think the show was going to take a stronger, psychological twist... and it didn't, only did the last 2 or 3 episodes contain what I was searching for. really for me the show was endless fight after fight, Shinji being a bitch, Askua was a bitch, Rei was just strange, and a lack of explanation to several things that are pretty important.
^I'm really glad that someone finally sees this other than me.

A few years ago, I bought the Platinum DVD collection of NGE because I heard so much praise from it. I was expecting for the series to be a "so fucking awesome it'll melt out my eyeballs" anime. I was so wrong.

Here's a metaphor to my experience to NGE:

I see a doujin here on Fakku uploaded and the cover gets me excited. I go a few pages into the doujin and realize that the guy screwing the girls is a big, fat hairy guy who eats McDonalds on a daily basis. Guess what happens to my interest? It's in another tab.

I go to return this back to FYE from where I purchased it and the clerk looks at me with a confused and disgusted face and asks me "Why in hell's name would you want to return THIS?!" saying it like I was returning a Koran to a religious extremest saying "I'm not interested."

So my question lies: What makes this series more popular than God?
HungLikeAZombie wrote...
NGE = Overrated
Forum Image:

For me, it's NGE.

This anime was made waaaaaayyyyy before Yu-Gi-Oh, and it was the first anime that showed ecchi and tsundere in one plot, making it possible for it to be popular for the kids back then.

Yes, there is also sailor moon, but who's man enough to watch such anime just to watch them transform??? Other boys might think that you're gay just by watching that. At least in NGE, you have a scapegoat of watching Mecha anime.

And the ending???

It wasn't even finished. Even now.

Just my two cents.
I don't like much shounen in general, but I'd say Dragonball Z. Not only was it an introduction to anime for quite many people in western parts of the world, it is also quite an influential for modern shounen fighting series and maybe for anime in general. However, it doesn't have much substance. It's mostly just repetitive, even without the filler episodes, and the fights aren't exactly impressive.

Dragonball is actually not bad, but it should have ended when Goku grew up (or even some time before that).

The only other series that is overrated as badly may be NGE. K-On, while being inexplicably popular (I still like it, though), doesn't have it as bad, mostly because it's status regarding "moe" slice-of-life series is similar to DBZ's status to shounen fighting series. And since moe slice-of-life is... well, moe slice-of-life, that's not exactly impressive. DBZ's impact on shounen fighting (and maybe manga/anime of the shounen demographic in general) is way more meaningful.
I don't hate shonen...I just find their plots to be completely predictable and the fights are even more predictable.
Def naruto every little kid I come by seems to only watch that
Naruto and Bleach have too many episodes.
For me its Clannad and K-ON.
Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I'd have to say Clannad , I have seen all episodes and it's good but it's not that great really, there is a lot of better animes out there.
One-Piece, Bleach and Naruto. All three just need to die already -.-
Toxic Influence wrote...
One-Piece, Bleach and Naruto. All three just need to die already -.-

They don't necessarily need to die...they just need to present something to the audience something they'd never expect...but no, same shit, different episode.
Monster Girl
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