What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

my name's axtronoid, and I had this one coz this was a name that was called to me by an old man I happen to meet, a really horny and friendly old man, what you would call "Jiraiya" type of man.
I picked it because it was one I had never used before, and was the first thing I thought of that I thought was any good. It originated as an inside joke in my old high school's concert band. I think it's funny as hell.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I picked it because I want to see how it will look like when devils are on fire since it is said that they are made of fire
I have a police alias of Mudkip because of my dumbass friend and when I drink I take command of whatever and wherever I am, hence drunkenly, I'm known as the Captain. Putting the two together yielded Captain Kip.
I'v been using this username since I was about 7 or 8 (When I thought it was funny as hell) and it's origin is from my old cartoon network account.
I dunno. Shitty crap put together. XD
mine is based from vashes brother knives from trigun i pretty much use this name for alot of stuff because it was a older username i liked and i just keep using it XP .
its my first middle and last name well the 1st letter of them
Name is from the model of 240sx/200sx/Silvia I have. I like it, so I ended up using it as usernames. I also go by RiskyDevil too. I googled Kouki and got this. The more you know!
I use Grayjack in pretty much everything I do online. It came from an enemy in Resistance: Fall of Man.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
I got my name from 2 ''blue bomber'' characters.
I got my username because I wanted an interesting name that started with "Z."
I use Maximilla (cause Max is sort of my online name) for anything sex related online, but Fickilty for anything else (cause the word itself doesnt exist, but I think it should). I'm thinking of changing my name here to Fickilty cause I'm really starting to develop a so-what attitude to sex 'n hentai 'n stuff.
I'm also thinking of putting all of my porn and hentai into my user root in a folder called 'My Porn'.
My user name is "dood" with the o's replaced by (^_^)'s because I wanted to do something silly. I realize now that it almost looks like two emoticons with thumbs up.
Some bastard stole my REAL username "DrFortune888"! I use that name for all my logins, and some asshat took it >:{ I can't belive it.

I use DrFortune888 because in halo 1, there was a console code called .fortune that gave you a message. I've been called the shotgun surgeon a few times, so i adapted "Dr" to the equation. and 888 is the manufacture number for Strike in Red Faction 2. I've been using this username for 8 years now.

Someone must really love me to have stolen this name.

My name "Herr_Doktor" comes from a friend on my minecraft server. He suggested i changed the server name to "meinkraft" or "concentration craft". He called me herr doktor ever since. I only use it in rare cases like this, where some crackhead steals my jizz.

"Herr Doktor, Suffering for the Weak"
My name originated from my xbox live Gamertag which is the same. The name was just a play on Horror.
I wanted to have a username with "Dr." in it. So, I made an appropriate variation of my usual nickname (which, in turn, is derived from Nyarlathotep).
She is one of my RP characters^^ But her full name is Luna LionWard.
I just changed the last word in "Crysis 2" I just love that game got 100% too
Dem Buttsecks
LunaWard wrote...
But her full name is Luna LionWard.

Thats such a pretty name for a game character ^^

Well, I chose my Username cause its the name I use...

...in Real Life :D Leana is my name.
Monster Girl
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