Food you hate/cannot stand

Gravity cat the adequately amused
We all have at least one food type or a specific food which isn't to our liking.

For me, it's any veg that isn't slightly sweet like peas and sweetcorn. So veg I don't like includes sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and beansprouts. I also can't stand spicy foods, unless it's really really really mild.

What are your culinary contempts?
The only food that I just cannot stand is liver, be it chicken or beef, also Brussels sprouts.

Those are the only 2 that I will literally just get up and walk away if they are served to me.
Stuff I tried:
Eggplants - I have no idea why, since they don't have much of a taste.
Caviar - tried even the expensive one, can't have it
Uncooked fish (Sushi, Sashimi) and uncooked meat. I can't eat a medium steak. It has to be at least medium well.
Head cheese (or brawn).
Rollmops (pickled herring files).
Any fish that is not in filet form (means any fish with skin or head visible on the plate).
Seafood (with the exception of deep fried shrimps).
Not fully cooked egg. My sunny-side -up can't have uncooked egg-white whatsoever, but the yolk can (has to) be runny still (cuz I like dippin' my bread into it). But my omelet has to be fully cooked: if I find any runny parts, I can't eat it.

I think that's it. The rest depends on the cook and if it pleases my taste-buds or not. :)
I am willing to try anything at least once, and reserve judgement on it until I try it again, because an ingredient can change greatly just from who is preparing it. However, there is one food I cannot stomach, for personal reasons.

Peanut Butter...Just smelling it makes me nauseous.
I literally don't HATE anything. I wasn't a huge fan of pig ear or intestine. I didn't like the texture and the intestines had a really kinda rancid/stinky smell. Tripes texture makes me a little uncomfortable too but if it's very soft I like it. I also noticed I'm kinda grossed out by tuna salad. >: But if I have to eat it.
iMoloko wrote...
I literally don't HATE anything. I wasn't a huge fan of pig ear or intestine. I didn't like the texture and the intestines had a really kinda rancid/stinky smell. Tripes texture makes me a little uncomfortable too but if it's very soft I like it. I also noticed I'm kinda grossed out by tuna salad. >: But if I have to eat it.

You'd make a terrible zombie, you know that?

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I hate lots of foods, really. I'm really picky about what I eat. xD

I don't like:

Bitter melon
Balut eggs
Plain Dark Chocolate
Snow peas
Any meatloaf that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any spaghetti that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any chili that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any pot pie that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any canned vegetable
Lamb, unless it's the kind my mom makes with an apple sauce glaze
Chocolate ice cream
any sort of casserole
Almost all pre-packaged pastries (twinkies, hostess cupcakes, etc)
Egg plant
lima beans
Lemon meringue pie
Lemon bars
Chocolate covered cherries
Frosted Mini Wheats when they get all soggy... xP
Raw carrots
Egg rolls
Sweet and sour chicken
Fruit cake
Anything spicy

...I think I'll stop my list now.... >.> It's already getting too big.
crazymissotaku wrote...
I hate lots of foods, really. I'm really picky about what I eat. xD

I don't like:
Bitter melon
Balut eggs
Plain Dark Chocolate
Snow peas
Any meatloaf that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any spaghetti that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any chili that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any pot pie that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any canned vegetable
Lamb, unless it's the kind my mom makes with an apple sauce glaze
Chocolate ice cream
any sort of casserole
Almost all pre-packaged pastries (twinkies, hostess cupcakes, etc)
Egg plant
lima beans
Lemon meringue pie
Lemon bars
Chocolate covered cherries
Frosted Mini Wheats when they get all soggy... xP
Raw carrots
Egg rolls
Sweet and sour chicken
Fruit cake
Anything spicy

...I think I'll stop my list now.... >.> It's already getting too big.

I have to ask, would you consider shortening the list if you found someone who could prepare those ingredients in a way that you liked, or would it still be a non-edible to you?
JamesonM wrote...
iMoloko wrote...
I literally don't HATE anything. I wasn't a huge fan of pig ear or intestine. I didn't like the texture and the intestines had a really kinda rancid/stinky smell. Tripes texture makes me a little uncomfortable too but if it's very soft I like it. I also noticed I'm kinda grossed out by tuna salad. >: But if I have to eat it.

You'd make a terrible zombie, you know that?

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B-BUT I LOVE TOFU TEXTURE BECAUSE IT'S SO SOFT. Brains have the consistency of tofu (I'm studying neurology). I hate the reallyyyy chewy things like pig ear. q_q
iMoloko wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
iMoloko wrote...
I literally don't HATE anything. I wasn't a huge fan of pig ear or intestine. I didn't like the texture and the intestines had a really kinda rancid/stinky smell. Tripes texture makes me a little uncomfortable too but if it's very soft I like it. I also noticed I'm kinda grossed out by tuna salad. >: But if I have to eat it.

You'd make a terrible zombie, you know that?

Forum Image:

B-BUT I LOVE TOFU TEXTURE BECAUSE IT'S SO SOFT. Brains have the consistency of tofu (I'm studying neurology). I hate the reallyyyy chewy things like pig ear. q_q

Despite the traditional interpretation of the Zombie, they consume human flesh indiscriminately, not just the brain. You'd be screwed lol
JamesonM wrote...
iMoloko wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
iMoloko wrote...
I literally don't HATE anything. I wasn't a huge fan of pig ear or intestine. I didn't like the texture and the intestines had a really kinda rancid/stinky smell. Tripes texture makes me a little uncomfortable too but if it's very soft I like it. I also noticed I'm kinda grossed out by tuna salad. >: But if I have to eat it.

You'd make a terrible zombie, you know that?

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B-BUT I LOVE TOFU TEXTURE BECAUSE IT'S SO SOFT. Brains have the consistency of tofu (I'm studying neurology). I hate the reallyyyy chewy things like pig ear. q_q

Despite the traditional interpretation of the Zombie, they consume human flesh indiscriminately, not just the brain. You'd be screwed lol

I love flesh. o_o Just not cartilage. And even at that, I still eat it. XD
crazymissotaku's list scares me. It's like all the good food named. Even bacon is on there. All spicy foods as well. *sheds a single tear*

OT: I can't bring myself to eat a tomato by itself. It's weird. But I enjoy the tomato in burgers (sometimes) and in other dishes.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I dislike Okra, but if it's used lightly and covered in some kind of sauce, I don't mind it as much.
Damoz ~Not A User~
I can't eat ANY kind of shellfish. Something about it is just *shudder* horrible.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
I'm not a fan of cooked vegetables, but I can eat most of them raw. The only food I really HATE, are onions. I can only eat onions if they are chopped really small and cooked a long time in sauces, etc.
ToyManC wrote...
I'm not a fan of cooked vegetables, but I can eat most of them raw. The only food I really HATE, are onions. I can only eat onions if they are chopped really small and cooked a long time in sauces, etc.

Well, that is the best way to eat them though. Sauteed on low heat for a length of time brings out the true flavor and sweetness of the onion ^_^
-Stir Fry
-Vegetables that have been exposed to any measure of heat. This list excludes Peas and Green Beans.
Lollikittie wrote...
-Stir Fry
-Vegetables that have been exposed to any measure of heat. This list excludes Peas and Green Beans.

Why be hating on Meatloaf and Asparagus? Those are delicious dishes if prepared correctly...and are among some of my personal favorites.
I have to say I hate pickles the most though.
Ruinsku wrote...
I have to say I hate pickles the most though.

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