Food you hate/cannot stand

crazymissotaku wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
crazymissotaku wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
crazymissotaku wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
crazymissotaku wrote...
I hate lots of foods, really. I'm really picky about what I eat. xD

I don't like:
Bitter melon
Balut eggs
Plain Dark Chocolate
Snow peas
Any meatloaf that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any spaghetti that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any chili that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any pot pie that isn't cooked by me or my mother
Any canned vegetable
Lamb, unless it's the kind my mom makes with an apple sauce glaze
Chocolate ice cream
any sort of casserole
Almost all pre-packaged pastries (twinkies, hostess cupcakes, etc)
Egg plant
lima beans
Lemon meringue pie
Lemon bars
Chocolate covered cherries
Frosted Mini Wheats when they get all soggy... xP
Raw carrots
Egg rolls
Sweet and sour chicken
Fruit cake
Anything spicy

...I think I'll stop my list now.... >.> It's already getting too big.

I have to ask, would you consider shortening the list if you found someone who could prepare those ingredients in a way that you liked, or would it still be a non-edible to you?

I would try it, if they could find a way to make it taste good. ^_^ I just haven't come across anyone who can make any of those things to my liking so far, is all. ^^;

Kouki wrote...
crazymissotaku's list scares me. It's like all the good food named. Even bacon is on there. All spicy foods as well. *sheds a single tear*

OT: I can't bring myself to eat a tomato by itself. It's weird. But I enjoy the tomato in burgers (sometimes) and in other dishes.

ahaha! Sorry. xD I don't know, bacon is just too greasy or too salty tasting to me.... ._. And I can't handle spicy things at all. I prefer sweet things that aren't so overwhelming or too rich the most. ^_^

It seems you have a very simple palette, or a fragile stomach lol But it is good to know what you like and don't like, but that doesn't mean you should be shortminded about food, you know. There is a WORLD of tasty treats out there, just waiting to be sampled (^_^)

That's true. :) But don't get me wrong, I will try just about anything once when it comes to food. :3 Whenever I travel, the first thing I want to do is try all of their food, even if I may not like some of it. It's all a part of the experience, and it's part of what makes it fun, especially when I happen to find a new favorite dish. ^.^

Definitely off topic here, but what is your favorite dish you've encountered while traveling may I ask? Also, what was your least favorite? lol

Well, lets see... When I was visiting some of my family in the Philippines when I was a bit younger, one of my aunts made mungo that was served on rice. It was somewhat thick in texture, and it didn't really look all that appealing, as the sauce was all green with mung beans and meat and tomatoes in it, but when I actually tried it, I really liked it a lot. ^_^ So that's definitely one of my favorites. As for least favorite, I actually didn't travel for this one, but I remember someone who came into my home economics class and made something called rosolje.... It was an Estonian dish, and it looked sort of like a violet potato salad, but I don't quite remember what was in it aside from beets, herring, and potatoes.

That rosolje sounds rather odd...Never been a big fan of herring myself to be honest, but that Mungo with rice sounds pretty good, was it prepared in a curry-like fashion?
Sweetbread, fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake and some seafood dishes, i don't like seeing the eyes/legs/tail of what i'm eating.
kitty93 wrote...
Sweetbread, fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake and some seafood dishes, i don't like seeing the eyes/legs/tail of what i'm eating.

kitty93 wrote...
[size=15]fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake[/h]

kitty93 wrote...
cheese cake

Forum Image:

lol, No seriously, why don't you like cheesecake?
I'm not sure if there is any food I hate. I actually love spicy food but cannot tolerate it that well.

The only food item as far as I know that I wouldn't like to consume on a regular basis are items made with a lot of fat I guess.
PrincessTristan wrote...
I'm not sure if there is any food I hate. I actually love spicy food but cannot tolerate it that well.

The only food item as far as I know that I wouldn't like to consume on a regular basis are items made with a lot of fat I guess.

Fried food basically?
Carrot. That's all.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
Carrot. That's all.

I understand that one, I'm not too fond of carrots myself, but I don't mind it when they are mixed with other foods, like in a stirfry or a salad ^_^
JamesonM wrote...
zeroniv_legend wrote...
Carrot. That's all.

I understand that one, I'm not too fond of carrots myself, but I don't mind it when they are mixed with other foods, like in a stirfry or a salad ^_^

I don't mind carrot if it's sliced thinly. Just don't give me the big chunks.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
zeroniv_legend wrote...
Carrot. That's all.

I understand that one, I'm not too fond of carrots myself, but I don't mind it when they are mixed with other foods, like in a stirfry or a salad ^_^

I don't mind carrot if it's sliced thinly. Just don't give me the big chunks.

Yeah, same here, but I don't mind the chunks if they are boiled and salted
JamesonM wrote...
kitty93 wrote...
Sweetbread, fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake and some seafood dishes, i don't like seeing the eyes/legs/tail of what i'm eating.

kitty93 wrote...
[size=15]fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake[/h]

kitty93 wrote...
cheese cake

Forum Image:

lol, No seriously, why don't you like cheesecake?

Forum Image:

Seriously speaking. I don't know, I just don't like it lol.
kitty93 wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
kitty93 wrote...
Sweetbread, fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake and some seafood dishes, i don't like seeing the eyes/legs/tail of what i'm eating.

kitty93 wrote...
[size=15]fruit cake, cheese cake, carrot cake[/h]

kitty93 wrote...
cheese cake

Forum Image:

lol, No seriously, why don't you like cheesecake?

Forum Image:

Seriously speaking. I don't know, I just don't like it lol.

It might be a texture thing...Hmmm. I've just never known someone to not like it before lol
JamesonM wrote...
It might be a texture thing...Hmmm. I've just never known someone to not like it before lol

Well, now you know someone lol.
kitty93 wrote...
JamesonM wrote...
It might be a texture thing...Hmmm. I've just never known someone to not like it before lol

Well, now you know someone lol.

Well, I don't like it, now the cheesecake sage is displeased with me
My least favorite food, since early childhood was an Indian vegetable which is probably anglicized as "karela" or something. It's extremely bitter, horrible, and I've managed to avoid it since coming to America.
Super strong flavor, for example, the strong Indian spices.
I don't want to say I hate it, but I'm really not use to them...
Also, things like onions, but the purple and strong ones. I have a feeling after I ate them, I smell like that...

I can't stand when I smell food on myself. This is why I quite my waitress job back then.
All food from Taco Bell, after my experience with their bean burrito, and the mexican guy who understood no English. Never. Again.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
IneededAusername? wrote...
All food from Taco Bell, after my experience with their bean burrito, and the mexican guy who understood no English. Never. Again.

What happened?
Gravity cat wrote...
IneededAusername? wrote...
All food from Taco Bell, after my experience with their bean burrito, and the mexican guy who understood no English. Never. Again.

What happened?

My question exactly...
Gravity cat wrote...
IneededAusername? wrote...
All food from Taco Bell, after my experience with their bean burrito, and the mexican guy who understood no English. Never. Again.

What happened?

The guy kept asking me if "I wanted a taco", I was screaming "BURRRITO!!!", then when I got home after spending 20 minutes in the drive through and angrily eating my burrito, I painted the inside of my toilet bowel for 30 minutes strait due to some anti-mexican food reaction my gut had. My gf came home which made it worse as she yelled "WHAT THE F*** DIED!!!"
IneededAusername? wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
IneededAusername? wrote...
All food from Taco Bell, after my experience with their bean burrito, and the mexican guy who understood no English. Never. Again.

What happened?

The guy kept asking me if "I wanted a taco", I was screaming "BURRRITO!!!", then when I got home after spending 20 minutes in the drive through and angrily eating my burrito, I painted the inside of my toilet bowel for 30 minutes strait due to some anti-mexican food reaction my gut had. My gf came home which made it worse as she yelled "WHAT THE F*** DIED!!!"

XD That sucks man, but that is hilarious lol
Monster Girl
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